Sold to my crush

The park

Lily’s POV

“Wow. This is so amazing. It’s better than I imagined”. I squealed at the sight of the park. I did not even wait for Martin to stop the car entirely when I sprinted out, admiring the place.

“Take it easy Lily”. Martin cried out as I pulled his arm to join me.

“Come on!!”. I whined. He chuckled as he let me drag him along.

“So what do you want to do first”. Martin asked as soon as I had stopped walking and dragging him.

“I’m not sure. I honestly can’t decide. Everything looks great”. I squealed in excitement.

“Okay then why don’t you go on that ride”. He said pointing to a space ship like ride.

“Are you sure?”. I asked skeptically.

“Yeah, trust me. I’ve been on so many rides and I’m the expect here.” He said with a huge grin.

“Alright then”.

“Let me just pay for it quickly. Wait here”. He said as he turned around to head to the place where we were to pay before using the ride.

“Hold on, wait for me”. I called out to him as I quickly ran to catch up with his long strides.

“I’m paying for it”. I stood confidently in front of him as I blocked his path.

“Baby I brought you here and it’s only logical that I pay for whatever we do here”. He said with a smirk as he held my shoulders and pushed me slightly to make way for him.

“O.. ok”. I said in a barely a whisper. The endearment he used melted my reasoning and left me feeling giddy inside.

“Alright we’re clear to go”. He returned few minutes later with tickets.

“Thank you but you didn’t have to”. I said to him as we walked side by side to the space ship ride.

“Anything for you, my baby”. I quickly walked further away from him and got into the ride as soon I had showed them my ticket.

What the hell was wrong with Martin. What’s with the endearments and why was I even feeling this way.

Why was I affected by it!!!

When everyone had gotten into the ride. A man who looked to be in his late forties came up and gave us some instructions.

He was going to press a button to get everyone’s space ship started. After then the ships are just going to move slowly but inside the ships there are two other buttons to control it individually.

The green button is to take the ship higher and the red button will take the ship lower.

As soon as he was done with the instructions, he pressed the main button and the ships began moving.

It was all so exciting for me and I began pressing the buttons inside the ship to control my ride. It was thrilling.

I looked down to find Martin already grinning at me. He waved at me and I returned it with a grin of my own.

The ride continued for a while until the time was up and we all alighted our ships.

“That was so amazing”. I ran towards Martin and jumped on him, crushing him with a hug.

“Sorry”. I said in a whisper as I nervously pulled away from him.

“It’s okay baby. So what else do you want to do?”. It seems that’s my new name now cause that’s all he calls me and I always respond to him.

“Maybe we should just try the swing”.

“Okay baby”. He said before leading me to the swing.

I sat down on one of them and he stood behind me pushing me slightly.

“Higher”. I screamed in excitement.

“Weeeeeeeeee”. Martin continued pushing me, higher and higher and I giggled in excitement.

We continued for a while until I got dizzy.

“What else do you want to try?” Martin asked as he paid for our ice cream and cotton candy which I pleaded with him to at least let me pay for half of it but he refused and insisted on paying for everything because “you’re my baby, allow me to take car of you”.

His words not mine.

“What do you think I should try next”. I asked with a mouthful of cotton candy and ice cream that I ate simultaneously.

“What about swimming?”. He asked as he led me to nearby bench.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea”. I said dryly.

“Why?”. He asked skeptically.

“I can’t swim”. I said embarrassed.

“Oh baby. No need to be embarrassed about that. I can teach you”. He said with a smile.

“Okay but I’m just scared. What if I drown and die!!”. I exclaimed.

“Don’t be ridiculous baby, you can’t just drown in a swimming pool. It’s barely 4ft.”

“Okay. If you say so”.

“You have something on your lips”. He said while gesturing to my mouth.

“Oh where”. I said as I frantically tried to wipe whatever it was away.

“Let me”. He moved closer to me and put his cold hands on my cheek. He held me like that for while and I just sat still hypnotized.

His hands moved lazily from my cheek to my lips. He ran his hands all over my lips massaging them with his hands.

He got closer and closer to me and all my senses were clouded by this scent.

“Perfect”. He said in a whisper and his minty breathe fanned my face.

“W.. we sh.. should uhm.. swim now”. I stuttered out.

“Yes of course. Let’s go baby”. He backed away from me and led me to the pool.

Did I almost lock lips with Martin fucking King!!!. Jeez, I should get a grip of myself.

I moved towards the pool like a controlled robot until Martin’s words snapped me out of it. “Let’s get you changed first. You can’t swim in those. They’re nice but not for swimming, unless you want to move around in wet clothes that would be stuck to your gorgeous body”. He said with a wink as he gestured to the floral knee length dress I had on.

I was beginning to embrace my self and my body more and so today I dared myself to not show up in cargo pants or over sized shirts.

My makeup was done to the minimal and I had my hair in a high ponytail. I paired the floral dress with white sneakers and a white shoulder bag.Content (C) Nôv/elDra/ma.Org.

“Do you like this?”. He asked as he pulled up a two piece bikini in front of me. We had gone to a nearby store in the park to shop for swimming wears.

“No!!”. I shrieked in horror. Okay, I take back my words. I wasn’t so confident all of a sudden. There were so many people here and I doubt that the water would be the cause of my death, rather it would be a heart attack. I can’t wear that out in front of everyone.

“Why, you don’t like it?. I could get something else”. He asked concerned.

“I think I’m a bit tired. Can we leave?”. I held unto my head and feigned dizziness.

“Are you okay?”. He asked worriedly as he held onto me. Now I felt bad for faking it but whatever.

“Yeah”. I responded.

“we can always swim some other time. We should leave”. He guided me out of the store and out of the park.

“I’m so sorry, I ruined everything”. I said biting my lip as I tried to look remorseful.

“Don’t apologize baby. It’s fine”. He opened the door to his car for me and helped me in.

As soon as he shut the door, I couldn’t help but do a little happy dance. This is exactly what I want. I watched as he walked around and got behind the wheel.

The drive to my place was silent but the stolen glances he gave me did not go unnoticed.

“I had a great time today Lily”. He said as soon the car came to a stop, few blocks away from my place.

I had told him to drop me off there because I needed to get something before I go home. He insisted on waiting for me but I’m glad I convinced him not to.

I did not want a repeat of the last time where Alex and Martin fought and so this was my way of avoiding it.

“Are you kidding?. Today was amazing. Thank you so much Martin”. I said genuinely as I flashed a smile.

“So we can do this again. Right?”. He asked with a nervous chuckle.

“Yeah, Sure”. I responded eagerly. I loved spending time with him. He was really nice and I was comfortable around him.

“Okay. I’ll call you later”. He said with a huge smile.

“Bye”. I waved at him as I got down from his car and watched his car zoom off.

I walked down a few blocks and took a deep breathe before I walked in the Dankworths home hoping that no one noticed my absence and my little outing today with Martin is unknown to anyone in this household.

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