Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 32

***Trigger Warning: R**e*** Magnus

As I walked away from Naomi and my sister, I stared at the ultrasound photo. I looked at the shadowy figures the radiologist had circled, indicating each of my pups, a boy and a girl. "Look at this," I showed Brutus.

"I got one of those too, Mag," He shows me the one of his pup. "Can't believe we will be Dads," He smiles.

"It's hard to believe for me too, Brutus," I laugh. "I grew up being the family f**k up. It took so long for my father to see me as anything but the one who burned down the packhouse. But man," I look at the picture. "I hope my son doesn't turn out like me." "You aren't a fuck up, Magnus," Brutus remarks. "You did a damn fine job leading us."

"I did it for a few months and was injured most of the time," I argue with a snort.

He claps me on the shoulder, "Still did a good job," He laughs. "Anyways, I gotta get back to the compound, or Dulce will kick my bear butt."

"Yeah, don't want her to kick your bear butt," I laugh. "See you later, Brutus."

"Bye, Mag," He says before walking away.

I sigh and head into the palace. I have some paperwork to do before visiting the rogue family I helped. The grandparents had been made into full citizens, and both had jobs while the two girls were enrolled in school. They had also been set up with housing. I get up to my office and sit behind the desk. I tuck the ultrasound picture into the corner of the computer screen. I work for a couple of hours before deciding to visit the Manes family.

I walk out of my office and lock the door. Beta Rocky is just walking out of his, "Your mate and sister were being disrespectful to my mate," He snarls.

I narrow my eyes as I look at him, "Naomi? That doesn't sound like her," I respond.

"Well, Mikayla was called a bitch several times by at least one of them," Rocky remarks.

I have to refrain from laughing, "Well, that sounds like Phoebe, my sister. She has always had a sharp tongue."

"Well, I don't appreciate it, Gamma. You need to keep your mate and sister in line," He snorts.

"I don't have control over what Naomi and Phoebe do when I am not around. Not that I would dream of controlling Phoebe," I laugh, and Rocky growls. "But I will speak to them," I say. "Whatever," He grumbles. "Where are you going?"

"I am going to check on something," I reply. "I'll be back for the meeting, don't you worry," I nudge him. He says nothing as I walk away.

'His mate disrespected Naomi first, Kairos speaks up.

'What?' I question my wolf. 'How do you know?'

'Ruby told me all about it,' Kairos replies. 'The bitch started it.'

'I didn't think Naomi would start it,' I respond with a sigh. I get down to the garage, sign out a sedan, and drive to the omega village. It takes me a minute to remember which house they lived in. I park in front of the house and ring the doorbell. Johna answers the door with a smile. "Gamma Magnus," She hugs me.

I pat her back, "Hello, Johna. I came to check on how you guys were doing," I tell her.

She releases me and lets me into the house. It's a small but modest house with three bedrooms. The girls are at a table looking to be doing homework. "We are doing great," She tells me. "Right, girls?"

The girls look at me and nod. One of them appears to have a bruise on her cheek. "What happened to Lucy?" I ask.

Lucy turns away from me with a whimper.

Johna sighs, "Oh, I guess some of the other girls have been picking on them for being rogues."

"Really?" I huff. "I'm sorry that is happening. I will look into it."

"No, Gamma, please don't," Johna pleads with me.

"Why not?" I ask.

"We are new here. We don't want to start anything," Johna explains. "We like staying under the radar."

I sigh, "Okay, if you insist," I smile. "Do you have everything you need?" I ask her.Property of Nô)(velDr(a)ma.Org.

"Yes, we do," She smiles. "This house is everything we always wanted."

"That's good," I lightly touch her arm. "Anyways, I guess I best get going. I have patrols to do," I tell her.

"Oh, thank you for keeping us all safe, Gamma," Johna grins.

I nod to her, "Have a good day," I say before walking out of the house. As I get into the car, I feel someone trying to mind link me. 'Yes?' I say as I lower my inner wall.

