The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 11


A week living inside Nicholas’s house has been like heaven on earth. Although I have to clean the entirety of his mansion and prepare food every time, but I eat what I feel like eating, drink what I want to and did I mention how sweet he is? He also talks to me about his day at work and other things, but one thing I’ve noticed is that he doesn’t talk much about his family and when he does, he only talks about his mum and how he is also an only child, and then changes the topic almost immediately. We’re now close but not close enough for me to kill him.

“Hey, good morning.” He says as soon as he gets down the stairs in only shorts, with his abs on full display. I must admit he looks so sexy? He isn’t going to work today because it’s a Saturday.

“Good morning Nick, did you sleep well?” I ask him with a big smile, as I finish setting up the table for breakfast.

“Yes, I did. Also, thanks for Last night’s dinner, it was perfect.” He says, making me blush hard, “Did you sleep alright?” He asks me. I’m a very good cook. Yes, my dad used to teach me how to cook, and I love doing it, and that’s another reason I’m so glad I’m staying with Nick, because I have the freedom, and resources to cook as much as I want, whenever I want, and that means everything.

“Yeah, I did. Thank you for asking.” I answer and he walks up to the dinner table where I am standing.

“Something smells so nice in here, what’s that?” He asks, sniffing the air and then takes his seat.

“Well it’s breakfast, obviously.” I answer, rolling my eyes, “And stop exaggerating, it’s just toast and egg.”

“But it smells so delicious.” He pouts and I hand him a napkin. He puts the napkin on his laps and then stares at me. I chuckle before going into the kitchen to grab the plates of toast and egg and then come back to the dinner table.

“Here.” I say and drop a plate right in front of him. He smiles a thank you, and then starts eating. I walk back into the kitchen to get a jug of Orange juice, and two glass cups, which I rinse before taking it back to the dining table. I pour the both of us a glass of orange juice, and passes his to him, before I sit at the table and then start eating too.

“This is so good, I never knew something as basic as toast and egg could taste this good, you really are amazing at cooking Cassandra, this is delicious.” He compliments me.

“Thank you.” I blush and then continue with my food.

“How did you learn to cook though?”

“My father.” I start, “He would teach me how to cook every day. He was amazing at it too.”

“Your father sounds like a good man.” He says, with a tint of sadness in his tone.

“Yes, he was a really good man. The best father in the world.” I say, fighting back sad tears.

“So, what are you doing this night Cassandra?” he asks suddenly and I look away from my food to stare at him.

“Meaning?” I ask.

“Like do you have anywhere you are going or any plans for tonight?” He asks, making me look at him like he’s stupid. Where would I go to? My boyfriend’s house?

“Yeah! I do, because I know my way around here, and have friends.” I say sarcastically, continuing with my food. Sometimes I wonder how he’s such a successful business man, because he says and does a lot of stupid shit. “Anyways, why do you ask?”

He chuckles, “Sorry, I just want to give you freedom from cooking this night.”

“Why? I’m not complaining or are you going somewhere?” I ask him in confusion.

“No I mean I would like to take you out for dinner.” He says.

“But we can just have dinner here as usual.” Why waste money when we can have a splendid meal here at home?

“Yes I know that but still I insist. I just want to take you out to dinner, get to know you and you know other things too.” He says.

“Let me get this straight, you’re asking me out on a date?” I say but it comes out more like a statement than a question.

“It depends on if you want to go on the date with me. So what do you say?” He asks.

“Well I don’t think it’s okay for an employer to take his employee out for dinner dates.” I say and he laughs.

“Well this isn’t a business organization and besides, I’m asking you to go on a date with me not as your employer or you as my employee, I want to take you out as a man and you as a woman.” He says and I go silent for a while.

“Do you have a boyfriend or something or why aren’t you saying something?” He asks.

I face palm, his stupidity getting on my nerves. “Yes, I have a boyfriend and yet I was living on the streets, and my boyfriend is so nice, he lets his girlfriend live in a man’s house and have indirect dinner dates with another man.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah! I’m sorry, but can I take you out on a date?” He asks, his voice filled with hope.

“Yeah! Sure, you can take me out on a date.” I answer and he smiles before continuing to eat his food.

“What do you think of Thai food?” He asks me.

“I’ve never tried it before, and I’d love to try it, so yeah! I think it will be perfect.” I answer and then we continue our food in silence. When will the time be right for me to finally kill this man?

It’s already night time, and time for my date with Nick. After putting on the tight long black dress he bought for me, I hide the knife inside the inner pocket. Although, I have a very uneasy feeling about killing him, I still have to do it, it’s what I’m here for. When I signed that note, I knew there was no going back from it, so I can’t have any second thoughts now. I let my hair fall down my back in curly strands before putting an expensive, gold hair clip in the left side of my hair. I do a once-over in the mirror to see if I look good. My makeup is not too grand, just moderate; the way I like it. and my red lipstick is making my round lips look more pronounced, and sexier.

I hope I am okay because now that I think of it, I seriously haven’t gone on a date since I was in high school, and that’s because no one ever caught my attention. I don’t remember the last time I was asked out on a date due to the various hearts I had broken or when I had a boyfriend. Sex is not a problem since you don’t have to love someone before you have sex with the person but I haven’t done that in months too and that leaves me wondering how sex with Nicholas will feel like. Would he be commanding or submissive during sex?

Shut up Cassy, you shouldn’t be thinking of having sex with the person you’re supposed to kill, so get your head back in the game missy. I shouldn’t even be going on dates with him either but here I am, dressing up like a princess just to go to a restaurant to eat with him, but I can’t forget my purpose here. I have made up my mind, I have to kill Nicholas this night, because I may not get a good enough chance like this again.

I wear my silver stilettos and grab my silver purse-which he also got me-off the bedside table and then leave my room for the living room. I’m about to get down the stairs when I see Nick right at the bottom of the stairs. He is standing there with his head facing the ground, his shoes tapping on the floor repeatedly. Why is are there butterflies dancing in my stomach though?

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