White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 43

Four hours have passed since the field incident. I am not calling it a killing. I can’t think about it like that. Aunt Josephine kindly reminded me that vampires are technically already dead so I didn’t kill anyone. I don’t see it that way. I know there are others of that group that wouldn’t agree either. I feel like I killed someone. It’s going to take some time getting over it.

Every werewolf in town is now in the town hall. There is almost the whole town. I can’t believe it. Uncle Jared said that there were a lot of wolves in town, I just didn’t realize how many that really was.

I am a little lost in thought when I feel someone plop in the seat next to me. I am curled up in Justin’s lap, but I do manage to look over. Kelly is sitting there with her head kind of bowed. When I look over she starts talking. “I know you may not like me very much, but I’m sorry. I thought you were trying to take Trey away from me. I didn’t understand what was going on. I don’t think you are a bitch. I’m sorry I ever said that. Your sister is a great cheerleader too, that was mean of me to say. I am just asking that you and I start over.” She looks up at me, when the last words are out of her mouth.

I know none of it was her doing. That witch was causing all kinds of problems. “I am not going to hold any of that against you. I know it was the spell. From now on clean slate.” I can see a smile appear on her lips. “Also in the spirit of forgiveness, I have an idea. I mean if you want to. Would you want to be my co-captain of the squad?”

Her face lit up. “Are you serious?”

“Yep.” I smile back at her.

She hugs me and in turn hugs her brother a little. “That is so awesome. Yes, that would be so cool.” She pulls back. “I always wanted a sister, you know. Honestly I thought Justin was never going to find a mate.” She winks at me to show she is joking.

Justin pulls me closer. “Keep it up sis. I know where you sleep.”

Kelly sticks her tongue out. “Whatever, I’ll just tell my new sister all about it and then you will be in the dog house.”

Trey sits down next to Kelly, pulling her into his arms. “Justin’s in the dog house already.”

Justin just rolls his eyes. “Yeah, keep it up.”

I kiss his lips, it’s a small kiss but enough to put a smile on his lips. “Don’t worry, you aren’t in the dog house.” He has hardly left me alone since we found each other. I love it. There is nothing wrong with how Justin treats me.

Ethan takes a seat in front of me. “So, do you guys know what this meeting is about?” We all laugh. Ethan looks shocked. “I missed something didn’t I?”

Trey nods. “Oh, yeah. Basically Cass reset the whole cosmos.”

Ethan smiles. “Well, that’s one hell of a birthday present.”

Kelly gasps. “I totally forgot it was your birthday. We have to go shopping after this.”

I sigh. “Unfortunately I think after this I am going to sleep for a week. I am so exhausted.”

“Rain check.” She smiles at me.

Ethan definitely looks confused. “Yeah, the cosmos have definitely been rearranged.”

“We’ll explain later.” I told him.

He nods. Then his eyes glaze over. He sniffs around like he is following a scent. At the end of the aisle, my cousin who I just met this morning is doing the same thing. Their eyes meet and she blushes a little. I smile and chuckle a little. “Well, looks like you met your mate.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

He winks at me. “Won’t my mother be happy.” He gets up leaving us.

A couple walks in front of us, I don’t even register them until Justin gasps, “Dad.” I look up and see some guy I have never met before, holding hands with Coach Mallori.

He smiles at Justin. “Hey, son. I was looking for you, I kind of missed you there in the pile. Look who finally found his mate.”

He looks really happy. Coach Mallory looks at our group. “Cass, Kelly. I am surprised to see you two together.”

We both laugh. “We made up. We also decided that we will be co-captains of the team.” I state, not really making it an option.

Her smile doesn’t falter. “Well, that is amazing news. I am glad to hear it.”

I am sure they had more to say but my Aunt Josephine was at the podium tapping the mic, asking for attention.

“Alright everyone. Can we have your attention? I know there are many exciting things happening this morning. We are here to explain how this all came about. If you all could take a seat, we have a few speakers this morning and we would like to get through it quickly. Some of us have never been to bed.”

She waits for a few minutes for people to shuffle to their seats. “So for starters, our community has been plagued by a curse for the better part of two hundred years. That curse was broken today.” She holds up three thick volumes from the podium. “These journals chronicle the activities that a vampire in our midst has completed since her arrival in our town. Almost every dispute that has ever happened in this town was caused by her. She opens the first page of the tomb she is holding. “December 2, 1802. I have arrived at the town of Oasis. At first glance it looks like a perfect utopia. All the residents get along. There are hardly any disputes. If there are any they are minor. However the area smells of dogs. The whole community is contaminated with their breed. I can hardly breathe. The only solution is to thin out their numbers. Get as many to leave as possible. At no time will I have peace, until the vermin are extinguished. This is her first entry.” Aunt Josephine closes the book. “Further she explains the spells that she used to corrupt our minds. Break our bonds and lies she told to cause countless deaths, not to mention the deaths she caused at her own hands.” She holds up the tomb again. “I have one more entry to read this morning, then these volumes will be available for everyone to read. I do warn you that some of the things inside are graphic. However, this next passage involves the curse that was spoken of.”

