Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 31


"Magnus will be here," Phoebe tries to reassure me. "Or I'll kick his a*s."

We are sitting in the OBGYN office in the Royal Medical center. We both have ultrasound appointments. Magnus told me he would join me, but he is late, making me anxious. Brutus is sitting beside Phoebe with his hand intertwined with hers. "Mag never breaks a promise," Brutus says.

I sigh and press my hand on my belly. It's still relatively flat but starting to get rounder. I am two months along. Magnus has been the Royal Gamma for an entire month, and he is doing a great job, according to King Kerry. Beta Rocky still gives him a lot of shit. It's like the beta is trying to get Magnus to quit.

A nurse walks into the waiting room, "Phoebe?" she calls, and Phoebe stands up.

"I hope my idiot brother finally shows up," She smiles at me. "Or-"

"You'll kick his ass," I laugh. I sigh when she and Brutus disappear into the back. I wring my hands and tap my foot. Two other women are in the room, and both glare at me. "Sorry," I grumble. I pick up a magazine and try to read it. The front door opens, and the scent of spaghetti makes my mouth water as my mate walks into the room. Magnus is wearing one of his suits with his black hair pulled back. His green eyes look right at me while ignoring everyone else in the room.

"I am so sorry, Baby," He rushes over to me. He leans down and kisses me.

"Man, how did she get him?" I hear one of the other women say.

Magnus sits beside me and kisses me again. "I was on my way here and got a call from Max," He huffs.

"Is everything okay?" I ask with concern and touch his face. He had let his beard grow out a bit. He leans into my hand.

"I guess some weird shit has been happening around Ghost River," Magnus replies.

I narrow my eyes, "Like what?"

"Weird shit," He repeats. "Like some sort of portal opened up in the courtyard in front of the packhouse and started sucking things in like a black hole. Or things in Max's office have been rearranged, and he knows the omegas didn't do it," Magnus explains. "Is some witch playing tricks on Max?" I snort.

"Well, I guess he called their council, and they are sending someone to check it out," Magnus shrugs.

The same nurse from earlier steps into the waiting room, "Naomi," She calls.

I squeeze Magnus's hand, "Are you ready to see your pups?" I ask and start to get up.

Magnus shoots up and helps me stand, "So ready," He kisses my cheek and clasps my hand.

We follow the nurse down the hall, and I am weighed and taken into a room to have my blood pressure checked. I am then taken into another room, and the nurse checks a few other things on me. "How are you feeling today?" She asks.

"I am feeling alright. I am glad that my morning sickness has mostly gone away," I tell her.

"That's good to hear," The nurse remarks while writing it down. "I'll let the doctor know." She stands and leaves the room.

Magnus paces in the room while looking at the various graphic posters on the wall. One even shows the actual birth process, "Damn," He whispers.

"Yeah, seriously," I snort.

Someone knocks on the door, and then Doctor Sherry Lukes walks in. "Good morning, Naomi," She smiles at me and nods at Magnus. "Gamma Bowie, I am glad to see you again."

"Doctor," Magnus acknowledges her.

"So, you haven't been having any morning sickness?" She asks.

I nod, "Not for a few days at least. I have been taking the tea that the Queen gave me, and I don't even feel queasy most of the time," I respond.

"Good, good," Dr. Lukes write something on her clipboard. "We'll do a quick exam, and then the radiologist will be in to do the ultrasound.

I feel excited as she starts the exam. Magnus finally sits beside me and watches the doctor. After the exam, Dr. Lukes smiles at me. "Everything looks great, Naomi." She remarks. "I'll see if Dr. Fritz is ready," She says and walks out of the room.

I squeeze Magnus's hand as we wait. Moments later, Dr. Lukes walks in with another woman I assume to be Dr. Fritz. "Hello, Naomi, Gamma Magnus. I am Doctor Josie Fritz," The other woman introduces herself. "Give me a moment to set up the machine, and then we'll look at your pups."

"I can't wait," I respond.

Magnus strokes my cheek, "I bet they are both girls."

I snort, "And I bet they are both boys," I counter.