'Gamma, rogues, have been spotted on the eastern sector,' One of the border guards informs me.

'I'm on my way,' I reply. I get into the car and drive fast to the eastern part of the Royal Territory. I get out of the car and quickly undress before shifting and running into the woods. 'Where are you guys-' I start to ask and hear the screaming of a woman. I take off in that direction, and the rogue scents are strong as I run up on a horrific scene. Several beefy rogues are raping three women. I let out a fierce growl and lunge at them. Being in human form, they aren't able to fend me off. I tackle one and claw his genitals and listen to him scream before I break his neck. The other rogues have all run into the woods. 'Several rogues just ran into the woods near the river,' I mind link the guards. 'They were raping a few women,' I instruct them.

'We got them, Gamma,' One of the guards responds.

'Take them out,' I order him. I shift back into human form, find a bin in the trees by the river, and pull on a pair of shorts. I approach the women. They appear to be bloody. They scream, and I hold up my hands, "Easy. I am Gamma Bowie. I am here to help you." One of the women stands up. She is mostly naked, and blood flows down her legs, "We were just walking to the store," She points to the other women.

'I need medics to the river on the border,' I order through mind link.

I hear growls and screams in the woods. Then three guards step out of the thicket. One is dragging a screaming rogue. "We caught this one and killed the others," The guard tells me.

Moments later, medics show up. "Ladies, these guys will take care of you."

I turn my attention to the guard. I step toward the rogue. "Did you think you could get away with abducting and raping women?" I snarl in his face. "Take him to the Cells. I will talk with him later." "Yes, Gamma."

"And burn the other bodies," I snarl and look at the women. They are cooperating with the medics. I help the medics get them to the ambulances. I then get into the car and drive back to the palace. After returning the car, I immediately head for Kerry's office to tell him what happened.

"So, rogue problem," Beta Rocky suddenly appears. "Raping women and what not."

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I have my ways of staying informed, Gamma," Rocky pats my arm.

I feel suspicious of the Beta but say nothing as we step into the King's office.

Kerry looks up with a smile, "Morning, fellas."

"It's afternoon, Kerry," Rocky shakes his head.

"It's morning somewhere, Rocky," Kerry leans back in his chair. "What's up?"

"I just got back from an incident involving three women being raped by rogues," I explain. Rocky gets a smug look on his face.

"That's terrible, Magnus," Kerry stands up.

"Most of the rogues were killed, but one was taken to the Cells. The women were taken to the hospital," I inform my friend. "Good," Kerry nods.

"You actually killed them? You didn't make friends with them and put them up in the hotel?" Rocky snorts.

"Rocky, knock it off," Kerry snarls.

"Yes, Beta," I slither out. "I ordered the rogues to be killed."

"Good call, Magnus," Kerry replies.

"I was able to assess that they were threats and needed to be taken out. One of the women told me they were walking down the street when they were taken," I explain. "I intend to interrogate the rogue in the cells."

"Sounds like you did everything right, Magnus," Kerry walks around his desk. "Do what you need to do. I would recommend waiting to talk to the women. Moira can help if you wish. She is good at speaking with those who have suffered trauma." "Thank you, Kerry." I bow slightly.

"I there anything else?" Kerry asks.

Beta Rocky steps toward the desk. "I have my report, Kerry."

Kerry sits back down in his chair, "Go ahead then, Rocky."

I sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk while Rocky babbles. After he is done and discussing a few other things, we are dismissed. It is nearly dinner time, but I choose to go to the Cells to check on the rogue.

A guard leads me to the rogue's cell and lets me in. The rogue is chained up and staring into nothing. "I'm not telling you shit," the rogue snarls.

"Really?" I kick his extended foot. "Did you wear out your voice screeching earlier?"

The rogue looks up at me and spats at me.

"So, you and your friends were trudging through the woods and decided to kidnap some girls to r**e?" I kneel in front of him.

