The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 137 My Beliefs

Chapter 137 My Beliefs 


I close my eyes, the fire witch’s anguish cries. filling my ears. It’s not a melody… but a stabbing noise that is making me restless.

He was a casualty just like Quade…

The number of dead is rising and I’m losing


But he was a necessity… the plan is in

motion and the blame needs to be focused

on Royce. 1

Who killed Chris and how?

Even though I don’t know the answer to

those questions, something makes me

wonder if Apophis has got someone else working for him…

I don’t know who he has but if he has

someone doing his bidding, then it is a cold reminder that if I fail, he can and will easily

replace me. 7

He won’t need me and will cast me aside

with ease.

What am I doing anyway?

What is the purpose of it all?

To be powerful…

I don’t feel it. I feel as if I’m destroying everything I worked for in life. 4

The agonising pain in my neck ever since she marked me has numbed my mind and

senses. It’s not healing, and I can feel my link to Apophis ebbing away. 7

His words the moment she marked me ring in my head.

‘No! It cannot be! Fool! Stop!’ 6

Something about her marking me hit him and since then I am alone, with only his

command, telling me what I need to carry



I am indeed foolish… 1

I scoff quietly, resting my head back as I stare at the ceiling of the room I am held in.

The commotion is ongoing, but my mind is a

storm of thoughts.

Royce’s rage… the look in his eyes… the


I’ve always been jealous of him, the way he

doesn’t care what others think of him, the

way he is always better at things without trying. I would practice for hours to perfect something, whether that be a subject or something in training, but he wouldn’t even

try, and he’d nail it.

How do you compete with that?

I saw the way Dad’s interest shifted to him when he realised he was a born protégée, but

it wasn’t jealousy back then… it was fear…

Fear that Dad will start to hurt him how he

hurt me. I was still his big brother, even if he

was stronger. It was my duty to protect him

… and so I used to tell him I’m better, that I

am the future Alpha, that he can relax and enjoy life. 13

Whilst at the same time I’d try harder to be better, to keep Dad’s attention on me… it

didn’t fully work… but when he realised that

Royce lacked the drive and passion for

power and learning, he then started

extracting his blood and began

experimenting on me with it. 2

They hurt… It hurt… but I would lie and say it didn’t, so he thought he was succeeding… because if he realised he’s failing… he’d hurt him again… 3





“It’s not working!” Dad snarls, and I remain silent as I stand there with several wires

connected to my body.

“It will father, I feel stronger already,” I lie. How do I tell him that my body is rejecting Royce’s blood? 1

We are twins but clearly not compatible…

“Do you?” he hisses, as he spins around and grabs me by the jaw. “Then let’s try something. Last week I checked something on Royce… I want to see what you can tolerate in comparison. Perhaps he is the

one I need to work on…” 3

“Let’s try it,” I say quickly, hiding the fear

that is beginning to eat at me inside.

He smiles. That glint in his eyes makes me wonder when he became a mad scientist.

“Electrocution,” he says, motioning for me

to follow.

I almost come to a halt. My body won’t be able to take it, where I am able to tolerate heat. It is Royce’s expertise to handle This is from NôvelDrama.Org.


“Are you scared? I can simply go retrieve Royce. He might be a better fit.”

I smile. “Not at all, Father; as future Alpha, I

should be the one dealing with this. After all

you only want the future of this pack in the hands of a powerful Alpha.”

“Exactly, son.” Dad nods in approval. 4

The next several minutes are a blur as he

hooks me up to the machines and I stand

there trying not to feel afraid. Preparing for the pain I know I will soon experience.

“Now, when it becomes too much, let me know,” he shakes his head as if disappointed in me. “I’ll try Royce after.”

No. At least let one of us live.

I didn’t like how he pitched us against one. another, we’re meant to be brothers.

Brothers support one another, be there for one another and protect one another… but Dad sees things differently… 2

He wants us to constantly compete, as if

only one of us can succeed.

I take a deep breath, focusing on my safe


Playing down by the lake with Mom, Royce,

and Charlotte…

Focus on Mom’s voice… focus on Charlotte’s


I clench my jaw as the first voltage of electricity stabs into the back of my neck.

The pain rushes through my entire body as I

stiffen, trying to steady my breathing, but I

can’t because another one hits me, and then

another and-



I lose count as my entire body screams for reprieve, but I stay silent, refusing to let any sound escape me.

I don’t want Royce going through this!

Do this for Royce.

Do this for…

It hurts…

I want to rip myself apart to get rid of the pain I’m feeling, but I’m bound to the metal

board behind me.

Is it worth it?

I want to die!


I can taste blood in my mouth.

I want to scream stop!

But… I can’t… because then Royce… 2

Death is better than this… but if I die, then he

will feel it.

He’ll have to suffer the way I do…

I can’t do that to him.

Maybe one day, someone will protect me too … maybe… 22

I think I blacked out because when I come to,

I’m in my bed. I can barely move. My heart is beating irregularly and the taste of blood in my mouth is strong.

“Oi! Ric!” Royce’s whisper comes.

