Teacher’s Student Mate


Kai’s POV

“When you get back to the tribe, a cane will be waiting to spank you, Dominic Kent !!”, the Tribal Queen ranted making the Dean chuckle.

“I am glad you called, Khay. I will be sending my grand pup for the same treatment too. Prepare two canes”, the Dean said while sipping her coffee with a wicked smile on her face.

The hell ?!

“Haha. That boy is a sweetheart but mine here is a devil. I just wanted to confirm that the astrologer found auspicious dates for both- the coronation and the wedding”, the tribal Queen informed the beaming Dean over the phone.

Coronation ? Wedding ? What wedding ?

“That is perfect, Khay ! Also I appreciate your phone call from earlier. I can’t imagine how you tracked me down but I am glad that you informed me about this brat’s health and consequent antics. Don’t worry I have all the methods and solutions to get his tail straight”, the Dean said making me gulp while Bella did the same under the table as she gulped down the cloudy white , liquid floss down her throat.

“Yum”, I heard her whisper making Dominic eye at me questioningly and then a faint hint of a smile start forming on his face as realization dawned on him, making my already bashful, embarrassed face flush through deeper hues of red.

” …. and Kai ! Baby, you need to understand that we all mean well for you. Hear out the complete story and then decide. There is absolutely no pressure on you to hurry anything”, the Tribal Queen cooed at me through the phone.

“She always says that but rushes you with her choice in any case”, Dominic murmured and subsequently got an earful before he just left his phone at the table and went dashing out of the room.

“He fled, didn’t he ?”, the Tribal Queen fumed making the old Dean chuckle.

“Yes dear. He did. These children do not seem to want to grow up”, she chuckled, making the speaker at the other end of the call laugh with her too.

“True”, she said before goodbyes were exchanged and the call finally ended with the Tribal Queen urging me to take a half day- the real purpose of her call and rest in my university dorm while her servants took care of its cleaning and stocked my fridge.

She mentioned the chefs making all meals for me everyday too and leaving the place before I arrived to maintain my privacy.

The Tribal King needed her at Dominic’s palace along with a few important ministers of his, so she wanted me to stay safely and comfortably in my dorm.

“You knew !!”, I asked with an accusatory tone filling my voice after the call ended and a sudden sense of betrayal filled my heart.

“Yes”, the Dean quietly answered before scribbling down a few notes on her lap so that my eyes could not see the words written in them.

However, I was clouded with a sense of betrayal at the moment to notice anything else.

“And you didn’t bother to tell me when I felt that I was the loneliest Lycan in this world ?”, I incredulously asked while banging my fists on my desk and started to get up in fury but Bella was quick to hold down my legs and prevent me from flashing my exposed junk at the Dean !

“Thank you, Bella dear. I was afraid the boy was going to run away just like that in my university”, the Dean nonchalantly said before taking another frustrating sip of her coffee.

“Oh my God ! What is wrong with you ?!”, I shrieked and buried my hands in my face as I had lost all face to face the amused, old lady.

Wow ! That was a lot of “face” in one sentence. Nonetheless I had lost it anyways.

Bella was quick to sneak out of the desk and sit on my lap as she hugged me and consoled me.

“His grandfather was a worse drama queen when he went through the same ordeal”, the Dean told Bella as she poured a cup of coffee for her too and loaded her plate as well.

“You are his actual Grandmother ?”, Bella asked in surprise.

“Yes dear”, she chuckled. “I am his father’s mother”, she further explained.

“I am sorry but I don’t sense any supernatural aura from you”, Bella hesitantly said while caressing my head as I nuzzled my face in her neck.

“Oh yes. You won’t find it because I am a human. Purely”, the Dean, or rather my newly revealed grandmother chuckled.

“Oh I see”, Bella politely said with a smile before kissing the top of my head. “So you knew about us- I mean Kai and I being mates from the very start ?”, she asked.

“Well I was admittedly not aware per se but the day I asked you to stay with my grandson on the day of admissions, I knew from the royal burn mark by the side of your palm as you signed the forms, that you were like my husband and might be a Lycan”, she answered.

“You deliberately gave me his room ?”, Bella asked bewildered.