She adjusts herself a little before continuing. “March 13, 1803. I have had a vision this morning. The first in several years. A white wolf will be the death of me. It will end my ways and send me into an abyss. I don’t know when this wolf will appear or from where, only that it will be my end. So far there are no white wolves in this community. I will just have to work harder to eradicate them before that happens.” She closes the book again. “This morning, she was killed by a newly shifted white wolf. Her powers didn’t work on her. I will let her tell you in her own words what happened, but as soon as the witch was killed, all her spells were reversed. As you can see by the many newly mated pairs in this very room.” For the first time I saw Aunt Josephine smile. “I am very proud of my niece and the work she has done this morning. It warms my old heart to see this many happy wolves in our community.”

With that she stepped down. Her place was taken by Kelly’s dad. “Thank you Josephine. Now I am sure many of you are wondering what this means for us all from here on out. We have decided that we would like to have a council of our own that will deal with issues like this. I know we have a town council, but this is different. This will be a council of elders, we will take recommendations, names will be submitted.”

Someone in the back yells out. “The white wolf.”

Soon a chorus rings out. “White Wolf. White Wolf.”

Kelly’s dad raises his hand. “I quite agree. She will be the first person on this council. I will introduce you to her in a minute. She will oversee this group and make sure that something like this doesn’t happen again.” I am starting to hyperventilate. I can’t do this. I can’t even hear what he says any more. I am just trying to breathe.

Justin grips my face. “It’s alright baby. It’s alright. You can do this.”

I’m shaking my head. “I can’t do this. It’s too much.”

“You won’t be alone Cass. I’ll be right here with you. You can do this.” He pulls me to his chest and holds me until my breathing evens out.

It takes a few minutes but when I can finally hear the room around me I see that there are many eyes on me. Apparently Kelly’s dad has introduced me and they are all waiting on me to speak.

I climb out of Justin’s lap, but keep a strong grip on his hand and drag him up to the podium with me. He doesn’t hesitate to follow me. Thank the goddess, because I would die without him right now. Kelly’s dad pats my back as soon as I get up there. “It’s alright. You can do this.” He nods to me and leaves me and Justin there.

“Well, I am sure at this point you are all worried that you have picked the wrong wolf for the job.” I chuckle a little and most of the room follows me. “Honestly I don’t know if I am the right wolf. I do know that I will do my best and with the other members of the group we will make sure our community is safe from this kind of danger again. The damage that Trish caused is going to take time to get past. Like now, I know of two wolves that no longer have a family because she killed their parents and raised them as her own. She used wolves for her own devices. She moved us around like pawns. When she came towards me out of the woods this morning, my only thought was I needed to protect those around me. We needed to be safe. I had to be the one to do it, because I was the only one that wasn’t affected by her magic. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and I don’t like the thought that I might have to do it again, but I would to keep our community safe. I can see many happy faces that I didn’t see a couple of weeks ago. I can’t imagine two hundred years of that unhappiness. I am going to do my best and build this community to the state that it is supposed to be.”

I get a round of applause. I am not really sure I deserve it, but there it is. Justin pulls me into his arms. “Let’s get you some rest now.”

“Oh, thank you, thank you. Please.”

I know this isn’t happily ever after, but it is happy for now. That’s all that any of us can really ask. Many more matebonds were found before the end of the week. Wolf families moved back to town. Our community returned to the utopia that it was before Trish arrived here in our little town. The human residents weren’t any wiser.

Kelly and I became great friends. Much to Crissy’s dismay. Apparently as a human she couldn’t fathom what the heck happened to cause us to change. She has fallen from her social ladder and she isn’t too pleased with it. The cheer squad and football teams have both improved. Kelly and I are out of high school now, but we still help out Coach Mallori as often as we can. Doesn’t hurt my daughter in law points either.

Justin built us a home with the help of his dad, in the woods right in between the two families’ lands. I like that I get to be close to my family and still be alone with Justin. Sometimes we go to the pond and relive that picnic that we had. I love it. Sometimes he acts pompous and we fight about it, but that is the only thing that we fight about anymore. Usually I win too. We always wind up in the same bed at the end of the day. Who could really ask for more. The man I love with me every night and a future that looks bright for once in my life.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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