The President Broken Angel

Someone trustworthy

One week later.

“Hey, Jhonia, do you want to have lunch with us?” Lusinly asked, Jhonia turned around in her seat looking at them.

“Not today girls, sorry.” Jhonia said with a smile.

“It’s okay, next time.” Daeviann said as they returned the smile, but they were disappointed Jhonia see it, as they began walking away Jhonia stood up!

“How about tomorrow on me?” Jhonia asked Lusinly to stop and turned around.

“Okay.” She responded but Daeviann continue heading towards the elevator as if she didn’t hear Jhonia words in question. Lusinly catch up with her and together they leave. Jhonia sat down with a loud sigh.

“This is the third since I turned them down, she must feel like I don’t want to eat with her. Ah… I have been so busy.” Jhonia said speaking to herself. She push her hair back and began typing on her computer when the sound of female shoe began getting louder and louder in her ears she finally look up and walking towards her was a young woman. Wearing a black dress sucking onto her body, a pair of heels and stockings, an open brown coat, a purse hanging from her shoulder, and her phone in her hand. After the woman past Jhonia, she looked around and realized that she’s was the only employee left of her department.

“Ah. I should have said yes, but I said no.”

Jhonia sighed and scolded herself, a hit to her head with a pen. She decided to ignore the fact there’s a woman up there with her boss and continue her work a send everyone their assignment for next week. Meanwhile!

“What the hell? I said I was coming to you!” Kyhe asked and then said with surprise! He was already standing when she entered.

“I could not wait.” She responded as she began walking over to him removing her coat!

“Let’s take it somewhere else!” Kyhe said to her, but she placed her index finger onto her lips, which filled with red lip-gloss.

“Shh!” She undoes his belt, unbuttoned, and zips his pants down. One by one looking at him with desire filled her eyes. Kyhe placed his hand on her thighs gripping her with his fingers. He pushes them up to her waistband.

“Why didn’t you listen?” Kyhe asked her as he met her eyes.

“Who dares to come into your office without permission?” She asked, pressing her lips against his as she removed his tie. Kyhe lifted her up and took her to the couch placing her down, and laying between thighs kissing her.

Time passed when Jhonia looked at the time. “Ah, I didn’t go for lunch. I will get this signed and delivery it before lunch and send this to law department first.”

Jhonia stood up taking both files and walked towards Kyhe’s office after she reached the door she knocked twice. Kyhe lays down on this couch with his female companion above him.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I will get it.” She said getting up from him and heading for the door, wearing Kyhe’s inside shirt. Kyhe got up immediately and went after her, grabbing her arm and stopping her, she turned facing him… Jhonia phone rings.

“Hello!” Jhonia picked up the call and began walking back to her desk!

“What was that for?” She asked looking up at him.

“Get dressed and leave! Your time here is up!” Kyhe said to her, his tone of voice was no longer friendly as he released her arm then removed his shirt from her and bin it. He walked away and over to a secret closet, taking out a new shirt and putting it on.

“You can’t treat me like this!” She said to him, crossing his arm with a frown.

“Don’t expect to see me call you again. You can leave willing or get escorted out by security, which do you prefer?” Kyhe said to her putting up his shirt, then ask?

“You are”

“A player, jerk, an asshole? I have been called worst.” Kyhe cut her off calling himself name then asking before he then stated he was called worse.

The female got dressed and leave. Jhonia ended her call and was heading back to Kyhe’s office when she noticed the female companion coming down the stairs. Noticing that she was not looking happy, Jhonia then looked up at Kyhe’s office and sign. She waited and the female companion had entered the elevator before heading towards Kyhe’s office, again. She knocked and waited but with no answer she knocked again.

“If it’s not important then go away!” Kyhe yelled saying. Jhonia opened the door and entered.

“It’s important but there’s no reason for you direct you disappointed at me! Sign here and here… Also, not because I’m your secretary doesn’t mean that you should just take my word for it. Mr. Knight. The company is yours not mine if you keep taking my word for it, I could miss something, and the Sky will be at risk! So, even when I checked a hundred times. You should check for yourself before you sign. Did you already forget what transpired previously? I will take my leave.”

Jhonia said to him reminding him, she’s not the reason for his distress. She then showed him where and where to sign. After signing Jhonia noticed that he was absent minded and didn’t checked the file but rather just sign it. Jhonia then took the chance to remind him that he almost lost Sky because he didn’t check the agreement himself which he almost signed with Baco. S&C. she asked if he forgot and said before leaving.

“I won’t have to check it with you.” Kyhe said as she was leaving, Jhonia stopped and looked back at him.

“Because you are someone, I can trust Smith, Secretary Smith.” Kyhe said but Jhonia didn’t seem to be impressed or surprised by what he said. Her memory flashbacks.

“Who the hell is she?” The woman asks.

“She’s my”

“I’m his secret keeper.” She remembers cutting off Nearce.

“Do you?” Jhonia asked him. Kyhe looked up at her immediately. Being as observant as she is. Jhonia had long realized that he is absent minded at times but he’s one who is quick to judge. Jhonia walked away allowing the door to swing and closed behind her. Jhonia left to deliver the files and forgot to get lunch. She returned desk and sat a note. She picked it.

“Took the rest of the day.” The note said she knew it could only be Kyhe but then she noticed no one was there and neither was their coats and bag. Jhonia smiled then picked up her bag putting it to her shoulder and walked off towards Kyhe office, when her phone rings and she stopped and stepped back picking the office phone.

“Hello!” She answered the call!

“There’s no need to come up! Go home and rest.” Kyhe voice said to her and ended the call. Jhonia felt like he was looking down at her, but she had forgotten the glass is screen off! She glanced at the glass for a few seconds then turned around to leave. Kyhe unscreened the glass watching her leave.

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