Wolf-less Omega Luna



Alana’s POV

What does he mix with his pecks that make my legs buckle and wobble like jelly? Dear goddess, save me from this god of a man.

The way his muscles flexed when he leaned in to kiss me goodbye on the cheek to go prepare for dinner was everything. It got me grinning from ear to ear like a complete idiot.

I stepped into the bathroom twice the size of the room Omega Alana previously had and turned on the shower. The bathroom was just as modern as my new room itself.

A large mirror with white rims hanging directly opposite where I stood reflected a smiling redhead with water dripping down her hair and face.

I took in the curves of my naked body.

A nice face that has been receiving more compliments in the last few days, ample breasts with stiff nipples, not stiff from the cold water cascading down my body, but from the thought of Axel’s baritone voice repeatedly singing my name.

My slim fingers travel through my slender side to the fair amount of hip bones that give me an overall eight figure, settling on my lady part, while my head falls back in the shower.

His face comes into my mind's view and that ungodly hair falling over my face makes my entire body shake. I imagine his hot breath on my neck as my fingers work crazily.

Two seconds of thinking about Axel’s upper extremity is all it takes for me to make a mess in the shower. I come down from my high horse with a shudder and wobble out of the bathroom.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Dabbing my body dry with a new towel, I open the closet to pick an outfit. I want to look presentable, which translates to looking beautiful for Axel, so I pick out a simple black strapless gown and throw it on.

It’s not much, but it being new and hugging my frame comfortably makes it do okay. I quickly dry out my hair like Coral taught me and I apply a single line of gloss before heading out.

When I’m by the door, I give the room a cursory glance and my eyes settle on the box Axel gave me. With quick strides, I’m back on my bed with the box settled in between my legs.

“Let’s see what we have here,” I say, my heart thumping in my chest.

It takes me a minute to unwrap the box before I start picking the contents.

A handwritten note is the first thing I see.

“Being devoted to our one true love. Axel.” I read out loud.

Soon, I’ve lost count of the number of gifts I've brought out from the box. Hairpins, vintage scarves, a frame of Axel, a watch similar to one I’ve seen on him, and many other smaller wrapped boxes.

I take out a gold necklace from one of the smaller boxes. It is one half of a moon and I recognize it from seeing it wrapped and locked around Axel’s wrist. He has the other half.

My heart warms up as I walk over to the mirror on the table and put it on.

It matches my dress so I decide to leave it on.

“No way!” I gasped when I walked back to the large box on my bed.

Now I understand how Axel could tell I hadn’t opened the box yet.

At the bottom of the box were different books, some old, others new.

The old ones looked like what Axel read and kept aside for me to read.

“These should keep me busy for a long time,” I say smiling.

I quickly arrange the books on the table beside my bed and bounce on my toes to the dining area to meet Axel standing over the table.


“Hey, Alana,” his eyes are glued on me before I come down from the stairs. He raises an eyebrow and smiles at me and I shyly look away, an embarrassing blush dragging up my face.

I hope he doesn’t sniff what I was up to in the shower moments back.

“You opened it.” His eyes are on the half-moon resting on my neck. He looks down at my cleavage and holds his gaze for a while before looking back up at me.

“I did.” I toy with the neckpiece. “Thank you, for the necklace and the books.”

“You’re welcome, Alana,” he says as he stalks towards me. “You look beautiful,” he breathes in and out, shuddering as his chest heaves down. “And you smell so good.” He adds.

Does he mean my natural scent or deodorant? Or has he smelt me? Oh gosh! Now I’m embarrassed beyond words.

I stiffen as he sniffs and grazes his teeth over my neck, on the sensitive spot where a male's mark goes, and a zing dances through me.

He leads me back to the table and moves a seat for me.

“Did you prepare all this?” I clear my desert-dry throat and point at the feast on the table.

“No. The chef did.” He settles on a seat beside me. “I am a decent cook, however.”

“Really?” My eyes shoot wide.

“Meh!” Coral’s voice calls from behind us. “He’s being modest. He never agrees to cook for us though.”

I look behind to see Tyler and Coral standing side by side, shifting from feet to feet.

Axel says nothing. Nothing at all.

“Luna,” Tyler comes in front of me and takes my hand. “You look beautiful.” And plants a kiss on the back of my palm.

An annoyed growl rises from Axel’s throat and is directed at Tyler. “Back off!” Elongated canines, eyes now the color of a raging sea.

I flinch, and Axel’s head snaps to me in a millisecond. His bright blue eyes return to me almost immediately.

Tyler doesn’t seem fazed in the least.

“Tyler,” Coral says. “Don’t start.”

“Listen to your sister shithead.” Axel directs at Tyler.

“Will you guys be joining us?” I ask next, having had enough testosterone skirmishes for one evening.

“No,” from Coral

“Yes,” from Tyler.

They say it simultaneously.

Coral blows a raspberry and slaps Tyler on the back of his head. “No, we’re not staying. There are many other dinings to use. We’ll leave you both. Bye!” And with that, Coral drags her brother out the same way they came.

“You all seem close.”

Axel practically grunts while helping me to a plate. “We’ve lived together since we were kids. Tyler’s father was my father's beta. Their mom, my mom's friend. Till date. It’s like a family.”

“You don’t say that with much joy,” I chuckle, and he only grunts in response.

“We have pasta, citrus butter roasted chicken, salads, and sweet potato casserole.”

“Ouuhh,” I say, palming my cheeks with my hands.

“Here, have some pasta.”

“Thank you. I wouldn’t know what to choose if you asked.”

A small laugh echoes from his lips for the first time that evening.

“Oh, he laughs.”

“What a wonder,” he says as he pours wine in two glasses and hands me one.

I haven’t drunk wine ever. I was offered some at the party but I rejected it. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself just minutes after being introduced to the pack.

“Will that make me tipsy?”

“Only if you drink too much. We have a high tolerance for alcohol.”

“I don’t know if that includes me,” I say a bit sadly.

His large hand finds its way to my thigh and settles there. “We can have juice instead.”

“No, it’s okay.” I take the glass from him and take a gulp, liking…loving how it rolls down my throat. “Hmm. I expected it to be bitter.”

“Do you like it?” He cocks an eyebrow.

“Yes. It’s nice.” I take another gulp, emptying the glass.

“Woah, Alana, slow down.” Axel laughs.

“I’m sorry,”

“That’s okay…”

I trail off his voice as my insides begin to heat up and the table spins before my eyes. I think I’ve had enough.

We enjoy the rest of dinner in comfortable silence till it’s time to say goodnight.

Axel helps me out of my chair and catches me close to his hard, broad chest as my knees give way.

“I’ll walk you.”

“I’m good,” I say, but I still cling to his shirt. I press my palm into his bicep and he goes stiff. I look up to meet his eyes flickering back and forth with flecks of silver. His hot, soft breath fanning my face, a

growl reverberating in his chest.

I take a step back as my heartbeat thrums in my ears.

“Let’s go.” His voice is deep.

I feel his eyes on me. On my neck, my back, my ass, and my legs as he leads me up the stairs.

Once we get to the front of my room, he opens the door for me, inhales deeply, and steps to the side.

“I had a nice evening,” I say, surprised that my voice didn’t go twelve pitches higher, but only one.

“Me too.” He pauses. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Alana. Goodnight.”


“Lock the door behind you.”


“Lock the door.” He says again. His voice was low, thick, and predatory.


He only growls, reveals his glistening canines, and takes a step toward me, invading my personal space.

“Because I know what you did before coming down to dinner. I smell it on you still.” He inhales again, deeply. “WHEN I come back, I want not to be able to enter. Except, you want me to.”

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