He presses his lips together and looks away from me.

"Come on. You can tell your friendly Gamma all about it," I taunt him.

The rogue looks at me, "You wouldn't believe me anyway."

I tilt my head, "Believe you? About what?"

He takes a deep breath. "We were paid to rape those girls," He shrugs.

"What? What do you mean you were paid?" I scowl at him.

"Exactly what I just said, Gamma," The rogue laughs.

"Who paid you?" I ask.

"I don't know." He shrugs.

I grasp his throat, "What do you mean you don't know?" I rise to my feet with the rogue still in my hand.

He chokes and struggles, "I don't know," He coughs.

I loosen my hold on his throat and look him in the eyes. "So, some random person paid you and your friends to r**e some innocent girls."

"I wasn't involved with kidnapping them," He responds.

"But you did rape them?" I ask, and he grins. I tighten my hold on his throat again. "You are a pathetic piece of shit."

"I won't argue with that," He laughs with a cough. "I hope I knocked up at least one of them. My Ma always wanted grandpups." I punch him with my free hand, and he spits out blood.

"Who paid you?" I demand using my gamma tone.

The rogue stiffens up and stares at me, "I don't know," He replies. "You killed the one guy who knew. Charlie was our leader. He and his brother Sam kidnapped the girls."

I sigh and let go of the rogue, and he slides to the floor, still spitting out blood. I say nothing else to him and walk out of the cell. "See if you can get anything else from him," I order the guard. "And no food until he provides anything of use." "Yes, Gamma," The guard nods.

I decide to wait till the morning before talking to the girls. They needed some time to heal. I need to see my Naomi to calm myself. I quickly make my way up to my apartment. I hear Naomi talking to someone as I walk in. She is sitting on the couch on the phone. There are tears in her eyes.

"Calm down, Mom. Are you sure he is missing?" She looks up at me.

I immediately sit beside her, "What's wrong?" I ask.

"My Dad is missing," She responds.


"It's just Magnus, Mom," Naomi says into the phone.

I pull my phone out and dial Max's number. It rings a few times before my brother answers, "Hey Mag, what's up?"

"Max," I breathe out. "Naomi says that Allen is missing."

"What?" Max laughs. "Allen isn't missing. He just walked out of the lounge with Dad and Frank."

"How long ago was that?" I ask.

"Just a few minutes," Max laughs.

I look at Naomi, "How long did your Mom say your father has been missing?"

"An hour," Naomi replies. "She says that her wolf can't contact his wolf and that she can't sense him. She tried calling him but nothing."

"Shit," I whisper. "Max, Maureen's wolf, can't contact Allen's wolf. She keeps trying to call him."

There is a pause, and then Max starts cursing. "I can't mind link Mag," He nearly yells. "I'll call you back."

"Max?" I yell into the phone. "Son of a bitch."

"What's happening?" Naomi asks.

"Max said he can't mind link, "I respond while dialing Pops's phone. The phone rings a few times before going to voice message. "Pops, it's Magnus. Call me when you get this." I tried my mother's phone and got the same thing. I try Chance and Bryant and panic when no one in Ghost River answers their phone. "Shit, something is happening there."

Naomi dials her phone. "Grayson, this is Naomi. Please call me." She tries calling her sister and brother and gets the same result. "What is happening there?" She asks with a hint of fear in her voice.

We sit on the couch for what feels like forever, waiting for someone from Ghost River to call back. My phone finally rings from a number I don't recognize, "Hello?"

"Magnus, it's your father," Pops replies.

"Pops, what's going on there?" I ask.

"We can't mind link, and our cell phones don't work," Pops explains.

"What the hell?" I nearly yell. "How are you calling me?"

"Landlines still work," He chuckles. "The pack is in a bit of a panic. I have to go help Max-"

The line cuts off suddenly, and a chill goes up my back, "Pops!" I shout. I look at Naomi. "I have to get to Ghost River."

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