Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 900

Chapter 900

Chapter 110: Let My Guard Down


Jared left to take care of Aries. We'd spent some time together, and he told me that his wolf was finally settled down enough to let him leave and do what he had to do.

I missed him, even though our bond wasn't the same.

To keep my mind busy, and my wolf occupied instead of moping over Jared's absence, I focused all my energy on the renovations.

Standing in the garden, I oversaw the work being done to repair the plaster exterior of the pack house.

“How's it looking?" I asked the head contractor.

“We'll be done with the south side this afternoon. Tomorrow, we'll get started on the east side."

“Great. When do you think the whole thing will be done? I've got to schedule painters."

The head contractor looked at his clipboard. “We'll be done by the end of the week."

“Thank you."

I headed inside to let him get back to work. Scarlett and Giselle were painting one of the rooms on the top floor. Another group of contractors had fixed the window panes, jacked up the floor, and leveled it. Now, it just needed a fresh coat of paint.

Giselle had picked a nice royal blue color.

Both of them were tucked into one corner making the final brush strokes on the room.

“Wow, you guys finished here quickly."

Scarlett rolled her eyes at me. “We've been doing this for three days."

“Oh… really?"

Had it been three days already?

“Can we please take a break?" Giselle asked, setting her brush down.

“Sure. I'll find the next project for you guys to do when you get back."

Scarlett scoffed.

As they came out of the room, they each grabbed one of my arms and half-pulled me to the stairs.

“When I said 'we,' I meant all three of us. You need a break too, you know," Giselle said.

“But… no. I have a lot to do still." I dug my feet into the floor, trying to stop them.

“Shush, no arguing. We're taking a break," Scarlett insisted.

They dragged me all the way to the kitchen and started getting a picnic basket ready.

“You've been working nonstop, Eliza. It isn't good for you." Giselle touched my shoulder comfortingly.

“It helps me keep my mind off… things." I sighed and bowed my head.

“You mean like Jared going off and confronting Aries?" Scarlett asked.

“Yeah, just like that. Thanks." I shook my head.

We headed to a park near the center of the village. It was a family place with a big open field, duck pond, and a playground.

Scarlett spread out a picnic blanket and Giselle began to unpack the basket of snacks. I grabbed myself a sandwich and took a big bite, munching slowly.

My eyes wandered around the park. There were a lot of families there, kids with their parents playing on the playground, getting pushed on the swings, and feeding bread to the ducks.

I touched my own stomach, thinking about how soon Jared and I would be making memories like that ourselves.

Sighing, all the tension left my body and my shoulders sagged. Suddenly, the sandwich tasted like the best sandwich I'd ever had, and I took another vigorous bite.

“You look like you're starting to relax," Giselle said, poking my knee.

I nodded. “It is such a nice day–perfect temperature, just the right amount of sunlight. Thank you for forcing me to come out."

Giselle stuck her tongue out between her teeth. “What can I say? If you don't relax, then we can't relax."

I giggled and grabbed a juice box from the picnic basket.

“Enough of the boring stuff," Scarlett jumped in. “Don't you want to hear my gossip?"

“Oh, do share." Giselle winked at me.

“Well, it is about Gabe, as I'm sure you could guess. He's adjusting back to the pack but… it is a process."

“Is there anything we can do to help?" I asked, sucking my straw until it gurgled and only pulled up air.

Scarlett shrugged. “No, I don't think so. It'll just take time. But he's getting there."

“Well, he has you. As long as you support him, he stands a chance." I nodded and finished off my sandwich.

“Thank you, Eliza. That means a lot."

“And you'll let us know if you need anything, or if Gabe needs anything," Giselle added.

“Of course! But I doubt you'll even be around if I need help."

Giselle gave a feigned look of shock, pressing her hand to her chest.

“Wait, what? Giselle, are you leaving?" My heart hammered heavily. I hadn't realized how much I'd come to adore my friends until faced with the possibility that Giselle was leaving.

“I'm not leaving!" Giselle argued. “I'm simply entertaining the idea of visiting the capital."

“Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean… with Aries and all, the capital might not be safe."

Giselle frowned. “Well, I didn't say I was going to leave tomorrow. It was just an idea. There's a lot happening in the capital. I'd like to visit a place that moves at a faster pace for a bit."

Giselle and Scarlett kept talking about visiting the capital.

I listened, but my mind wandered back to Jared. I hoped he was safe and not taking any unnecessary risks. More than anything, I wanted him to come home safely.

He was so determined to fix the mate bond.

I really admired his determination and persistence. But after everything, I just wanted him here with me. He was always running off on some daring mission.

Before, I was happy to go with him.

I looped my arms around my stomach. We couldn't afford to take such risks anymore. We were going

to be parents....

My eyes wandered through the park again. There were laughing children all over the place. The families were so happy together.

