Alpha Xander: His Contracted Luna


The werewolf eyed her suspiciously for a moment, as though weighing the validity of her words. Finally, he nodded.

“Herwit was a good kid,” he said, his voice softening just a bit. “He had a lot of heart and a lot of courage. I guess he was always looking for a way to prove himself.”

Minnie nodded, still gripping the book tightly in her hands.

“What do you think he was looking for down here?” she asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

The werewolf shook his head, his eyes glancing around the dark tunnels that surrounded them.

“I’m not sure,” he admitted. “But there are rumors… old legends passed down through the pack that tell of something buried deep beneath this old donjon. Something powerful and terrifying.”

Minnie’s heart skipped a beat at the thought.

“Do you know what it is?” she asked, feeling a bit nervous.

The werewolf shook his head.

“No one does,” he said. “Only that it’s something that should never be disturbed.”

Minnie swallowed hard, her mind racing with the possibilities.

“We should go,” she said, turning to leave. “We shouldn’t be here.”

The werewolf nodded in agreement, and the two of them made their way back up to the surface. As they walked away, Minnie couldn’t shake the feeling that something dark and dangerous was still lurking deep beneath the old donjon. Something that had been waiting, patiently, for someone to uncover its secrets.

Minnie couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease as she made her way back to Alexa’s house. She had a million thoughts running through her mind as she came to the realization that she had left the drawing book at Alexa’s place.

As they returned from the nurse’s office the next day, Alexa couldn’t help but notice that something was off with Minnie. She tried to ask her, but Minnie quickly waved it off, saying that she was just feeling a little tired.

They made their way back to Alexa’s house, and as Alexa went up for her usual nap, Minnie took the opportunity to secretly take her brother’s drawing book and stuff it in a bag.

She knew that Alexa wouldn’t approve of her going to the donjon alone, but Minnie felt like she had to do it, she couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something important there.

As Minnie made her way towards the donjon, she noticed that there was nobody around. Even the strange man she had met the other day was nowhere to be found. She walked in and found the place empty.

Just as she was about to leave, she heard a voice behind her. “Something drastic is coming for your pack,” the voice said.

Minnie turned around to see an old man staring at her. She tried to ask him about what he meant, but he simply repeated himself, saying that something dark and drastic was coming for their pack and that they needed to prepare.

Minnie was shocked, and she didn’t know how to react. She didn’t know what to do with this information. She felt like she couldn’t just go back to Alexa’s house and ignore what the old man had said.

As Minnie walked back to Alexa’s house, she couldn’t stop thinking about what the old man had told her. She knew that she had to tell Alexa, but she also knew that Alexa wouldn’t believe her. She felt like she was stuck in a difficult situation.

As she entered the house, Alexa could tell that something was wrong. Minnie tried to play it off, but Alexa persisted until Minnie finally revealed what had happened at the donjon.

Alexa was skeptical at first, but Minnie showed her the drawing book, and they both knew that they had to take the old man’s warning seriously.

As they planned on what to do next, they knew that they had to be careful. They didn’t know what was coming, but they were determined to be prepared for anything that might happen.

The tension in the air was palpable as they tried to come up with a plan. They knew that they had a lot of work to do, but they were willing to do whatever it took to protect their pack.

Minnie was pacing back and forth in her room, her mind racing with thoughts about the prophecy the old man had made. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease that had settled deep inside her chest. She needed to understand what was happening and what it meant for her and the rest of the pack.

Feeling restless and anxious, Minnie made up her mind to seek counsel fromXander , the beta of the pack. She had always found him to be level-headed and wise, and she had a feeling that he would know how to interpret the prophecy and what actions she should take.

Minnie made her way to the pack house where Xander was usually found, keeping his watch over the pack. She found him sitting on a log, deep in thought. He noticed Minnie’s arrival, and his face lit up with a friendly smile.

“Hi Minnie, how can I help you today?” Xander asked, sensing something was weighing heavily on her mind.

Minnie sat down beside him on the log and related everything that had happened to her in the last few days. From the strange drawing book she had found, to the ominous warning from the old man, she shared everything with him, hoping that he would be able to give her some clarity.

Xander listened patiently, his brow furrowed in thought. After Minnie had finished, he let out a deep sigh and said, “Minnie, I won’t lie to you, but the prophecy is true. Something terrible is about to happen in the pack, and it’s our duty to ensure that we are prepared for it.”

Minnie felt a cold shiver run down her spine at those words. She had suspected as much, but hearing it from Xander confirmed her worst fears. “What should we do?” she asked, looking at him intently.

Xander fixed her with a stern look. “We cannot panic or spread the word about the prophecy. It will only create chaos in the pack. What we need to do is stay vigilant and prepare ourselves for whatever is coming.”

Minnie nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. “What can we do to prepare?” she asked, ready to do whatever it took to protect her pack.

“We need to start training harder and working on developing our strengths. We also need to gather as much information about the prophecy as we can, so we can be better prepared to face whatever is coming our way.”

