Sold to my crush

Have you ever been in love?

Lily’s POV

“So, uhm. What would you like?”. He stuttered out nervously as he gestured to the menu on the table.

I picked it up and scanned it over with my eyes.

“I’ll just get whatever it is you’re getting for yourself”. I responded to him as I was unable to decide for myself.

“Okay”. He said with a small chuckle.

“Are you ready to order?”. He waived a waitress over and a tall waitress with a chestnut long and silky hair walked over to our table and chirped out.

“Yes please. We would take the stir fried pasta, grilled chicken breast, salted shrimps, Salad and milkshakes for two”. He said to the waitress who kept taking notes of our order.

“Is that all?”. She asked with a small smile. “Yes. Thank you”. He waved her off.

“Thank you for coming Lily”. He straightened up and put his folded hands on the table.

“It’s alright. So what exactly did you want to say to me”. I asked as i leaned forward, towards martin. I allowed my eyes to take him all in for the first time today ever since I met him at the entrance of the restaurant.

He was dressed somewhat casually in black pants, a white long sleeve shirt and a black leather jacket.

Martin had been contacting me and pleading to see me. He had sent numerous texts and called tirelessly so today I had just decided to give in and hear him out.

I hesitated earlier to see him because of Alex but at the end I just decided to see him and damn the consequences.

We fixed up a date and he sent me the location and now here we are.

What better day to have lunch than a Sunday afternoon.

“I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened at the Function. I did not mean to cause any harm or to upset you.” His eyes held so much sincerity as he spoke but an apology from him was not what I needed to hear.

“Martin, like I have said countlessly. You do not need to apologize for anything. It’s all good”. I responded to him sincerely. Martin did not owe me an apology. He was only defending himself when Alex attacked him.

Twice may I add. And it’s not like he hurt me physically in any way. So we were good, but I can’t say the same for me and Alex.

The night of the Function was the last time I saw Alex. After we stormed out of the hall, he drove me home. The ride home was extremely silent and filled with tension due to the cold and hard expression on Alex’s face. He looked so devilish at that time and I kept to myself out of fear.

He took off that night as soon as he had dropped me off and ever since then I had not seen him, not even for once.

Before now, I barely saw Alex but these past month, it had become worse. It was clear as a day that he was avoiding me. I don’t think he even comes home at all.

I know it’s stupid of me but I can’t help but worry about him. I wonder where he stays and how he is doing. I have tried constantly to reach him but he just rejects my calls and something’s completely ignores them.

I can’t deny how much I have missed him. I would give anything to see him at this moment.

“Alright but I..” He paused mid sentence and held my hands on the table and rubbed them softly. I stilled at the action as I tried to comprehend what was going on.

“I.., I have a confession to make”. Martin said nervously.

“Okay?”, I asked curiously with raised brows as I attempted to stylishly pull away from him.

“Lily, I have feel…”

“Your meal is here”. The waitress chirped loudly, startlingly us, so we both pulled back away from each other quickly .

“Enjoy your meal”. She said after placing our food on the table and walked away.

“You were saying?”. I asked again after the waitress had left.

“Never mind for now. Let’s eat, we wouldn’t enjoy it if it gets cold”. He said with a chuckle as he passed plates around and began eating.

I joined in immediately as I couldn’t wait any longer to dig into the mouth watering pasta that was before me.

“Mmm”. I couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of my mouth as the flavor of the pasta melted into my mouth.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“What?”. I asked with my mouthful. I had opened my eyes to find Martin staring at me with an amused expression on his face.

“Nothing. You’re just so cute”. He said shaking his head.

I blushed shyly at his comment and continued eating my food.

“Have you tried the shrimps yet?.” He asked.

“No, I haven’t tried them yet.” I responded.

“You should try them. They’re really nice. Here have it”. He picked up one of the shrimps with his fork and waved it on my face.

“Open up”. He persuaded.

I awkwardly opened my mouth and he fed me the shrimp with a small smile on his face.

“How does it taste?”. He asked curiously.

“It’s really good”.

“I told you so”. He said proudly.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his child like behavior. We continued eating in awkward silence after then and Martin kept stealing glances at me.

“So tell me about yourself Lily”. Martin asked. We had finished eating at this point and the waitress had cleared our table.

“And why do you want to know about me, Mr. King?”. I asked sassily as i quirked up a brow.

His eyes darkened for a second and they held strong desire in them. It all happened too quickly and before I could think about it , his eyes returned to their original color.

“Because we’re friends or aren’t we?”.

“Yes, of course we are”. I responded.

“So go ahead”. He leaned back causally on his chair.

“What exactly do you want to know”. I asked. I don’t know if it was just me but whenever I’m asked this question, I automatically forget everything about myself.

“What are your hobbies?, what do you like to do?”.

“Well, I love reading nice books, trying new meals and traveling. I think that’s all I can remember for now”. I said with a laugh and he joined in.

“If that’s the case then get your suit case ready cause I’ll be taking you wherever you want to go to and we’re going to try out different meals from whatever country we go to.” I stared at him in shock. What the hell was he talking about.

