The President Broken Angel

How can I blame you

“Hi! I got lost could you help me with using that paid phone?” Jhonia asked the person within the car but the man stared at her for a good while as if he was in shock, he looked her up and down before getting out from the car.

“Here, but do you know how dangerous it is for a woman outside this place, this late? It’s pass midnight!” the young man handed her coins and asked her if she knew of the danger she’s in and then stated, Jhonia stares at him with surprise and he gave her nod.

“You are not from here, are you?” He asked her as he walked with her crossed the road and over to the pay phone.

“No. You not going to try to harass me, are you?” Jhonia responded to him and then asked. Walking over to the payphone.

“No!” He responded to her question. As she opened the glass door stepping inside and closer picking the phone and inserting the coin, but then hesitated as it has past midnight whom will answer her call. After a deep breath she decided to call Orean. After several times calling no answer.

“Everything okay?” The man asked as he notice that she was losing patience.

“Ah no, he’s not picking up!” Jhonia responded to him.

“At least you’re honest, it’s okay. Why don’t you try others?” The man said with a smile, he ask her to try calling someone else. Jhonia decided to call Kuwain, rather than to call Mrs. Pinnock to have her called Nearce or to find out that he allowed her to be alone.

“Hey, you have reached Kuwain. Now, you know that I’m busy!”

“I think it’s his voicemail!” Jhonia said, before inserting another coin and calling him again, and again, but it was his voicemail! She tried again and it was the same.

“You seem to have a bit of bad luck today.” The man said, and Jhonia lip smile at him. In that moment she decided to try the office she quickly inserts the coin and proceed calling.


“Hel” The call ended! Kyhe wondered who was calling at that time of the night!

“Oh, shits the elevator!” Kyhe said rushing back to the elevator but it was closed! He places his thumb on the scanner.

Back to Jhonia!

“Try again.” The man said to Jhonia, her eyes filled with dissatisfied tears.

“It’s okay, I will have to find my way back!” Jhonia said, but the man seems so sure if she tries again someone might pick up! He went to the phone and inserted three coins and redialed the number… On the fourth ring.

“Hello!” Kyhe voice came on the phone.

“Hey, someone pick up! Hurry!” The man said, while Kyhe wait with confusion, Jhonia rushed back to the phone booth retrieving the phone.

“Hello!” She answered!

“Jhonia?” Kyhe questioned as he stood in the dark of the Secretary department with wonders.

“Yes, sorry. It’s… Can. Can you help me?” Jhonia answered and apologized, hesitating to ask but did ask for help. The man took the phone from her!

“She lost! She needs help! I’m not sure what happened but being out here and alone is not safe especially for her, come get her. We are at the…” The man continues to explain to Kyhe, Jhonia stood with embarrassment! After he ended the call, they both were standing on the sidewalk! While his car was left parked in the middle road.

“Can you at least tell me… What happened?” The man asked and Jhonia sigh looking down the direction she came from.

“If only I had paid attention to my surroundings none of this would have happened! Yesterday, was my father’s birthday although he passes on I still celebrate his birthday but my husband started accusing me of sleeping with my boss, after I dropped everything to come on this business trip with him. I became very irritated and leave not realizing that time was passing, I’m so sorry to have trouble you with my problems.” Jhonia sated she should paid attention and explain it was her father’s birthday and she would do, briefly she told him what happen between her and her husband and what she did without realization then apologize to him.

“No problem, glad I could help! My name is Alshane by the way.” He said to her and introduced himself as he extended his hand!

“Jhonia, spelled J and h onia.” Jhonia said fearfully extending her hand the phone rings, and she rushed to the phone booth to get it!

“Hello! Mr. Knight wanted you to know he’s on the way.” A male voice answered and spoke.

“Oh, thank you… He’s on his way.” Jhonia express her thanks, after ending the call she returned to Alshane side and spoke.

“Good, I will have get going in an hour, so you have one hour with me to keep you company.” Alshane said, then told her she has an hour with him.

“Thank you, I will remember your help even if we never met again.” Jhonia said her thanks and said sadly.

“Oh, don’t be sad we don’t know what the future holds. Maybe one day, we will meet again.”

The man said to Jhonia! Second turned into minutes and the man had to go on his way, it was now 1:15 AM. He leaves Jhonia standing there, she watched the road for some time then went to squat down next to the dark side of the phone booth. Where she got comfortable and began nodding off! Time passed and Kyhe arrived at the phone booth and didn’t see her, he got out of the car and walked over to where she should be!

“Jhonia!” He called!

“Mm.” She respond in her sleep, Kyhe step back when he noticed her!

“How can you sleep here?” Kyhe asked her, Jhonia raised her head and looked at him with sleepy eyes.

“You came.” She said as she wrapped them around Kyhe’s neck, he lifted her into his arms and brought her to the car. After placing her on the front seat and pulled off his coat and covered her.

“Why would you come out like this, I wonder what happen?”

Kyhe asked while he fixed his coat on her. He went to the driver’s side and noticed someone coming in the distance, he stood watching for a moment.

“He must have been the one who called!” Kyhe said getting into the car, he flickered the car lights a few times before swerving the car around leaving… Nearce stood watching the car go in anger he squeezed his phone until it rang.

“Hello! Yes, tell me in the morning let’s meet then.” He answered the phone and said then he hung up!

“You did well Jhonia, you acted like you weren’t trying to make a fool of me but whom do I believe my eyes or the words you said?” Nearce asked himself as he turned and walked away back to the direction of which he came. After arriving back, it was 3:30 AM. He began drinking.

“How can I blame you, when it was me who pushed you into his arms, but I can’t even blame myself, how can I? When I take after my father, seeing you here still made me believe I could win you over again, but how wrong was I?” Nearce said asking himself, question after question and telling himself. Afterwards he began smashing the things inside the room when he noticed Jhonia phone facing down, and the ring he gave her was inside the case of the phone.

“Why would she be carrying it around with her?” He asked as he quickly slide the phone open and checked the message once more.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey! It’s Kyhe. Sorry about not wanting to give the day. I heard it was your father’s birthday today! My condolences. See you on Monday, Secretary Smith.”

“Yesterday was her dad’s birthday! Oh, …. His number is not even saved. God darn it! I accused her wrongfully. Why do I keep making the same mistakes?”

Nearce asked himself staring at the ring and Jhonia phone, he rushed for the things she bought, calling the individuals for the property and pay them for the damage he cast and went after Jhonia…

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