Teacher’s Student Mate


Kai’s POV

I tiredly trudged my way back to my university dorm with a heavy heart but refused to let the glimmer of hope to still win back my mate die down to nothingness.

Even Dominic had called in to tell that he wouldn’t be able to make it to our dorm tonight as he was onto something related to the video leak incident. I had just hummed in response and the Vampire King tried to lift my mood by teasing me that he would cash in my treat tomorrow night instead and he couldn’t wait to have me by the gym lockers tomorrow morning again.

Ofcourse the call ended with him getting cursed and his goodbyes filled with teasing laughs and many dirty whispers but as much as he tried to lift my mood, I still felt my heart doing sad flips on thinking about my rejected princess.

I unlocked the dorm’s door which had been closed since ages and sighed after I got in before resignedly, knocking my forehead against the wooden door and closing my eyes as I remembered our first spat at this very door.


“Please tell me that you are the cleaning lady”

“And I hope you are the plumber”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Woah lady ! This hot piece in front of you might look freaking hot shirtless while doing the plumbing work but kindly keep your pervy fantasies with you. Now excuse me please but I’ve got some beauty sleep to catch. This pretty face here needs atleast 8 hours of sleep to look so fresh”

“The fuck ?”

“What the hell, bitch ? Do you want to batter down my door ?”

“Fuck off”, she had angrily said as she had pushed me away and had stomped her feet over mine and then ran the wheels of her luggage over mine again.

“Bloody hell !?”, I had whined.

Tears dripped down my eyes when I remembered those times. How would have I known that my life would beautifully change for the better after that stormy meeting.

“I miss you. I miss you so much”, I sobbed against the door as if it could provide me solace for the beautiful thing that I had brutally rejected.

I stayed like that the entire day and evening, not caring if the soles of my feet hurt or my tear dried eyes burned painfully.

As the sun set down, I still had only one wish in my heart- I wanted my princess back.

So in a state of utter frustration, I finally shouted out.


Call me stupid, crazy or a wishful thinker but I had thought that my loud admission would make a soft pair of hands magically snake under my shirt from behind and familiar sparks would erupt everywhere as my mate and Lycan came back to me.

However, it was all a wild dream that I knew won’t come true.

Oh Goddess, what had I done !!

I missed my mates so fucking much that in my despair, the thought of drowning my worries in alcohol all night seemed to be an amazing idea as if it was lit as fuck.

And where do you think was I going to swim in liquor at this hour ?

Ding, ding, ding.

You got it right.

The club !

So without much thought, I trotted into my room with atleast an aim in mind and something to do than to cry at my door, before I tore out of my work clothes somehow and jumped into the bathroom for a quick shower.

For a man going to drown his miserable life and worries in alcohol, the way I cleaned myself and chose my outfit, I looked like an eager dog going out to a park to meet a hot bitch.

Was that even the correct analogy ?


Not the time. I was not an English Lit Prof in any case.

Point was that my hair was perfectly gelled to let sexiness ooze out of them while a ring clipped on my eyebrow, contrary to the decent professor look I usually entailed to daily; which gave a bad boy vibe out of me.

I did not take time in choosing a club level fiery hot, white open chested shirt to adorn my upper body to give a teasing peek to my abdominal muscles that only came with supremely hard training.

My skin was exposed enough to make anyone’s mouth water but covered enough to keep the mystery going.

I was sure that my mates would have appreciated my look in every way possible by whispering praises in my ear again and again to proving their lust and attraction by capturing my lips with theirs until they were swollen red to finally going down on their knees after remarking that the huge bulge in my pants did not seem right and needed to be taken care of immediately.

Bittersweet tears laced my eyes on thinking about them but I brushed them off and instead fit my legs in the tightest pair of black jeans possible that left the front and behind very little to the imagination.

The last thing I clipped on was a leather wrist band on my hand before slipping my feet in heavy black, biker boots and sighing on knowing that I was playing dress up just to feel closer to my mates, even if it meant day dreaming over alcohol about them in a madhouse of sweaty and crazy people in it.

