Alpha Xander: His Contracted Luna

Who’s there?

“What could be causing this?” Minnie asked with genuine concern.

“That’s the thing, we don’t know. Nothing has changed in the pack to cause this shift in Mayfair. It’s like he’s an entirely different person.”

Minnie felt her heart sink. If they didn’t know what was causing this, then how could they fix it? “What can we do?”

“I don’t know, but we need to figure it out soon. The pack is getting restless, and if Mayfair doesn’t snap out of this soon, there could be dire consequences,” Alexa said gravely.

Minnie knew that Alexa was right. She needed to start looking for answers before it was too late. “I’ll go see Aariv, maybe he knows something.”

As Minnie got up to leave, Alexa spoke up once more. “Be careful, Minnie. Something strange is going on, and I don’t trust anyone right now.”

Minnie nodded before leaving the house and making her way to Aariv’s. When she got there, she was surprised to find that no one was home. She called out his name, but there was no answer. Minnie walked around the house, trying to see if there were any signs of life.

But there was none, Minnie sighed. She walked slowly back to her apartment with worry in her heart. it felt like their feet were unsure and something bad wanted to happen but she did not know what was that you could not put her hand on it. Xander’s reassurance to protect them, Minnie was not fully assured because of how ruthless Mayfair and his accomplices Samantha and Liam had become. She knew the winner of something good and if it went on something drastic would happen to the pack.

Minnie woke up early the next day, still reeling from the events of the previous night. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of Alexa and the tragedy that had befallen her family. She knew she had to check on her friend and see how she was holding up.

Without a second thought, she got dressed and headed over to Alexa’s house. As she approached the door, she noticed that Alexa’s mother’s car was still in the driveway. Her heart sank. She knew that Sandra had stayed up all night waiting for some kind of response from her daughter, but nothing had come.

Minnie knocked on the door and was greeted by a tired and worn-looking Sandra. “Any change?” she asked hopefully, knowing deep down that the answer was probably no.

Sandra shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “No, nothing. She’s still in the same state as last night. It’s like she’s retreated into herself.”

Minnie could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She knew she had to do something to help her friend. “Why don’t we take a walk?” she suggested, hoping to get Alexa out of the house for a little while.

Sandra nodded, grateful for the company. As they walked around the quiet neighborhood, Minnie tried to talk to Sandra about Alexa’s brother, hoping it might provide some comfort for her. She listened as Sandra shared stories about him, recounting fond memories of a young boy full of life and energy.

After a while, they headed back to the house, where Alexa was still holed up in her room. Minnie went upstairs to check on her and found her curled up in bed, looking small and fragile. She sat down next to her and gently stroked her hair, trying to comfort her.

“I don’t know what to do,” Alexa whispered. “I feel so lost and alone.”

Minnie knew exactly how she felt. She had never been in a situation like this before and didn’t know how to make things better. But she knew she had to do something.

“Let’s go back to my place,” she said, hoping a change of scenery might lift Alexa’s spirits. “We can watch a movie or something.”

Alexa nodded numbly and got up, following Minnie out of the room. As they left, Minnie noticed a drawing pad on the dresser. It was filled with sketches of various scenes and objects, all done in a delicate line that spoke of sensitivity and care.

Curious, she picked up the pad and flipped through it. As she turned the pages, she saw that the quality of the drawings varied. Some were quite rough and unfinished, while others were detailed and masterfully executed.

And then she saw it. A drawing of a young woman, her features blurred by tears. The lines were shaky and uncertain, but there was something in the way they wavered that made Minnie feel like she was looking into the deepest parts of Alexa’s soul.

She turned the page and saw more of the same. Images of grief and sorrow, are captured in a few quick strokes of a pencil. It was clear that this pad was something special, something that Alexa had poured her heart and soul into.

Minnie put the pad down, feeling a sense of shock wash over her. She had known Alexa for years and had never seen her draw anything before. And yet here was this incredible talent, hidden away somewhere in the depths of her friend’s grief.

As she and Alexa left the house and headed back to hers, Minnie couldn’t stop thinking about the pad. She knew she had to talk to Alexa about it, to ask her how she had honed such a skill and why she had never shown it to anyone else.

But for now, she just walked in silence, holding Alexa’s hand and wishing she could take away all of her pain.

As Minnie wandered through the werewolf pack, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. She knew that whatever lay ahead was dangerous, but she couldn’t resist the pull of the unknown. This was the little she could do to make sure her back was protected and no external forces were threatening the safety of everyone in our pack. Catherine and Joni were on their mission of obtaining the black powder Minnie could not just sit down and wait for them to come without doing anything. They had just returned from the hospital and got the same news from Nurse Sandra. Alexa was so downcasted and aggravated.

Minnie knew how exactly Alexa felt. It isn’t a very good experience to lose to people you love and care for in your life. After Alexa had gone to sleep, Minnie stumbled on a piece of drawing book that looked similar to that of Alexa’s. She picked it up and in it, she found it was a Herwit drawing book. Herwit was Alexa’s brother who had died in a mysterious incident. Minnie was surprised to see that he did not draw or have any pictures of any pack member including his mother and sister, all he drew were mysterious places in the park that she knew. She tried to shake off the feeling that nothing was wrong until she stumbled upon a drawing that looked like an old donjon.

At first, there was nothing peculiar and special about the drawing; it was just like any other drawing of an old donjon. But it seems the artist was making a specific statement known to whoever picked up his book. She lamented bitterly in the text on the paper how badly he was treated and how he feared the guardian at the donjon. This picked our interest and she did something she had never done before she didn’t follow her instinct. She was immediately drawn to the directions that were given to the location of the donjon. which was why she was taking the big risk of going there at this time.

She walked on through the dark forest, her heart beating loudly in her ears as she followed the directions in Herwit’s book. The trees seemed to close in around her, and she couldn’t help but feel as though she was being watched.

After what felt like hours of walking, she finally saw it in the distance – the old donjon. It was an ancient structure, covered in vines and moss, that seemed to be sinking into the earth. A shiver ran down Minnie’s spine as she approached.

As she ventured further into the maze beneath, the darkness and quiet closing in on her senses, Minnie felt as though she was descending into the depths of the earth itself. She couldn’t help but wonder what secrets this place held, and what her investigation would uncover.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of stony footsteps echoing in the distance. She froze, fear taking hold of her heart as she realized she wasn’t alone down here. She could hear something breathing, something big. She clutched the book tight to her chest and slowly pulled out her weapon.

“Who’s there?” she called out, her voice shaking just a bit.

There was no answer, only the sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. Minnie’s heart raced as she readied herself for whatever was coming her way.

Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the darkness. It was a werewolf, his snarling face twisted in anger as he observed Minnie.

“What are you doing down here?” he growled, his eyes flashing with a fierce light.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Minnie held up the book, her voice steady despite the terror that had gripped her heart.

“I found this in Alexa’s house, and I traced it here,” she explained, doing her best to keep her tone calm and collected. “I think it might have belonged to Herwit.”

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