Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 899

Chapter 899

Chapter 109: Some Bonds Can’t Be Broken


When I woke up, I realized immediately that I was still in wolf form. My wolf exuded feelings of contentment and happiness.

Eliza's wolf was curled around us, two furry bodies locked together in a fierce embrace.

The sun had already risen, but I felt no urgency to get up and run off today.

Eliza had understood what I said, she'd read the words, and she had thanked me. I didn't worry that she'd yell at me or tell me she hated me or any of the other horrible thoughts that had gone through my mind.

She'd accepted my actions.

I still didn't think she'd forgiven me, but at least I knew I could stay beside her.

Yawning, my wolf's tongue curled in his long jaws. He stretched a little but was careful not to disturb Eliza's wolf.

Lazily, he lay his head down on her again. I felt the softness of her fur against mine. It felt so right, so complete to be there with her.

There was a part of me that wanted us to stay in wolf form forever, snuggling like that.

But we still had a lot to work out…

I took control and shifted back to my human form. Propping myself up on the pillows, I watched Eliza's wolf.

Her fur was so soft and silky. It shimmered in the sunlight, making her look glossy and sleek. I would have loved to run my fingers through her fur, but I wasn't sure we had reached that stage of closeness again.

Eliza's wolf blinked her big, brown eyes, her long eyelashes sweeping over the orbs delicately. She yawned, pink tongue curling, legs stretched out long in front of her.

She flopped down on the bed again and shifted.

Eliza's cheeks flushed instantly and she grabbed a blanket, tucking it around herself. She slowly moved her eyes to mine, her face beet red.

“What?" she asked, her voice muffled by the blanket.

I shook my head, hiding my smile. She looked so cute when she blushed like that. It made it hard for me not to pounce on her and pepper her face with kisses.

My heart swelled with love for her, but I knew I couldn't rush this.

“Oh, nothing. You're just pretty when you sleep."

Eliza lowered the blankets and showed me her smile.

“Oh… I'll give you some privacy to get up and get dressed." I grabbed my sweatpants and threw them on.

I remembered that Eliza had written a letter to me last night. I grabbed the paper and read it quickly. Her words were so kind and considerate.

My heart melted, and I had to force myself not to look back at her and race into her arms. I pressed the letter to my heart and took a deep breath to stay strong and centered. I folded the letter into my pocket and left.

I was in my study when someone knocked and let themselves in. I perked up when Eliza approached my desk.

“Are you working?" she nodded to the books on the desk.

“Researching the mate bond."

“Oh… well, I thought that since it is such a nice day, maybe we could go for a walk?"

I bit the inside of my lip and looked at all the books I had opened. It would be nice to take a break from all the heavy reading, but I wasn't sure if I should spend time with Eliza.

I wanted to. My wolf wanted to. He pawed in my mind and urged me to accept.

What if it was too soon? What if I hurt her more now?

“I thought maybe we could spend the day together and talk, catch up. It has been a while since we just talked."

There was a soft pleading in Eliza's voice and eyes.

I smiled, closed my book, and nodded.

“You're right. It is a nice day out. I don't want to be cooped up in here. Let's go for a walk."

Eliza and I headed out into the pack house garden. I thought it might be awkward at first, but Eliza launched right into a conversation.

“I've been getting contractors together to work on the renovations for the pack house." She turned and pointed to some of the places on the exterior that needed work.

I followed her finger and saw she was indicating the plaster corners that were crumbling and the places that needed paint.

“There's a lot of work to do on the outside and inside. Some of it is just cosmetic, but there are also floors on the top level that need to be replaced, some broken window panes, things like that."

“And you're putting it all together?" I asked, impressed.

“I'm trying. I hope that's okay." Eliza looked at her feet.

I wanted to reach out and lift her chin but I paused, my hand halfway extended. I dropped my hand at

my side.

For now, I would keep my distance, unless she initiated contact.

“Of course. This is your home too."

“Right now, I'm focused on the outside. Once the plaster is repaired, I'll have a painter come and touch up the paint."

“Eliza, why don't you have them repaint the entire exterior? That way, it will be solid all the way around. The new paint won't be brighter than the old faded paint."

She glanced at me quickly. “That's not too much?"

“Not at all. I want the pack house to be welcoming and functional, and I want it to look nice enough to be suitable for us."

“Alright, thank you for the suggestion."

We walked out of the garden into the forest. Birds sang happily and I caught the slight smile that spread across Eliza's lips.

It was so good to see her smile again....

She went to a small tree and wrapped her hand around the trunk. Leaning out, she used her weight to spin slowly around the tree, holding herself up with the trunk.

My arms ached with the desire to hold her in my arms and dance with her like I had at our wedding.

