The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 138 Moments I’ll Regret

Chapter 138 Moments I’ll Regret


Chris is dead.

The voices are a blur as they all try to hold things together.

The emotions that are seeping off everyone are overwhelming. Giving birth to a restlessness that I cannot get rid of.

I can still see Mama Mari’s face when she learned about her daughter losing her mate…

The way Heaven froze before she ran from the room…

The way Tatum’s eyes filled with tears before he walked to his Mama’s side and hugged her, telling her to stay strong…

Trying to be the man of the family now that his father was gone.

He shouldn’t have to. He’s still young.

Rayhan’s pain, Sienna’s… Ahren’s… Dad’s…

The pain in my chest is becoming suffocating, and it takes my all not to shift into my Lycan and let it all out.

This is happening because of me… I sided with Aleric and because of me, he was able to do this… I’m no fucking Lycan. I’m a fucking excuse for a werewolf.



I slowly walk up the stairs, unable to take any more of the painful atmosphere of the room downstairs. I see Azura and Kat move

when they see me leave.

I know they’re watching me. I’m not a fucking idiot.

Whilst they pretend not to.

I move fast, heading to my room and walk

into my closet, trying to control my anger that is beginning to blind me.

I’m not sure if he has a hold of my Lycan, but

… he wants me to kill Dad… and even if he’s

not there, I’ve been analysing and assessing


The urge has overcome me

everal times

too, but I’m glad they’re keeping an eye on me because it’s stopping me from acting out. 1

Dad isn’t downstairs right now. He stepped out for a smoke.

I should kill him now! 3

Fuck, stop Sky!

I just wish they fucking tossed me in a prison cell. I’m not safe to be around!

I find some of my secret stash of the powerful wolfsbane vials I had made and, without thinking, I unscrew one and knock it back. 1

The liquid burns my throat and I clutch at it, just as my door opens.

I quickly toss the bottle back and grab a chewing gum, not wanting anyone to pick up the scent.

The reason I chewed gum so much in the past was to get rid of the smell… especially

when I used to take wolfsbane in small

doses, just to take the edge off my Lycan’s


“Sky!” Azura says as stabbing pain rushes through me.

“What? I’m just tired.” I say as I look at the bed, trying to focus.

I need to get to it…

I walk over to the bed, my body screaming at me. With such intense pain, I can’t breathe properly, my vision blurs and I sit down, glad I made it to the bed.

I lay down and pull the blanket over me.

“Sky…” Kataleya asks concerned.

I ignore her, my entire body burning with


Breathe… breathe….

Tears sting my eyes as I feel Azura sit down on the bed as I feel myself lose


“Good… night…” I murmur, feeling Malevolent nudge her soft body against my

head, meowing pitifully.

I want to pull her close, to hold her and cuddle her, but I can’t. My body refuses to

acknowledge her.

I love you, Mal…

I love you… Roy…

The darkness beckons and I allow it to take

The last thing I remember is thinking

about Ri and her family.

I’m fucking sorry…

I awake with a start; the house is silent, and

I look around the room. Kataleya’s sleeping beside me. The door is ajar, and I see Delsanra watching me from the hallway.

So, they’re smart enough to keep an eye on

me still…

My body moves involuntarily, and I slip out of the bed. Delsanra stands up, pasting a smile on her face despite the tiredness and hesitance in her eyes.

The confidence that I can overpower her is growing within me, but just when I’m about to walk over to her, she speaks.

“Are you alright Sky?” Delsanta asks and I see Rayhan step forward. He had been leaning against the wall near the door, I

hadn’t seen him nor sensed him.


Hmm, can I take both?

“I need to pee.” I find myself saying.

Her face relaxes and she nods, watching as I walk to the bathroom. The pain in my body

has lessened, but I’m still weaker than my

usual self.

I’m glad…

I go to the bathroom and smile as I find myself staring at the windowsill but it’s not the escape route that I’m looking at but I’m being drawn to the bowl of crystals that sit on the glass tray.