"Winner buys dinner," Magnus smirks.

The doctors both laugh as Dr. Fritz pulls up a stool towards me. I lift the gown, and she squirts a cold gel on my belly. She takes the wand and moves it around. After a few moments, she points to the screen. It seems that some sentences in this chapter require you to read the complete chapters on NovelDrama.Org in order to avoid an incomplete reading experience. "There is one pup," she grins. "And there is pup number two."

Magnus leans in with the biggest grin on his face. His whole face is lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, "That's my," He gasps and looks at my belly, "That's them." Tears well up in his eyes.

"Don't you cry," I complain. "Then I'll start crying and not stop," I snort.

Magnus chuckles, "Sorry, Baby," He interlocks his finger with mine and kisses them.

"Can you tell their genders?" I ask.

Dr. Frtiz moves the wand around and mumbles. She points at the screen. "Well, we have at least one boy," She finally says.

"Told you," I make a face at Magnus.

"Hold on," Dr. Fritz laughs, "And that one appears to be a girl."

Magnus and I are quiet for a moment as we watch our babies moving on the screen. "They are beautiful," Magnus breathes out and kisses my fingers again.

"Anyways, your pups appear very healthy," Dr. Fritz smiles.

"Thank you," I say to her. Magnus is transfixed on the screen. "You better make a copy of that."

"Already there, Naomi," Dr. Fritz. "Most fathers aren't as engaged as Magnus is."

I look at my mate and stroke his cheek shaking him out of his trance. "He is going to be the best, Daddy."

Magnus blushes slightly and sits back.

After Dr. Fritz packs up the machine, I am instructed to get dressed. Magnus and I walk hand in hand down the hall to the front desk. Phoebe is standing there with Brutus. She smiles brightly at us, "Bruty and I are having a girl," She claps.

Magnus hugs her despite Brutus growling, "Hush, lieutenant," He says to his friend. "That's great to hear, Pheebs," Magnus releases her. "Are you cool with a girl, Brutus?"

"Of course, Mag," Brutus replies. "The last thing we need is another me running around," He laughs.

"What about you guys? Did you find out the genders of your babies?" Phoebe squeals.

I look at Magnus, "Do you want to tell them? You know our Moms will get mad if Phoebe knows before them."

Magnus shrugs, "Tell her."

"One of each," I respond. "I guess I am buying half of dinner," I snort.

"A boy and a girl?" Phoebe hugs me. "Awesome. Since the guys have to go back to work, do you want to go shopping?" She asks.

"Sure, since Lars gave me the rest of the day off," I sigh.

Phoebe pats my shoulder, "You can go one day without working, Naomi."

"Try not to spend all our money," Brutus laughs.

Phoebe sticks her tongue out at him, "Like we are poor."

We walk out of the hospital and have to say goodbye to our mates. Magnus kisses me deeply and holds me tight. "I love you more than life itself, Naomi Monroe." He runs his hand down my cheek.

"I love you too, Magnus." We kiss again before he and Brutus walk toward the palace.

Phoebe calls a cab for us, and we go to the Kingdom mall. "So, have you thought of any names?" Phoebe asks while we wait for the cab.

I shrug. "Honestly, no," I laugh. "I was waiting to find out their genders and then hope something would come to me."

"Oh, I like Rose or Edie," Phoebe blurts out.

"Those are cute," I remark as we slide into the cab that pulled up.

"Where to ladies?" The driver asks.

"Mall," Phoebe responds. "I need some new clothes," She pats her rounded belly.

The ride to the mall takes about five minutes. Phoebe pays the driver, and we wander into the mall. It's a large open mall with high-end stores. Phoebe and I clasp hands and skip inside. We laugh as we did as teenagers. "Are we dorks or what?" Phoebe laughs.

"We are total dorks," I laugh back. We go into a store with maternity clothes. "Phoebe, neither of us is showing yet."

She shrugs, "I know, but it won't be long, especially with you," She points out.

I put my hands on my hips, "Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No," She sputters. "You are carrying twins, and they are Magnus's, so you will be huge."

I scoff, "Bitch, I have seen your giant ass, mate. You are going to be a damn whale."