I look around the dark room until I spot the

silhouette outside of the window.

“What?” I ask, but my voice comes out


“Come on let’s go play, Dad said you were tired after training but come on, let’s sneak out. I want to go to the movies,” he whispers.

“No… you go. I don’t want to.” I lie.

He sighs, obviously disappointed. “We need to live Aleric… despite everything, don’t be such a loser, let’s-”

My anger flares as I cut him off. “Yeah, go live Royce! You only care for yourself

anyway! I have better things to focus on like training to be the alpha of this pack! Go!” 2

I don’t have the freedom you do…

“Fine. You’re such a bloody buzzkill,” his

moody reply comes.

I hear him jump down and I look at my

burned skin.

“I guess I survived…” I murmur. “Of course,

he tried this when Mother wasn’t around…”

I lay there unmoving, my body in too much

agony to do anything.

It’ll get easier…



The pain and torture soon made me bitter… and the love I had for Royce morphed into

resentment and jealousy. 2

I won’t deny that.

I wanted the life he had, but… I told myself

that once I am alpha, it’ll be worth it… only to realise that my brother is the Solaris King


In the end, he still won… 1

He didn’t need protecting…

I was a fool to put someone else before

myself, and that is why I planned to change

that. 1

Dad wanted in with the Lycan King. I would make his daughter fall for me! But then what happened? Royce beat me to it…

And what makes it a thousand times worse is

the fact that he even took my mate… 2

But I doubt I’ll be around for long… she doesn’t want me.

The hatred in her eyes… it’s obvious she resents me… and that only angers me…

I know I’m failing Apophis… and his wrath is hanging over me like a dark, gloomy cloud.

I may be a fool, but I also know I may have bitten off more than can chew… 3

I open my eyes and stare at the witches that

are watching me.

I can’t break out, not when the likes of Magdalene, Janaina, and Raihana have powered the barrier. I mean, unless I portal out and right now I don’t need them to learn of or witness my ties to Apophis…

Leo Rossi, or should I say, Schurke Wolf, paid me a visit, but I ignored him. He is no

angel either. 1

Royce… Alejandro Rossi… they all think I killed that man, but I didn’t. Even if I told them that, they wouldn’t believe me, and so, I stay quiet, infuriating them by remaining


That is rather enjoyable.

They left after a few hours, and I can feel the

unease and tension from beyond the barrier.

Oh, how sad…

I’ve had my eyes closed for a while and I

hear one of the witches’ murmur that I am


How easy to fool they are…

‘Can you hear me?’ Apophis sudden hiss fills

my mind, and it takes my all not to react to


‘Yes.’ I respond, relieved that he’s here.

‘Something is stopping me from reaching

you and I assure you it’s not these useless

spells.” He spits venomously.

I resist frowning.

“Oh, then what is it?”

“It’s the girl, your mate… She’s been favoured by none other than Bastet!’

The rage and anger in his voice is immense,

and I can feel it in my bones. My heart

squeezes as his rage grows and I can hear

the witches become restless.

Bastet… Apophis’ sworn enemy and the one to defeat him in the past…

‘Her mark contains the symbol of Bastet!’

Is that why my mark isn’t healing?

Was this the plan of the goddess? To mate

me with someone who will possibly bring my doom?

We are both favoured by gods… whilst Royce … has the hand of a god upon him. It angers me, but once Apophis gives me more, I am

certain I can become stronger, just like


‘Are you not giving us away by coming here?

‘I ask quietly.



He thunders, his voice making my head split

with agony.

‘Understood… what do you want to me to do?” I ask. His wrath in itself is violently tearing through me, and I can taste blood in

my mouth at the sheer mental force.

“Kill her! No matter what it takes, I want her

dead! I have caused a distraction to divert

the attention away from you and it has cost

me… do not let it go to waste!”

Kill Sky? She’d make a good mate… once she’s broken into obedience anyway…

“High Witch!” someone shouts.

Apophis suddenly vanishes and I’m alone

once more, but the witches are scanning the area. I look around pretending to be unsure what’s happening, but I’m certain they picked up on Apophis’s energy.

“We sensed a dark energy,” Sephora says as

she points towards the barrier.

Use it to my benefit.

“He’s probably here to get rid of me, too,” I say quietly, just as Magdalene enters.


“This is enough foolishness! I am not going to be responsible for another werewolf’s death on my grounds.” Magdalene says. We will strengthen the spells and I will talk

to the Lycan king about having him moved!”

She spins around and leaves in a flurry of

dark robes.

I almost smile as I watch her.

Ah, she really is too old for this position. Once upon a time, she may have been a powerful witch but now… now her age is making her make mistakes that perhaps she

wouldn’t have made many years ago…

Her senile brain will be the end of her.

Another day has gone…

Soon, the three days will be over, and I will

be free to kill or have them all killed.



And last but not least, Skyla… perhaps killing her before Royce would be the final payback for everything I have done for him, and not once did he appreciate it… 7

Ah, I wouldn’t have minded keeping her, but she is a small price to pay for the victory that is almost within my grasp… 11

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