I needed this tonight, were the last words I said to myself in front of the mirror before going out to succumb to my sorrowful loneliness in ironically a place which was going to be packed with people.

However, how was I to know that it was going to be one of the best nights of my life ever !

Amanda’s POV

“You didn’t tell me”, his voice carried hurt as he suddenly engulfed me in a hug and broke down, the moment he entered my room. “You are an idiot !”, he exclaimed before crushing my smaller frame between his mighty, muscular arms.

This hormonal, pregnant Beta experienced the worst of mood swings and all his emotions went to the extreme. I swear there was no middle ground.

Nghh !!!!

Ryan looked on at us worriedly from behind while Dylan seemed like he was on the verge of losing control and killing anyone near sight as his anger was directed at someone who no longer existed in this world.

All this was Tyra’s fault !

Tyra had found a crying mess of myself in the bathroom the other day and convinced me that of all people, my brother deserved to know the truth and the reason for all my actions along with what the Dark Overlord and our father had made me go through.

However, I tried to put off the nasty story telling of my tale of woes to my brother as much as I could till Tyra came barging into the kitchen in the morning before everyone got up and asked me to find my own closure and tell Zeke.

Ryan of all people, ofcourse heard everything and told Zeke and Dylan but he had not warranted for his pregnant mate’s present alarming outburst and Dylan’s shaking fury.

“Yes, I didn’t”, I curtly replied. ” …. and never intended to in this lifetime”, I finished my sentence when Zeke looked up at me with red rimmed eyes and an eyebrow immediately shot up on Dylan’s face.

“You were never going to tell us ?!”, Dylan incredulously asked, his fury not hiding in his voice.

“Yes. I took an oath and I could not tell anyone before the Dark Overlord’s death. However, I did not want to tell afterwards too, as I did not want to upset you all after I was finally free of it”, I replied and barging men’s heated gazed immediately softened as two pair of arms enveloped me in a loving group hug.

“You can never upset us, Amanda !”, Zeke cried. “You protected me so many times and practically raised me like a parent when father should have been doing his parental duties. I should have known that you could have never thought of hurting me during the bastard overlord’s last moments. I let you go through another loyalty test after imprisonment here”, he sobbed and hugged me tight. “I am so stupid and a bad, bad brother”, he cried even more.

I swear I was going to get him condoms myself if he behaved like a typical drama queen during his pregnancy.

“It is ok, Zeke”, I cooed as I rubbed his arm. “I love you and I know that you know that and that is all that matters”, I tried to calm him down.

While Zeke tightened his hold over me, Dylan released me from behind to look on at us with a softer gaze.

“I am sorry”, Zeke and Dylan said together before their eyes widened together and everyone burst out laughing as they hugged me again.

This was one of the many laughs that were going to ensue in our happily mated lives from now on.

“I hate to break this beautiful moment and wish to extend my apologies to the she devil too but you guys are suiting up, right now !”, Dominic ordered.

She devil ?

What the hell ?!

If anyone was the devil, then it was HIM !

“I am gonna punish you so hard at the university, Dominic. Don’t forget who checks your papers too”, I smirked.

Dominic rolled his eyes but faint traces of a smile still curved up on his lips.

“I guess we can call a truce then”, he chuckled as he extended his hand.

My lips too curved up in a wide smile before I slipped my hand in his and agreed, “Truce it is !”, only to be enveloped in another hug but by the Vampire King this time.

“Welcome to the family, Amanda”, he finally said the words every gamma or warrior wanted to hear from their King and this was the first time he called me by first name basis.

Tyra was right. I needed this closure more than anyone.

“Thank you”, I shyly said, making Dominic chuckle.

“Suit up ? Why ? Who is the enemy ? Which weapons do we take ?”, Ryan asked the most important questions. “And where to go ?”, he added to the queries list.

“Suit up to go to the club, bitches. We are going to take down Cassy Monroe and her girl gang in their own game, on her own birthday party. It is revenge time !”, he declared.

Soon enough, black clad men and women flared up the temperature of the club as we all approached to the venue of target on our own motorcycles.

Things were going to get hotter and spicier from here !

Oo La La !!

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