We both laugh and wander around the store. A couple of clerks help us out, and I pick out a couple of dresses. I feel bad for how much they cost.

"Why are you frowning?" Phoebe asks.

"These are expensive dresses," I whine.

"Oh please, Naomi," Phoebe waves her hands. "Your mate is the Royal Gamma. You have the money."

"I know it's just not me," I laugh.

"But those dresses are so damn cute," Phoebe points.

"True." I agree.

We move on to another store and then another. Two hours later, we had six bags, each full of clothes, shoes, and stuffed animals. I see Beta Female Mikayla Bedford with three other females as we browse a baby store. She hasn't warmed up to me in the month that I lived in the palace.

She sees Phoebe and me and sneers. Mikayla looks toward me and whispers to one of her companions.

"Who is that?" Phoebe whispers.

"That is Mikayla Bedford," I respond. "She is Beta Rocky Bedford's mate."

"Oh, the one that doesn't like you," Phoebe smiles and waves at Mikayla.

"What are you doing?" I pull her arm down.

Phoebe shrugs and walks towards Mikayla but pretends to be shopping. I follow her and try to ignore Mikayla's icy stare. "This is cute," Phoebe holds up a purple dress. "We should get one for our girls."

Mikayla saunters towards us, "Out shopping, I see," she remarks, and the other females laugh.

"Hilarious, I suppose," I respond with a shrug.

"You are in stores like these and dressed like that," Mikayla gestures to Phoebe and me.

I am wearing my usual outfit of jeans and a t-shirt. "I didn't see a reason to dress up."

Mikayla snorts with an eye roll. "You are the mate of the Royal Gamma, and you should always look your best no matter what. But I didn't expect you to be anything but low class," She says with a flick of her hair. "Who are you calling low class?" I growl at her. Ruby is awake in my head and snarling with me.

Mikayla snorts. "You are the daughter of a lowly delta and somehow wound up mated to an Alpha's son."

"My father is not lowly, you stuck up bitch," I argue. "He is the top warrior in Ghost River. He is highly respected in the kingdom. And I have no control over whom the Goddess mated me to. And who are you to judge me?" Mikayla shrugs, "I am mated to the Royal Beta."

"Who is an asshole, by the way," I retort, and Phoebe snickers.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" She sneers at Phoebe.

"A bitch," Phoebe responds.

"Oh, and who the hell are you?" Mikayla folds her arms and glances at her friends.

"Phoebe Bowie," She replies. "Daughter of Darryl Bowie, the former alpha of Ghost River and her best friend," She points to me.

"An alpha's daughter, and you dress like that?" Mikayla snorts. "Look, Natalie," she starts to say to me.

"Naomi, my name is Naomi," I snarl.

"Whatever. The only reason your mate is the Royal Gamma is because he kisses the king's butt. He isn't half the Gamma that Charles was."

"Charles was a traitor that lost his head," I retort. "And Magnus saved the Queen's life. Not to mention he worked his a*s off to rise through the ranks of the King's army to become the commanding officer of the Elite Force. He would never betray King Kerry." "Hmph," is all Mikayla has to say. "Anyways, you and I will never be friends. You are too common for me."

"Yeah, well, your shit still smells like shit," Phoebe adds.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Mikayla growls and walks away from us with her entourage.

"I feel bad for her kid," I shake my head. "He's a total sweetheart."

"That sucks," Phoebe grabs my hand. "I'm starving. Let's go eat." She drags me to the food court, where we eat Chinese food. After eating, we decide to go home. I am relieved to arrive back at the palace after Phoebe is dropped off at her house. An omega helps me carry my bags upstairs.

I put my new clothes away and then go into the living room and flop on the huge comfy couch. I turn on the TV, flip it to Food Network, and get lost in Chopped while waiting for Magnus to get home. While watching TV, my phone rings.

"Hey, Mom," I answer the phone. I hear sniffling on the other end. "Mom? Mom, is that you?" I look at the caller ID on my phone. "Mom?" I say louder.

"Naomi, I'm sorry but your father is missing," My Mom finally answers.

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