Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet


Zeke’s POV

The day had been long, filled with worry and exhaustion. Kamille had barely slept the previous night, and today had been no better. Her friends and I stayed with her, trying to provide comfort and support. I could see the strain on her face, the deep circles under her eyes, and the constant worry etched in every line.

As the evening approached, I stepped out onto the balcony, needing a moment to clear my head. I pulled out my phone and dialed Mr. Rogers. He picked up on the second ring.

“Mr. Reid,” he greeted, his voice steady as always.

“Rogers, I need an update on the situation at the office,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

“The office is running smoothly, sir. We’ve made significant progress on the Williams deal, and the new marketing campaign has been well-received,” Rogers reported.

“That’s good,” I replied, though my mind was barely in the office.

I had good faith in Mr Roger’s capabilities.

“There’s one more thing,” Rogers continued. “We’ve noticed a rise in the market trends for Manor Company. Their stock prices are pumping, which has led to a significant rise already and they can liquidate the funds they have.”

My eyes darkened at the mention of the Manors. “Monitor their movements closely and give me a detailed report. I want to know every step they take.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll have the report ready by morning,” Rogers confirmed, “Anything else Sir?”

“No, thank you. That will be all for now,” I replied before hanging up.

I took a deep breath, trying to push down the rising anger. After ending the call, I returned inside where Kamille was seated and around her were her friends, alongside those scoundrels, trying to keep her spirits up.

“Come on Kamille, I cannot wait to see your dance moves on the dancefloor Fletcher teased. She smiled halfheartedly.

“I can not dance Fletcher,” She replied softly.

“All fucking lies!” Amanda exclaimed. “Have you seen Kamille’s dance moves? Exceptional!” She yelled and they all laughed.

I smiled at the efforts they put into making her laugh.

After what seemed like forever, we were finally leaving. Kmaille was well refreshed and in bed. Her friend Belle was staying over, while Amanda had already left. I stood outside with Zane and Fletcher.

“Have you told Kamille about Chris yet?” Fletcher asked slowly.

I shook my head. “No. It’s not the right time. She’s already overwhelmed,”

“So he has not tried to make contact since the kidnap or the kids?” Zane asked.

“I’ve been intercepting her messages and calls from him. We need to handle this delicately.”

They nodded, understanding what we had at hand was not just about the kidnap of my kids. Chris was the most wanted drug baron and I needed to find a way to get him pinned as soon as possible.

“I need us to come up with a plan to ensure that the LSPD captures Chris,” I said as we got to our cars.

“I will contact our old men and get their team to work with us, The LSPD will take the glory for our efforts,” Fletcher whined.

“As usual, they like us to work for them and they take the glory,” Zane added.

I chuckled lightly, “Let’s all head home, we’ll meet tomorrow,”

“I can’t wait for all this to be over so I can return to my partying and ladies. Zeke is making feel like old man Caruso,” Fletcher mused and made a face as he stepped into his car.

“I’m with him,” Zane concurred and walked to his bike.

Silly Rascals. I got into my car and drove away.

As I left Kamille’s house, my father called. His voice was a mix of concern and authority. “Zeke, how’s Kamille holding up?”

“She’s struggling, but we’re doing everything we can to support her,” I replied.

“It’s not possible that the kids have left the state yet. I’ve had all exit routes monitored,” he informed me.

“That’s good to hear,” I said. “I’ll increase the security around the Manor family mansion. There has to be something, since from the reports they are mostly always in the house,”

“Be careful, son. Ellen and her father seem to be more dangerous than we thought they were,” he warned.

“I will, Sir. Thanks,” I said, ending the call.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and started the car. As I drove through the quiet streets, my mind raced with plans and counterplans.

Suddenly, something caught my eye in the rearview mirror-a strange minivan driving in my direction. It was too close and too suspicious.

Who the hell were those?

My pulse quickened. I had a bad feeling about this. I glanced around, the streets were mostly empty, and there were few places to hide. I needed to think fast.

I made a sharp turn onto a side street, hoping to lose them. The van followed, speeding up. I cursed under my breath. They weren’t giving up easily. I weaved through the narrow streets, trying to shake them off, but the van stayed on my tail.

As I approached an intersection, I made another quick decision and turned right, heading towards a more crowded area. I hoped the traffic would slow them down, giving me a chance to get away.

Hope seems far-fetched, because the son of bitches was still on my damn tail.

I spotted a parking garage up ahead. It was a gamble, but it might be my best chance. I veered sharply into the entrance, the van following close behind. I sped up the ramps, taking the turns as fast as I dared. The van was still there, but it was losing ground. Or so I thought.

I reached the top level and skidded to a stop, jumping out of the car. I looked around, searching for anything I could use. There were few places to hide, but I spotted a maintenance door. I ran towards it, hoping it wasn’t locked.

The door opened, and I slipped inside, closing it quietly behind me. I listened for the van, but all I heard was the distant hum of the city. I waited, heart pounding, for any sign of pursuit. Minutes passed, but no one came. I began to make my way out but paused in my tracks.

“He could not have gotten far away, make sure to search properly. Remember it’s your head or his. The boss wants no mistakes,”

“Yes Sir,” A group of men chorused.

Oh fuck me!

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