Wolf-less Omega Luna



Alana’s POV

The restaurant outside the pack where Axel and I went to have lunch yesterday, I think they heard me screaming all through the night.

I tried. I really tried to muffle it somehow but nothing worked.

A flush crept up my cheek, spread all over my face, down my neck, and traveled till it settled in between my thighs making me squeeze and squirm.

I stretched my body on the bed, got up, and sat in front of the mirror, smiling and taking in my disheveled hair, exhausted eyes, and all.

I peered at my reflection to check for the trace of gold that Axel said had been in them last night but they were gone.

Whatever Axel was doing to help with Rox, it was working. I could feel it. And I was more than thankful.

Axel wasn’t on the bed when I woke up. I assumed he had ‘alpha’ duties to deal with and I was content with reminiscing about last night.

Axel was a drug and I was already addicted to him with only a snap of his fingers.

We went at it over and over again like chickens till exhaustion made my eyes flutter before Axel cooed me to sleep, whispering promises to my ears.

In the early hours of the quiet morning, I felt his hands massaging my thighs and his hard member nudging me from behind.

I responded accordingly and Axel blessed me with more mind blowing orgasms with his fingers and his machine of a tongue that did more than vibrators could.

My stomach rumbling told me that whatever energy I had from yesterday had been long used up and I needed food. Real food this time.

I got up from the table and tied my hair in a messy bun but decided against it as the hickeys from Axel suckling on my body were still very visible.

I made my way downstairs for breakfast only to find Axel in the kitchen with an apron draped over him, stirring eggs in a pan.

Confusion set in, followed by warmth that enveloped me.

“Good morning, Alpha,” I said in a cheery tone.

“Good morning, Luna,” he tossed me a smile.

“Hello?!” Coral snapped from the side of the kitchen. “Someone else is here. Am I invincible? Hello!?”

I turned to her and an embarrassing blush pinked my cheeks.

“Hi, Coral,” I mumbled. “I didn’t see you there.”

“Yeah. I bet.” She snorted. “I don’t blame you. Not when it’s Axel here,” she waved me away.

“It’s not like that,” I protested.

She lifted an eyebrow at me and dipped her chin before tipping her nose at me.

Shit. Neither of us had showered after what we were up to last night and this morning. No doubt she smelt it off me. Off us.

Axel didn’t look bothered. If anything, he had a smug look on his face. Pride.

The horrified look on my face drew a grin from Coral that confirmed that she indeed smelt us.

“It’s so like that because, for one, Axel is in an apron, making scrambled eggs and smiling like a shithead.”

“Hey.” Axel cautioned.

“Secondly, there’s hickeys all over your goddamn body, Alana.”

She was right. I looked down at my arm and other places where the thin cloth didn’t cover up and there were patches of hickeys covering my skin.

“And even if you both successfully hid all evidence of your …” she gestured between me and Axel, “the screams that came from your room last night cannot be erased from our memories. All of Crescent Moon pack heard it.” She said it matter-of-factly.

“She’s right about that.” It was from Tyler. He bounced into the kitchen in his training gear sniffing the kitchen with a disgusted look on his face.

Could this get any worse?

“That’s enough, Coral, Tyler” Axel cut them off, thankfully. “We’ve heard the both of you. Thank you for your observations.” He turned his attention to me. “Alana, can you please go back upstairs, I’ll bring breakfast up in a minute.”

I was more than happy to get away from this situation and its judgy comments. I practically flew up the stairs and plopped back down on the bed.

A memory from my first night with Axel flushed up my brain. How I tried to run away and he pinned me back down with his very naked body. How his rock-hard cock grazed my inner thighs.

I muffled a stupid cackle into the closest pillow.

Axel opened the door to the room and stepped in with two plates and two glasses in his hands.

What sight could be better than this?

“Scrambled eggs, toast, and avocado slices with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for my little Princess. I picked the fruits myself,” he winked.

I stumbled giddily to the center of the bed, more than happy to accept the food.

The way his shiny black hair fell over his face, brushing his nose when he dipped forward to hand me the plate was everything for me.

I salivated. I died. And resurrected.

“Thank you, Axel. I thought you had gone out when I woke up and you weren’t here.” I wafted the food toward my nose. “This smells so good.”

“I figured you’d be tired after last night,” he locked eyes with me as though he wanted to see my embarrassment. “You’ll need your energy back.”

He was right about that.

He rubbed his hands on his sweatpants as I took the first bite. Was he nervous?

I closed my eyes and let the marvelous savor coat my taste buds. I hummed and threw my head back as I chewed. “This is so good, Axel. Oh my goodness.”

He laughed contentedly before digging into his.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it. You’ll have to make this for me every day from now on. You’ve created a monster,” I frowned.

“Oh, one I’m happy to take care of.” He laughed and inched forward and squeezed my thigh making me freeze for a moment.

I only shook my head at the man who was flirting with me right now. Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

I enjoyed breakfast in comfortable silence with Axel, and the rest of the morning was filled with small conversations that you goddess knew I didn’t want to end.

Alana Green was finally starting to belong. Finding her person. Finding her home. Slowly reaching out to everything she wanted and more.

What could go wrong?

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