“Ye, s dear. I am sorry but I fixed you with him so that he did not feel lonely as he just claimed in his outburst, speaking of which you better stop behaving like a spoilt, entitled child, Kai or else I will be forced to ground you like earlier times and you know it ain’t pretty”, she scolded me.

“Buh- buh- but …. “, I protested.

“No buts Kai !”, she cut me off. “I will not tolerate any more snarky behaviour from you. You already crossed all limits by rejecting the very mate who was there for you throughout her difficult stay with you, no matter what and I can tell by Dominic’s face that he is having a hard time balancing his mated life, royal duties as a Vampire King and keeping up with the student life here. Now be a good boy and accept back your mate if she agrees to be back with your dramatic, crazy ass”, she ordered. “Or else I have already given you the alternative to resign from here on your own terms and leave”, the Dragonian woman added.

“Poor Grandpa”, I murmured before I evaded a paper ball thrown my way by an outraged lady. “Ok, ok, ok. Geez. I was just joking !”, I hurriedly said.

“Take back your rejection then. Now Kai Grayson !”, she stressed.

“No ! I want pups”, I disobeyed and folded my arms. “And she ain’t respecting me for that”, I threw my thumb at a shocked Bella.

“He is just like his grandfather”, the old lady fumed. “The old man would not stop badgering me when he was going through the same damn thing ! I don’t even understand how could the ‘Fertility Gene’ dominate their stupid senses so much”, she snorted while throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation.

“Gene ? What gene ?”, I asked confused.

“Atleast from what I have seen and known for the past three generations, all males from the Beta family have carried the pups and passed on the nuisance of a mutated gene called the ‘Fertility Gene’ “, she replied.

“Why am I hearing about it now ?!”, I asked aghast at the revelation.

“Well if it gives you any solace, when I first heard about it, I could not stop laughing about it, especially when I did not understand what a Lycan was, as a human”, she shrugged before taking a sip of her coffee and setting back her cup on the saucer.

“How did you wrap your head around all this then ?”, I asked curiously.

“It was not easy, honestly dear. I slowly, slowly got accustomed to this weird universe with your grandfather but I decided to stay sane in my mind by building my career here where I was more familiar and comfortable around humans”, she answered making her eyes slightly mist, so I had to ask the obvious question.

“You left grandpa ?!”, I asked.

“No. Never left or rejected him. Just stayed here, especially after I gave birth to your uncle (Zeke’s father). Your grandfather, father and uncle stayed in the royal palace while we more than occasionally met when I had an off here or they missed me so much that they agreed to stay with me for a major part of the year”, she replied. “Those were some good times”, she dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief before returning back to her normal self.

“How was life like that ?”, I questioned.

“I missed a lot of my sons’ formative years as they grew up to become handsome, young Lycans, brought up majorly by their father but it seemed like the opportunity to rear my own blood came knocking on my door when your father pushed you in the human world where he knew I would bring you up without the notice of your evil uncle’s eyes. I felt ashamed for what he did and tried my best to pay for my sins for giving birth to the devil by making sure that I gave you my best, Kai”, she softly said the last sentence.

“How did you know I was your grandson ?”, I probed. “And what do you mean by gave your best to me ?”, I c*cked my head to one side.

“He honestly left you on the pavement which was just in front of my door with a note tucked to the back of your shirt”, she smiled. “I worked really hard to help you feel normal, especially after the gory mass*cre but the incident had matured you up beyond your years already. Hence, I decided to only nudge you towards the right direction and let you and your Lycan train yourselves secretly in this human world. I had no idea about bringing up Lycans and I did not wish to scare you away due to it. I tried to tell you the truth many times but when I saw that you were content and getting stronger on your own, I did not wish to interrupt the beautiful process and chose to just work behind the scenes. Up until now, I believe I did a good job of hiding my identity and yours but Khay tracked me down today morning somehow and told me about your hormonal folly”, she started to chide me again.

“What is so wrong in my demands ?”, I demanded. “My father and grandfather went through it too and even went through the end of the process. Then why not me ?”, I asked. “Why d you think I am being foolish or difficult to handle then ?”, I lashed out.

And that is when wave after wave of scolding slapped over me.

