Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet


Zeke’s POV

Quietly I looked around for a weapon, something I could use to defend myself. I found lots of car repairs, tools and parts alike.

I picked an iron rod, then I tiptoed towards the door. From my analysis, there were about a dozen men and I was surrounded. They had guns and well, I had an iron rod.

I walked out of the door and snuck in on one of the men, I took him out and hurried to my car.

“We’ve got sight of him,”

Damn it.

They began firing and I had to hurry away since I had not brought out my shotgun. I threw the rod at one of them and ran ahead into my car, took out my gun and shot at a few of them before zooming off.

The van screeched around the corner, hot on my tail as I swerved through the city streets. My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline surging through my veins.

I sped up, my eyes scanning the road ahead for any opportunity to lose them. Up ahead, I saw an alleyway. I took a sharp turn, tires screeching as I barreled into the alley. The van hesitated for a moment before following, but I had gained a few precious seconds.

The alley was a maze of twists and turns, but I knew the city better than they did. I zigzagged through the labyrinth, my hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Finally, I saw a narrow gap between two buildings, just wide enough for my car. I gunned the engine and slipped through, the van too large to follow.

Breathing heavily, I pulled out of the alley and back onto a main road. I needed to get to one of my safe houses, somewhere I could lay low and assess the situation. I drove quickly but carefully, avoiding any more unwanted attention.

I arrived at the safe house, an unassuming building in a quiet neighborhood. I parked the car and made my way inside, my mind still racing. As I closed the door behind me, I felt a sharp pain in my hand. Looking down, I saw blood-one of the bullets had pierced my hand.

“Damn it,” I muttered under my breath. I needed to take care of this before I did anything else.

I found a first aid kit and did my best to clean and bandage the wound. The pain was intense, but I forced it out

I took a deep breath. This was a warning to myself for the battle ahead. The events of the past few days had taken a toll on me, but I couldn’t afford to show weakness. Kamille and the kids needed me, and I needed to stay strong for them.

I quickly took out my phone and dialed Fletcher. After a few rings, he picked the call. “Hello brother,” He said.

“Fletcher. I was attacked,” I said weakly.

There was a sudden alertness in his voice. “By whom? Where are you?”

“I’m at my safehouse not too far from the hospital. Find out who they are, but I think they were Chris’s men,” I replied.

I suspected him because I knew that Ellen would never want me dead. At least not until she is sure she cannot get anything out of me.

“Okay brother, stay put I’ll be on my way,” Fletcher said.

“No!” I declined. “They may still be roaming the area and they were very skilled. Come by morning, check the street surveillance cameras and get those motherfuckers behind bars,” I added.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Noted brother,” He replied then hung up.

I threw the phone on the couch and reached for the bandage and wrapped around the injury. I slumped into the couch and shut my eyes slowly.

As I closed my eyes, a warehouse came into view. I was with Fletcher and we went into the warehouse to get Chris.

We moved swiftly and silently, our training and experience guiding us. As we breached the warehouse, chaos erupted. Gunfire echoed through the cavernous space.

Finally, I spotted him near the back of the warehouse, barking orders at his men. Our eyes locked, and I saw a flicker of fear in his expression. He knew his time was up.

“Chris!” I shouted, my voice cutting through the noise. “It’s over!”

He sneered and raised his gun, but I was faster. I fired a single shot, hitting him in the leg. He crumpled to the ground, his weapon clattering away.

As I approached, he glared up at me, hatred burning in his eyes. “You think you’ve won?” he spat. “This isn’t over.”

“It is for you,” I replied coldly, my gun trained on him.

Then I burst into a room at the back of the house and saw them-Roen, Royer, Tyris, and Torin. They looked scared but unharmed. Relief washed over me as I rushed to them, gathering them into my arms.

“Daddy!” Roen cried, his small arms wrapping around my neck.

“It’s okay, buddy,” I said, my voice choked with emotion. “I’m here now. You’re safe.”

Royer, Tyris, and Torin clung to me, their eyes wide with fear and relief. “Are we going home?” Royer asked, his voice trembling.

“Yes, we’re going home,” I assured them. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

With the kids safely in tow, we made our way back to the car. I called Kamille again, my heart pounding with anticipation. “Kamille, I’ve got them. The kids are safe.”

“Oh, thank God,” she sobbed, her relief palpable. “Bring them home, Zeke. Please.”

“I’m on my way,” I promised, my voice steady.

The drive back was filled with a mix of emotions. Relief, joy, and a lingering sense of anger at Chris and Ellen for what they had put us through. But most of all, I felt a deep sense of gratitude that my family was safe.

When we arrived at Kamille’s house, she was waiting outside, her eyes filled with tears. She ran to us, her arms outstretched, and I gently handed the kids over to her.

“Mommy!” they cried, clinging to her.

“My babies,” she whispered, holding them close. “You’re safe now.”

I watched them, my heart full. This was what I had fought for, what I would always fight for. Kamille looked

If dreams were horses, I’d own a million ranches.

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