I frown as I walk over to it and move them

around until I spot a small glass bottle which

holds a pure black liquid inside.

I didn’t put that there…

I feel the darkness zip through me the moment I touch the bottle.

Powerful enough to kill a Lycan. 3

My eyes flash, and I turn towards the sink, slipping it into my pocket. (1)

Dad. 2

I hesitate, my heart thumping, but it’s only for a second. Aleric did say he’d provide me

with what I need… but how he got it there is beyond me. I flush the toilet and open the tap for a few seconds before I head back to

the room.

Delsanra is right outside the door, and I


She was listening…

“I won’t try to run…” I say, tossing my hair back as I look at the clock.

It’s just past 1 am… “I want to talk to Dad,” I say as Kataleya, who is now awake, watches

Delsanra frowns but nods as I step out of my bedroom and look at Rayhan.

Hmm, I don’t think I’d be able to take both… he’s watching me with those grey eyes and I don’t trust them…

But Dad… Dad is easy… because I’m his little girl, and he’ll foolishly think I’d never hurt him!

My stomach twists.

My brain is split. Half of me is sane whilst another part is plotting the best way to kill


I can’t. I’ll never be able to forgive myself if I killed Dad.

The fear within is growing.

“He’s in his office,” Rayhan says quietly, motioning for me to follow.

I nod, not bothering to reply. I can feel Delsanra’s eyes burning into me. They don’t trust me, and they think I’m up to


Fuck, act on those feelings! Stop me! (1)

I pause at the stairs leading down. I can hear the soft sobs of a young girl crying in the bathroom, trying to stifle her sobs.

Heaven… I glance at the door to the hallway bathroom, feeling guilt stab through me.

I should have ousted Aleric! If I had, then Chris would still be here!

“Are you ok Skyla?” Rayhan asks.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I nod slowly.

“Yeah… Heaven is crying.” I murmur as we make our way downstairs.

Rayhan looks away, and Delsanra puts her hand on his arm. The urge to jump at him and rip his heart out tempts me, but it’s a risk I won’t take… they might just lock me up!

Focus… Dad is the target.

My heart is pounding as I try to drag my feet which have now

picked up their pace.

What am I doing? It’s different from when Aleric was commanding me… although his voice isn’t in my head right now, it’s almost as if his thoughts and wishes have taken over my own mind.

We reach Dad’s office and Rayhan knocks.

d Rayhan knocks.

“Enter.” Dad’s voice comes.

Ah, I can do this… in the privacy of his office

Rayhan opens the door as the first glimmer. of dread settles into the pit of my stomach.

A familiar scent hits me, and I stop dead in my tracks.

He’s here…

Royce and Leo are both there. All three weren’t expecting me here and I can’t help but feel a sharp pang of pain that tightens my chest as I stare at the Ice God before me.

He’s here.

I’m here.

So close yet so fucking far…

I’m a prisoner in my own mind, yet he didn’t bother to come to see me…

“Sky…” Royce says quietly.

I shake my head, looking at Dad bitterly. ” You let your daughter’s rapist into the very

house she’s staying in?! Tell me how that makes sense!” I hiss.

I’m glad they trust him. I’m praying they have a plan.

I stare at Royce again, wishing he could feel

my silent plea.

Sharp pain rushes through my head as my eyes blaze purple and I snap my attention

back to Dad.

“I want to talk to you. Alone.” I say quietly.

“No,” Leo says before Dad can even reply.

I scoff. “You are not the fucking King yet Leo, you have no right to command or make decisions.” I snarl venomously.

He frowns slightly, his sharp eyes trained on

“No… I’m not, but I don’t need the fucking title of king to state my fucking opinion. We all know you ain’t your fucking self.”

I can feel all their eyes on me, and I hate it.

Time to play Daddy’s little girl.

I cluck my tongue before I force myself to


Come on, tears, get through to Dad… manipulate him the way only we can…

‘I just… feel alone’ I say through the link. ” You told me… I can talk to you.’

His eyes soften, and he nods.