My wolf also wanted that, panting in my mind. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

But I restrained myself. I knew it wasn't the right time to make any moves. I had hurt Eliza deeply, and it was going to take time to earn her trust and love again.

She stopped spinning and leaned against the tree, her chest heaving slightly. I approached her slowly, my heart racing with anticipation.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice soft as I placed a hand on her back.

She turned to me, her eyes meeting mine. "Yeah, I just needed to let loose a little."

I smiled, relieved that she was okay. "Do you want to keep walking or head back?"

"Let's keep walking, if that's okay with you," she said, her eyes shining as she looked at me expectantly.

We walked for what felt like hours, talking and laughing the way a normal couple getting to know each other would. It was like old times but better, before everything had gone wrong. There was no curse hanging over our heads.

It was just me and her and it was perfect. After everything, she was still kind and warm and soft toward me. Even more, I wanted to give her everything I could. I would restore our mate bond if it was the last thing I ever did.

As we walked, I couldn't stop noticing how beautiful Eliza was. Her hair was tousled by the wind as we finally came to a path that would lead us back to the pack house.

I was reminded that I would have to leave her side again and soon. A strange thought occurred to me. What if she decided she didn't want the mate bond back? What if when I returned from killing Aries, she wasn't here because she decided to listen to her mother and return to the Light Realm?

“I didn't want to worry you, Eliza, but Aries is on the move again. He's planning his end game, and I'm calling for help to stop him."

Eliza sighed. “I knew we hadn't seen the last of him."

“We have a lot of allies out there, people who want to help stop him; people who owe me favors."

“I hope you're right, Jared. The last time we got tangled up with him… he had you arrested...."

She trailed off, and I heard the pain in her voice.

Aries arresting me was the triggering event that led to me rejecting her.

“It won't come to that this time. I have the element of surprise on my side," I assured.

“I'm glad to hear that."

We walked a little further and the pack house came into view. I needed to say what was on my mind before I lost my nerve.


She turned to look at me, eyes wide expectantly.

I sighed and gathered my courage. “Look, I know we are getting ready to be parents and… I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want me to be part of our child's life."

Eliza's eyes grew wide as saucers, nearly popping out of her head.

“What!?" She wrapped her arms around her stomach protectively. “Why would you even think that!?"

“I just mean, because of our broken bond, you don't have to stay with me and act like my wife or anything, if you don't want to. I wouldn't blame you or hold it against you."

“Jared, the vows I took when we got married were a different bond than the mate bond. I'm not throwing all that away because we hit a snag."

I couldn't hold my smile back. I held a hand out to her, tentatively.

“You're sure?" I arched an eyebrow at her.

Eliza took my hand and stepped closer to me. “I'm sure. We don't need the mate bond to be together. I loved you long before I ever felt the mate bond."

“I know what you mean. But I still want to restore it for you, for our family." I put my hand on her stomach.


“I never knew my father, and my mother died when I was young. It is important for me for us to be a proper family, and that includes an intact mate bond."

Eliza bit her lower lip. “That's not necessary. We can still be together, be good parents, without it."

“Maybe so, but I think I've found a way to restore it. And I'm not going to give up yet." I squeezed her hand.

“You found a way?" Eliza gasped.

“Yes. There's a flower in a valley and a ritual to the Moon Goddess. It is very promising."

“Promising… is getting the flower dangerous?"

I scratched just above my eyebrow, thinking carefully about how to answer that question.

“It isn't any more dangerous than anything we've already done."

“Jared! That's not really comforting. After everything we've been through, do you really want to risk more?"

She pulled away from me and put her hands on her belly.

“I'd much rather have our child grow up with two parents, not mate bonded, than one parent, while the other perished trying to restore that mate bond."

I put my hands on Eliza's shoulders and waited for her to lift her eyes to mine. Under her shirt, I could feel how warm her skin was. Her body felt soft and pliable. If I pulled her to me in a kiss, I didn't think she'd resist.

But was that the right thing to do?

“Trust me, Eliza. I won't let anything happen to me. Being with you and our child means everything, and I will survive anything to make that a reality. I'll be careful when I go to get the flower."

Eliza nodded slowly, holding my gaze with hers.

I brushed my thumbs along her jawline.

We were so close, and it still felt like we were so far apart....

“I want nothing more than to be fully bonded to you again. I know it will be better for both of us and our child."

Eliza nodded. “I won't deny that I want the mate bond restored, but only if it isn't going to be too dangerous."

I smiled. “Trust me. I will take care of it."

“When do you plan to go?"

“Once all this nonsense with Aries is handled, I will go get the flower. By then, it will be a lot safer for me to travel around, anyway."

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