Minnie felt a slight glimmer of hope. They had a plan, they had a purpose. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she was willing to fight tooth and nail to protect her pack and ensure that they emerged victorious in the end.

Xander saw the determination on her face and smiled. “We will face this challenge together, Minnie. You have my support and the support of every member of the pack. We will emerge victorious and stronger than ever.”

Minnie felt a sense of relief wash over her. She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but with Xander by her side, and the unwavering support of her pack, she knew they would get through anything that came their way. But she had another concern.

“Don’t you think it is best with less alpha knowledge before going on any plan?” She asked.

Xander frowned upon hearing her mention the alpha Mayfair . He knew exactly what was coming into the park and The source was from the current attack that Mayfair did on Kai’s pack. He wasn’t going to risk it and let Mayfair know if they had any plan. As far as Xander was concerned Mayfair cared less about what happened in the park; all he was after was his power thirsty goals.

“There is no need for that.”

“Okay sure but-,” Minnie paused, contemplating if she should tell him about what she heard concerning Mayfair . “Is this because of Mayfair ‘s recent attitude?*

Xander smiled, and feigned ignorance. “What recent attitude are you talking about?”

“Like his attack on Kai’s men.” Minnie stated.

Xander let out a breath, folding his arms behind him he turned away from her and fixed a hard glare on the tree nearby. He had been holding himself for too long and now he was reaching his breaking point. There was nothing he had not done to let Mayfair see that where he was heading to was wrong, every action Mayfair to recently had just put them into constant problems and attack. At the gate post where he was for the past few days he has noticed some strange movement outside their territories and includes a suspect that goes with the enemy and is trying to launch an attack on them.

Which was the major reason why he was not letting Mayfair know about whatever he planned to do. Mayfair had his own mission and he had his. He was doing this for the sake of the pack and would make sure Justice was brought into light.

“Don’t bother about that, I will handle it.” He assured me. “Besides, is there no news concerning Catherine and Joni ?”

“Sadly no.”

panic fielded him instantly when he had a response he had feared the worst that something bad might happen to Catherine and Joni . He wasn’t going to lose anyone anymore he Newcastle drill was doing it for the sake of our friend Alexa and he admired her loyalty and the value she placed on our friendship. if only Mayfair could understand that tiny bit of action they wouldn’t be in the fix they were at the point.

“just make sure you keep an eye out for any unusual occurrence and inform me once you see anything remember don’t alert anyone concerning the things you’ve seen.” Xander said and Minnie nodded.

Chaiyer 75.

Alexa’s eyes lit up with hope. “That’s a great idea! I know there are some herbs that grow near the river that could be helpful.”

Then le”t’s go get them!” Minnie said, blinking rapidly as she came out of her daze. Leaping to her feet. “We’ll make sure your mother gets the help she needs, until she returns..”

Alexa smiled for the first time in hours. “Thank you so much, Minnie. What would I do without you both?”

Minnie smiled, a sad hint to it but that wasn’t noticed by Alexa who was excited that her mother could actually recover.

They set off towards the river, Minnie leading the way. As they walked, they talked about their pack and how Mayfair had led an attack on Kai’s pack. Majority of the pack, at least those with senses, believed the bloodshed was totally uncalled for. Mayfair was instigating a war with Kai and when it broke out the people and the ordinary pack members would suffer the terrible backlash.

“But there is nothing we can do in our power.” Minnie said, brooding in her thoughts.

“It’s just sad we have someone like that as our Alpha.” Alexa commented after a while of silence, her face contorted into a. small frown despite the sad fog on her expressions. “Worse off, Catherine is mated with him.”

Alexa sighed and they both basked in a pregnant silence. Mayfair had never been the perfect one for Cassandra, he actually was, but now he had gone feral and his thirst for power was insatiable.

Alexa was grateful for the support of Minnie , they got the necessary herbs and Alexa’s mood brightened up a little.

After gathering the necessary herbs, they settled down to brew the potion. Alexa was nervous about getting the recipe right, but Minnie was patient and encouraging.

It took several tries before they finally got the potion just right. When they were finished, they looked at each other with pride.

“This is going to help my mother so much,” Alexa said, holding the potion tightly in her paws.

Mini smiled. “I’m sure it will. Now let’s go.”

Finally, they arrived at Alexa’s mother’s house. She was lying inside, weak and weary.

“Hi, Mom,” Alexa whispered, sliding up next to her.

Her mother looked up, surprised to see her daughter there. “Alexa, what are you doing here? You should be with the pack.”

“I brought something for you,” Alexa said, holding up the potion.

Her mother looked down at it, then backed up at Alexa. “What is it?”

“It’s a healing potion,” Alexa said. “I made it with the herbs we found by the river.”

Her mother smiled weakly. “Thank you, Alexa. You and your packmates are so kind to me.”

The pack watched as Alexa’s mother drank the potion. At first, nothing seemed to happen. Then gradually, color returned to her cheeks and she seemed to grow stronger.

“I feel so much better,” she said, sitting up. “Thank you, all of you.