The park was also full of animals–ducks, squirrels, songbirds, and buzzing insects. Wildflowers grew throughout the fields, and there was a garden with walking paths on the far end of the park.

“I'm going to go walk through the garden," I announced, standing up.

“Do you want us to come along?" Giselle asked, smiling up at me.

“No. I'm just going to clear my head. I'll be back soon."


As I walked across the park, I couldn't help but smile at some of the kids and their mothers. One mom chased her toddler through the grass, playing a game of tag that she was letting him win.

Another mother crouched at the edge of the pond, pointing to the ducks and telling her daughter what kinds of ducks they were.

I rubbed my stomach, still flat and unnoticeable. What kind of mother would I be? I hoped to be patient and understanding, loving and supportive.

Even if my child wanted a different life than what I imagined for them, I wanted to think that I'd support them.

I made it to the garden and slipped into one of the walkways.

The garden was absolutely beautiful. There were hedges with roses and other flowers growing out of them, and stone benches and fountains scattered throughout.

It was so peaceful and beautiful.

While I ran my fingers along the delicate, fragrant flower petals, I thought of Jared again. He was out there, risking his life, and I was here… waiting for news.

I knew I had no business being out there with him in my condition. It sucked because we'd gone on all our other crazy missions together. I didn't like being separated from him and not knowing what was going on.

One of the hedges beside me rustled.

I froze in place and looked through the tight branches of the hedge. I couldn't see anything....

Shrugging, I kept walking. A few more steps down the cobblestone path, another hedge rustled.

“What the...."

I paused and squinted between the branches. Still, there was nothing there. I frowned, putting my hands on my hips.

What was going on?

Sighing, I turned around.

Jumping, my heart leapt into my throat and I nearly fell backward.

Aries stood in the path with a smug smirk on his face.

“What are you doing here?" I gasped when my heart wasn't trying to jump out my mouth again.

Aries shrugged casually. “I saw you with your friends. How kind of you to come out here, all alone."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart rate increased again. I glanced from side to side and realized that Aries was right. I was alone in the garden, separated from my friends, and no one else was around. I was completely vulnerable....

How could I have been so stupid? I let my guard down for a second....

Without thinking, I turned on my heel and ran toward the entrance of the garden.

A strong arm came around my waist and pulled me to a dead stop. My body lurched, and it felt like I'd run into the side of a table with my stomach.


My head spun a little and I felt nauseated from the force.

Aries pulled me against him and I felt the cool prick of a knife against my throat.

“I wouldn't try that again if I were you," he hissed.

“What do you want from me!?" I snarled. “Shouldn't you be off staging a lame coup to seize power?"

Aries chuckled in my ear. The sound sent an unsettling shiver down my spine.

“Oh, I would love to be out seizing the throne and making it my own. I want to unseat the king and your cousin. I want them to crawl at my feet and beg for their lives."

“Then what do you need me for!?"

“Well, you see, Jared is meddling again. It has made things a bit more… complicated. That's where you come in."

I scoffed. “You know that won't work. You've already tried it. Hell, Hestia tried it too, and it didn't work."

“Oh, but before, I wasn't playing the hand I have now. You see, Hestia and I have made up. We are once again playing on the same side. That certainly tips the scales, doesn't it?"

I clamped my mouth shut.

If Aries was telling the truth, he'd just became a more dangerous enemy.

“You're lying. You're trying to get me to play your game. I won't do it."

My mind raced. Whether Aries was lying or not, I had to get away from him. Giselle and Scarlett weren't far. The park was filled with families.

How far had I walked? I wondered whether someone would hear if I cried out. I tried to listen for them but couldn't hear anything.

Aries couldn't stop all of them. He was here alone, as far as I could tell.

“Wouldn't that be something? Now… with Hestia, the balance of power has shifted, and I like the odds I'm playing now."

Icy fear gripped me. He wasn't lying....

I had to make a move and hope for the best.

Without thinking, I elbowed Aries in the stomach and took off running again. He grunted in pain and stumbled back. I could hear his footsteps chasing after me.

My adrenaline kicked in, and my legs pumped as I sprinted through the garden and back toward the park. I could hear people in the distance, and I pushed myself harder.

As I was ready to scream, I felt Aries' vice like grip on my wrist yanking me back and the cold metal of his knife against the back of my neck.

“Nice try, my dear, but it looks like I've got you again," he whispered menacingly in my ear. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I was trapped, helpless, and had no idea what to do. My mind

raced as Aries held me captive once again.

“You won't win, Aries," I said, trying to sound confident. “Jared and the others will find me."

Aries laughed, the sound sending chills down my spine. “Oh, my dear, you underestimate me. I want Jared to find you. In fact, I will tell him exactly where to find you."

Panic set in as I realized that might be true. Aries was cunning and always had a plan. But I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting.

I opened my mouth to scream and draw attention.

Before a sound escaped, Aries hit the side of my head with the butt of his knife.

Everything went black.

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