You’re Mine

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Chapter 104


Fun is exactly what we need, Easton was right, and I realize that the second I'm on the back of his jet ski, going at least a million miles per hour toward the upcoming wave.

I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his neck, squeezing my eyes together as we slam into the wave, sending us shooting into the air.

“Abhh! '

I scream, holding onto him for dear life.

“Fuck, yeah! 'he shouts.

I don’t know how high we get, but I lose my stomach on the descent, the jet ski slapping the water as we land.

I can't stop screaming, I can't stop laughing.

And I only get a second to recover before he's driving toward another wave.

“Hold on, 'he warns, "this is going to be a big one. '

I don’t know how it can be taller than the last one, but it is and we hit air again, my lungs emptying on the way up.

“Watch out, it's going to be a hell of a splash, 'he says.

My mouth fills with freezing water, my body feels like it's on a roller—coaster, I can't see anything, I'm as cold as ice, and I'm positive I'm not breathing.

But I don't want him to stop.

I don't even want him to slow down.

I want to be on this ride forever.

As I glance behind me, Sadie is weaving her and Ryan around the water, following us into the crests, and I can hear them laughing from behind me.

"Are you all right? '

Easton asks as I look forward again.

I squeeze him, smiling even though he can't see me.

"More than all right. '

“Just making sure I haven't scared you to death. '

"Impossible. '

"Oh, yeah? Is that a dare? '

I know I shouldn't say this, but I can't help myself.

"I'm surprised this is all you've got ...

I thought you could do better. '

“Oh, fuck, 'he laughs.

"Your ass better hold on. 'He shows me his grinning lips.

“An ass I'm not going to be gentle with.At all. '

Tingles spread through me as he gives me a kiss, and then we're suddenly charging through the water, heading straight for a ridiculously large wave.

One that promises to take us out.

But navigates it perfectly, blasting us upward and tilting the nose of the jet ski forward so we don't capsize.

Water splashes around us as we land, more of it entering my mouth, stinging my eyes, burning my lungs.

I still can't stop giggling.

I can't stop urging him to do, "More! Higher! '

He rubs his hand over my bare thigh.

"Man, you're fucking perfect for me. '

I hold those words in my heart and clench him with all my strength as we follow another path of waves, zig zagging across, Easton revving the gas sO we're speeding over the top of the water.

I don't know how long we chase the waves, but at the first crack of thunder, followed by a massive bolt of lightning, we know it's time to head back.

Easton ties the jet skis to his dock, and we all hurry up the lawn toward the house, grabbing towels on our way in.

"Shower? 'I say to Easton.

He smiles.

“Let me grab a drink and I'll meet you in there. '

I know exactly what's going to happen once he joins me, and he reconfirms that when he slaps my ass.

"I'm freezing, 'Sadie says, shivering, as she walks with me through the living room.

“Go warm up—shower, whatever—then we'll make some lunch and head out.Sound good? '

"Perfect, 'she replies.

When I get to our room, I quickly check my phone, seeing if I missed any notifications, like Aisha posting something on Instagram about her time here.

The first thing I see is several missed calls from my mom.

She knows I'm here, I’m not sure what she could be calling about.

I call her back, holding the phone to my ear. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Thank God, you're all right, '

she says after the first ring.

I hold the towel tighter against my chest.

"I'm fine, Mom, why? '

“A giant storm is heading this way.

The roads are going to be a mess.

You need to come home right this second. '

I glance around the room, seeing Easton's stuff everywhere.

I know Sadie and Ryan aren't packed and we still have to pick up the house, we certainly can't leave it in its messy state.

"It's going to be at least an hour before we leave, ' I tell her.

"That'll be too late, honey.

They say the driving conditions are going to be terrible, they're encouraging everyone to stay off the roads. '

“I don't know what to do. '

I push against my temple where a headache is starting.

I don't want Easton to have to drive in a storm, it could take us hours to get back.

"Maybe we should stay here another night until the roads are clear in the morning. '

She's silent for a few moments.

"That would mean you'd miss school tomorrow. '

"Mom, I have straight A's and I haven't been sick all year. '

That isn’t true—Easton has made me emotionally ill plenty of mornings where I'd cried myself to sleep the night before, but I still ended up going to school.

"If I miss one day, it won't be the worst thing. '

"I don't know ... '

“I'm with Ryan and Sadie and Easton, there's nothing to worry about.I promise.I'll make up whatever homework I miss. '

“Well, I don't want you to be on the road when the storm hits, and I guess the only way to avoid that is to have you and Ryan stay put. '

She sighs.

"All right, I'll call the school in the morning.

But, before you leave, I want you to call me and check in, okay? '

“Promise. '

"You be safe. Tell Ryan the same. '

“Okay, Mom.

Love you. '

I hang up just as Easton is entering the room and I say, "Call your parents and have them dismiss you from school tomorrow. '

I wave my phone in the air before I set it down.

"Mom says the roads will be too bad to drive home. '

He gnaws on his lip.

"You mean I get another night with you.

In my bed.

Fuck yes. '

I grin as I think of all the things he's going to do to me.

"Hold that thought, '

I say, wiggling out of his grip.

“I need to tell Sadie the news, I'll be right back. '

He tries to grab me, and I laugh as I rush out of the room and hurry into Sadie's.

Ryan is lying on the bed.

Sadie, still in her bikini, is packing her things into her bag.

"Call your parents and let them know we're crashing here until tomorrow, 'I tell her.She freezes.

"Why? '

"Mom says they don't want anyone on the roads, the storm is going to be really bad. '

"Sweet! '

she replies.

"See you guys in a little bit. '

I hurry back to my room where Easton is already in the shower.

I strip off my bikini and step into the large walk— in, the hot steam hitting me immediately.

"So ... 'I say from behind him. He turns around, revealing the sexiest, ripped body that I instantly reach for.

“What do you want to do to me?"

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