“The wrong is that you are already dealing with a video leak situation and I can’t even begin to tell you how furious I am about it. How could you be so careless, Kai ?”

“I understand the mate connection and hence, do not wish to rant about your raging teenage hormones and need to stay with your mate when you already have so many people after your ass for it but what I don’t understand is that how could you reject your mate just for your silly, obstinate demand that requires so much planning and patience !”

“Hormones or not, I raised you up to use your mind and you are going to use it and act like a mature adult in this matter. If you are going to carry a pup right now, tell me how are you going to clear your name or this poor child’s name at the university board ?”

“Also explain me this. If you are so adamant on carrying your pups right now and wish to leave your teaching job, then how do you think will Bella and Dominic complete their education here ? Will they leave this place to take care of you and the pup’s needs or try to build a better future for you all and the entire supernatural Kingdom ?”

“And do you want to know something, Kai ? If anyone gets to know that I manipulated the hostel records to let you all stay together, including Dominic in your room- yes I knew about the fire incident; then I shall not only be fired but looking at a jail term of seven long years and then a life full of disgrace and nothing to my name after toiling so hard every single day to survive away from the supernatural world for so long.”

“So you have not only your life to think about, but you have your entire family’s to consider too, Kai. My job was to tell you all the facts. Now it is completely up to you on how many lives do you want to ruin by your stubborn demand.”

“No one is against male pregnancies but you all are living in the 21st century. Keep up with the times and live your youth before you become parents. Don’t forget you have your own share of royal duties to carry as the Beta of the Kingdom too.”

“You can not just pile them on poor Bella and Dominic. Act like a responsible Beta, Kai. Don’t act recklessly like my other son- your incompetent Uncle who had zero regard for other’s lives”, she added before putting down her empty cup firmly on the saucer before storming out of my room.

I looked after her angry figure and the banged door with shock before Bella slapped me- slapped me really hard.

“Your grandmother asked me to, for all the pain you caused me”, she said as she slid a pastry covered note which the Dean must have slipped under Bella’s pastry when she served her. ” …. and still causing me”, she woefully added as she tried to get off me.

However, I tried to hold her back, close to me- not wanting to let her go, especially after Grandma’s fury filled lecture and Bella’s slap.

It felt like the whole world made more sense to me after the severe scolding and my Alpha’s slap as I realized how recklessly stupid I had been.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Sometimes you just needed something harsh to set you straight- just like a bucket of ice poured over your head.

“I am sorry, princess ! I want to take back my rejection”, I brokenly said as I tried to keep her with me, only in vain, as she made her way to my room’s door. “I want you back. Please”, I implored as I watched her walk away from me.

“Then work on it. You have a lot of making up to do”, she said without any emotion whatsoever and went out.

Bella’s POV

I slammed another handwritten note on the Dean’s table this time before plopping down in a chair in front of her.

“I did as you said. I did not accept him easily”, I coldly stated. “However, I do not endorse this”, I added.

“For the pain he gave you, he deserves this. All will end well, believe me. He needs to know the consequences of his rash actions and let it be a lesson for him for the future”, the Dean said before dialing a number on her intercom.

“It is harsh and I miss him !”, I protested.

“I am only asking for 24 hours, Bella. We need to stop this madness here. I am worried that Kai shall again let his emotions sway him away. I admit he is a very mature kid and I am sure, he will be back to his old self when he understands what he was about to lose but he needs a dose of all this”, she smiled before playfully nipping the tip of my nose.

“I hope so too”, I smiled back. “But I will wait for only 24 hours”, I sternly added before getting up.

“Oh honey, even 1 hour is enough to punish him for the entire fiasco”, she chuckled. ” …. but the extra 23 hours are to make him remember his folly for his entire lifetime”, she winked before she got busy on the phone, making me smile widely, especially when she said:

“I want my grandson’s wedding to be out of the world gorgeous. Make sure you book my venue and date, or else I am going to track you down and shoot you if you give any or both to someone else …. Err, yes …. Yes, yes …. and a royal coronation too. Get the best of tailors ready and invitations printed …. Ofcourse ! Spare no expense …. we are talking about royalty, for good man’s sake ! Don’t make a Jesus loving woman curse at you now …. “

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