“Leave.” He says. 1

Leo looks at him, and I know he thinks Dad has made a stupid decision. He doesn’t trust me and for good reason.

Come on, Leo… refuse it…

I walk over to Dad, and he stands up, pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

I won’t do this.

Of course, I will.

My heart is thumping, my eyes prickling with tears as sheer terror swims through me.

What if I do end up doing something?

“LEAVE.” Dad growls.

“I’d stay on fucking watch if I were you,” Leo growls before he storms out of the room, trying to calm his anger.

I can feel Royce’s eyes on me, but he doesn’t

say a word and I hear him also walk to the


“Close the door, Rayhan,” Dad says.

“Sure.” Rayhan says and when the door closes behind them, I almost smile.

All alone…

Now I just wait for the best time…

I take a shuddering breath and move back, wiping my eyes as I go over to his desk and sit down on it.

“How is Raihana coping?” I ask softly.

He’s observing me. He probably doesn’t trust me, but he will let his guard down. I know that for a fact.

“She’s… not so well, but it is her mate after all, the man she loved-loves.” He sighs heavily and walks over to the desk. Sitting down in his seat, he pulls the chair forward

until he’s in front of me.

He takes my hands in his large ones and gives them a gentle squeeze.

My heart constricts as I stare down at them.

He used to do this when I was à child…

“Things are going to get better… I don’t

know what they’ve done to you, but we are going to make it through this.”

But at what cost?

Our eyes meet before I roll mine. “No one has done anything to me… but yet you let that Solaris King in here… don’t be fooled by him. Get rid of him. It isn’t Aleric who should be locked up, but him.”

Dad sighs before he stands up and motions me to get up, tugging me off the desk.

I oblige, and he takes me to the small mirror panel on the wall.

“What do you see?” he asks, as he makes me stand in front of him, placing his hands on my shoulder.

His frame is much larger, and I stare at my


Black hair, dulled green eyes, pale skin…

From the wolfsbane.

“I see me,” I say, trying to assess when will be my best chance to attack.

I don’t know how, but I know that the poison just needs to touch him internally.

One gash will do the job and then I pour it in

A poison from a god… 6

“I see you too… my crazy, brave, fucking

devilish daughter. But I can also see that this is the you before Royce.” He says quietly.

His words make me tense as I stare at him in

the mirror.

“What does that even miles

I ask icily.

Inside, my heart is pounding because I know

he saw it, the happiness when


was a

part of my life…

Before I rejected him, before I threw false allegations at him… before all this fucking

shit show…

“It means the light from your eyes has dulled … just the way Maria’s and Raihana’s have

He says quietly. “I don’t want to see that look in your eyes… fight this Sky. With everything you fucking have. Fight it. Because the greatest power on earth is nothing compared to our own resilience, determination and fucking willpower.” (3

It’s not enough…. 2

“Embrace your inner self… don’t doubt

yourself. Even when things look fucking dark … remember, you are so much more.”

What a perfect goodbye speech…

Tears spill down my cheeks as I turn to him.

“I love you, Dad,” I say quietly, and I

“I love you.”


You will always be my first

Fight it, Sky!


His eyes soften, and those dark glittering obsidian orbs… fill with a second of

confusion and worry, but he is a father and a father’s love trumps those concerns and he wraps his arms around me.

“I love you too, Sky.’

Now is my chance.

I take a deep inhale of his scent, as I slip the little bottle from my pocket and wrap my arms around him.

How easy…

I almost smile as I hug him tighter, sobbing harder, my nails digging into the skin on his


He doesn’t stop me as he strokes my back and through my tears,

his blood consumes me.

e manic hu

When he’s dead… they wil



un and I

all I

. I will be the only Lycan left

The law was only one Lycan… right?

The smell of his blood hits my nose, and


the lid off. I feel him stiffen, but it’s too late. 1

Rest in peace, Father. 5

I can taste the victory on the tip of my

tongue as I tilt the vial, ready to pour it over his cut, feeling the darkness spreading

around me… 55

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