“I.., I..”

“So tell me. What kind books do you like to read”. He brushed me off and he chuckled at my flustered state.

“I love romance novels”. I sighed dreamingly.

“So you’re a romance girlie?”. He asked amused.

“Yeah, I love Love”. I said with a smile.

“So what exactly do you love about those romance novels?”.

“Well firstly, I love the fact that everything is possible in those books. Even the most outrageous things can happen and while reading them you could just get lost in them. You could even put yourself in their shoes and live in that moment.”

“Oh really?”.

“Yes , of course. In most romance novels, the male and female lead experience a strong love that they’re even willing to die for. You can feel how strong their love is for each other while reading. That feeling is certainly out of this world.

“But I’m sure love like that exists here in the real world.” Martin said as he stared into my eyes.

“Yeah, I think”. I shrugged casually.

“You don’t sound so sure about that. Why so?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that kind of love around here.” I sighed as the reality of it dawned on me. I desperately longed for the kind of love that would make you do anything.

The kind of love that you would feel so strongly and anyone who would see you and your partner would immediately tell that you’re both in love.

I wanted that type of love. A love that was not necessarily easy but it seemed so to others cause you and your partner do it so flawlessly. A love that never grows old.

“Have you ever been in love?”. Martin asked as if sensing my thoughts.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I responded nonchalantly. ” Enough about me. So tell me have you ever been in love?”. I threw the question back at him.

“Yeah, I.., I have been in love.” He said while looking at me Longingly.

“Awwn, that’s so nice”. I cooed. “Well I think everyone has been in love at some point in their lives. But I think the real question is whether or not you have ever experienced love.”

“Have you ever experienced love?” He asked curiously.

“That’s a tricky question for me. Some time ago, I believed I had but now I’m not so sure anymore”. My mind wandered to my family as I spoke. Growing up I believed I was loved at home by everyone but now I’m not so sure anymore. It feels like my whole life is a lie.

My father that I grown to love is not who he was anymore. He threatened me and ever since then I’ve been looking over my shoulder at every turn.

My life with Alex is also the same. I can’t deny my love for him but it’s as clear as a day that he doesn’t feel the same way for me.

I really hope that one day I would be able to experience love and know just how to feel genuine Love.

“why do you say so?”. He asked looking at me with some sort of pity and it annoyed me.

“Nothing”. I spat out angrily.

“I’m sorry I did not mean to pry”. He replied with his head low. Okay, maybe I was too harsh on him.

“No, please don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing to you . I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to blow off on you like that.” I sighed exasperated.

“It’s alright Lily.”

“Mmm, thank you”.

“So tell me more about yourself.” He chirped up with a grin and his hand on his chin.

“Are you serious now?. ” I asked surprised with raised brows. ” I thought I had told you everything there is to know about me”.

“That’s a lie and you know it”. He said with a laugh.

“Okay, fineeee. So what else do you what to know”. I took a sip of my milkshake that Martin had ordered mid conversation.

“Tell me the most embarrassing moment of your life”. He said with his eyes glinting with amusement.

“No way!!!!.” I screamed out.

“Lily come on!!!”. He persuaded.

“I can’t think of anything at the moment though. Please go first”.

“Alright. I think I was about 17 at that time. I went to an amusement park with some friends. Some were swimming, running around, playing football, others were playing on the swing, while some were riding horses.”

“This seems like a fun story already”. I laughed.

“So I happened to be among those who were playing football. There were girls around just cheering for their favorite teams as we played. I was running around chasing the ball and before I knew it, I had tripped on air and fell on my face”.

“Oh my God. I bet that was so embarrassing”. I laughed as I imagined what he had just explained to me.

“No, that’s not even embarrassing. People fall all the time during football”.

“So please tell me more”.

“Alright. So I stood up to continue playing the ball. I played for a while until the people who were watching us kept whispering, giggling and pointing at me. I was a bit confused at first but the cold air I felt in between my legs, provided my answer”. He shook his head at the memory.

“I’m s.. so… sorry!!!. What did you do next?”. I said in between laughter.

“What else could I have done?. Other than running away with my hands trying to cover the hole in my pants.”

“That is definitely a story to tell”. I continued laughing.

“So you find it funny huh?”. He asked with raised brows

“I’m sorry it’s not. Forgive me”. I finally calmed down from my laughter.

“It’s okay. It’s been a while. I’m pretty sure I’m over it and I could even take you to that particular park just so you could know that I’m truly over it”. He offered.

“Are you serious ?”.

“Yeah, sure”. He responded.

“Well that would be really nice seeing as I had never been to one before”. I said shyly. I had never been to a park before and I had always longed to go there just so I could do the things I never did as a child. It’s just that the opportunity never presented itself but here it is now.

“What?!, you’re kidding right”. He asked full blown shocked. His expression a mirror of how shocked he was.

“No, I’m not”. I responded.

“We’re going there now”. He called for the waitress and paid quickly despite my request to split the bill. He shuned me immediately, paid for our meal and dragged me out of the restaurant, supposedly to the park.

I was so excited and made no move to hide it as I grinned from ear to ear.

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