Minnie walked into the hospital room with a heavy heart and a sense of dread lingering deep within her. It had been two days since she last saw Alexa’s mother and she had been hoping for the best. However, the moment she saw the frail figure lying in the pack’s hospital bed, she knew something was wrong. As she suspected, the herbs weren’t able to sustain her. It was her responsibility as Alexa’s friend. Catherine was absent and she had to do everything that she did.

Alexa’s mother had not been responding well to the treatment, and the once lively and vibrant woman was now barely clinging onto life. It made everyone who knew her have a cloudy heart, Alexa was depressed and sad everyday. She didn’t have any family apart from her mother but now the cruel hands of death want to snatch them away from her. Minnie’s heart was heavy with empathy as she watched Alexa’s mother lay there with her eyes closed, lost in her own thoughts. It was a disconcerting sight, and Minnie felt a sense of confusion about how to proceed.

She approached the bed quietly, taking care not to make any noise that could disturb Alexa’s mother. She leaned in closer and whispered her name, expecting to see a smile or some sort of acknowledgement, but there was none. Her heart race picked as negative thoughts popped in.

Minnie sat down on the chair beside the bed and took a deep breath before speaking, “How are you feeling today? Have you had anything to eat or drink?” But, there was no response. Minnie couldn’t fathom why Alexa’s mother wasn’t responding, even when the lights and sounds of the hospital were making her quite alert. After she was better two days ago, she suddenly slumped the day before and was rushed to the modernized pack hospital to see if there was any way to hold her until Catherine returns.

Minnie gazed at Alexa’s mother with a sense of confusion written all over her face. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, it was as if Alexa’s mother was no longer there with them. She could feel her mind racing with so many questions, and she couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything she could do to help improve Alexa’s mother’s condition.

As Minnie sat there by the hospital bed, she felt her heart sinking with every passing moment. She had grown to care for Alexa’s mother, who had been like a second mother to her. It was an overwhelming feeling of sorrow to see such a vibrant and strong woman reduced to this.

Minnie felt a sense of urgency and panic set in as she pondered what to do. She thought of trying to find the doctor, to inquire about Alexa’s mother’s condition, but she didn’t want to leave the room. She seemed to be the only one able to witness things as they were, and she wasn’t willing to miss anything.

Hours passed as Minnie sat there beside Alexa’s mother. She tried to talk to her, to wake her up, but the only response was silence. Minnie was shaken to her core, and the world felt like it was spiraling out of control.

As she sat there, the realization hit her that she was in a unique position to support Alexa since she understood what it felt like to lose a loved one. She knew now more than ever that Alexa desperately needed her support if her mother didn’t make it.

The thought of losing her mother was something that Minnie knew all too well, and she was not prepared to see Alexa go through the same heartache. So, with that in mind, she determinedly decided to stay and wait things out, for until there was a change, she wasn’t going to leave Alexa’s mother’s side.

Minnie’s heart was racing as she rushed towards the pack nurse’s office. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of Alexa’s mother and the precious black flower she needed to recover from her illness. She couldn’t afford to waste any more time, knowing that every second counted.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

When she arrived at the nurse’s office, she pounded on the door with all her might, hoping to catch her attention. Within a matter of seconds, Nurse Sandra answered the door, looking somewhat surprised to see Minnie in such a state.

“What’s wrong, Minnie? Why are you so flustered?” the nurse inquired.

“It’s Alexa’s mother,” Minnie replied, panting heavily. “The doctors say she can’t recover without the black flower. It’s up to Catherine to find it, but we don’t know if she’s succeeded or not.”

Nurse Sandra’s eyes widened in shock upon hearing this news. She knew how important Alexa’s mother was to her daughter, and so did Minnie. They both shared the same sentiment when it came to the matter.

Without wasting any further time, Nurse Sandra put on her doctor’s coat, grabbed her medical supplies and followed Minnie back to the pack. They both knew that nothing else mattered except finding that black flower.

As they walked, their thoughts focused solely on the success of Cassandra’s mission. They could only hope that the young warrior had found the flower she was looking for, and was on her way back home.

When they arrived at the pack, they found Alexa waiting frantically at the entrance. Her eyes were filled with worry and her face was pale with fear. She quickly approached them, her voice trembling with anxiety.

“Have you heard from Cassandra? Did she find the flower?” Alexa asked, her voice choked with emotion.

“We haven’t heard anything yet, Alexa,” Minnie replied, trying to sound reassuring. “But we’re hoping for the best. Catherine is a skilled warrior. I’m sure she will find what she’s looking for.”

Nurse Sandra nodded in agreement. “Yes, we must trust in her abilities. She’s our only hope right now.”

Alexa’s eyes filled with tears as she listened to their words. She knew how much her mother meant to her, and the thought of losing her was unbearable. All they could do now was wait, and hope that Catherine would return with the black flower soon.

As the sun began to set over the pack, the three of them stood there, watching and waiting. They all hoped for the same thing – that Catherine would bring back the flower and save Alexa’s mother

Minnie sat beside Alexa on the couch, watching her friend stare blankly ahead. They had just returned from the hospital where they had been told that Alexa’s mother was not responding to treatment as well as they had hoped.

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