White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 36


I have been avoiding both men to make sure that they know they fucked up. They are both persistent though. They show up at my work. They bother me at school. Even Justin now. He volunteered to do some work at the school so now he is everywhere. I stick to Ethan, I know he will have my back. He keeps them both back as much as possible.

The only time that I can not avoid Trey is in Biology. We are still lab partners. It’s been a month since the dance and I keep all conversion with him to a minimum. Today he starts playing with the hem of my sweater. “What are you doing?” I glare at him as he fiddles with it.

“I am trying to get your attention. You have been avoiding me.”

“You think. You made a big show at the dance. I am so done with the drama that involves you.”

“It wasn’t my fault.” He starts to protest.

“Really, who pushed who first?”

He groans. “Alright it was my fault. He just drives me fucking nuts. You can’t honestly say that you want a guy like him.”

“Right now I don’t want any guy. I think I am thinking of going gay. Do you think Calab would share Willow?”

I hold in the laugh as Trey looks at me shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

“Why not, she’s pretty, smart, all the things I look for in a woman. Not to mention she is her own person, she doesn’t let others dictate her actions.” Ok, I am not interested in Willow that way, but the rest is true.

“That isn’t funny. I’ll give you that Willow is a great girl but you can’t think of going gay. Babe, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Please, you promised that you wouldn’t cut me out. Well, that is all you have done for a month.” He looks really sad right now.

I sigh, “I did say that. But Trey, I can’t give you what you want. I think it is best just to leave this thing between us alone.”

“Meet me after practice. Please, just to talk. I promise nothing bad.”

I groan, “Will it get you to leave me alone?”

“Yes. Well, to the best of my ability.”

“Fine, I will have a conversation with you after practice. I will have Calab drive everyone home and you will need to give me a ride.”

“Anything babe.” He smiles, looking pretty content.

I groan. “Don’t call me babe.”

He just shakes his head. Fucking give the guy an inch and he takes a mile.

I am walking to lunch when I am pulled into a classroom. At first I think it’s someone who’s going to hurt me, until I see that it’s Justin. “What are you doing?” I growl as he closes the room door.

He rounds on me. He looks every bit the predator that I think he is. “You have been avoiding me.”

“With good reason.” I backed away. “You can’t fight people over me. I don’t belong to anyone.”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

He pushes me back up against the wall. He sniffs my neck. “I have missed you.” His voice sounds husky. He glides his nose along my jaw, making my body shiver. I don’t know why he makes me feel this way, but he does. He bites my jaw and my mouth comes open in a moan. He doesn’t hesitate to silence it with his lips. I am just gripping his shirt and hanging on for dear life. He is making me dizzy with his kiss. As much as I want to protest, it’s too hard. I have missed him too.

“Cass, don’t push me away again. I don’t think I could handle it.” He sounds breathless and needy. His voice sent shivers through my body.

I look up into his blue eyes. “What is this? Justin, I don’t understand.”

He kisses my jaw and holds me closer. “It doesn’t matter. You feel it too don’t you?” His lips leave tingles with every touch. I am reaching my body towards him for more. I should want to push him away just as much as Trey but I don’t. Don’t get me wrong I am still pissed, but that doesn’t seem to matter at the moment. Justin is all that I can focus on.

The door to the classroom opens and causes us both to freeze. “There you are, son. So, this is your little friend.” He seems to sneer when he refers to me as a friend.

“Get out Dad.” Justin seems to return the sneer on Dad.

“I thought we talked about this.” He isn’t relenting. I feel really embarrassed.

“We did. I decided that I didn’t care. Now go.”

“You really think that is best.” His dad folds his arms over his chest in a challenging posture.

Justin grips me tighter and growls. “Leave us alone.”

“I don’t think you are thinking clearly. She is not eighteen yet, it would be best if you were patient.” He clears his throat and continues. “Considering you are twenty it could be considered illegal. I would hate for someone to bring that to light.”

“I am not having sex with her, you are such a fucking asshole.” But Justin is loosening his grip on me. “I don’t really see what two weeks is going to change.”

His dad sighs. “You never know unless you wait.” I know exactly what they are talking about. This isn’t about Justin being twenty, this is about if he is my mate or not. I knew it, they were wolves.

Justin sighs. “He’s right. But that doesn’t mean that I want to let you go. Don’t shut me out again.” He peers down at me and makes me want to melt.

“I won’t.”

His dad claps his hands. “Now that that is settled, maybe you should run off and have lunch my dear.”

Justin lets out a growl.

“I apologize. Not dear. Miss.”

Justin still growls. “She is not your anything.”

“Got it.” His dad doesn’t seem too thrilled about the distinction, but he is placating his son.

“I should go. I think you two need to work some things out.” I pat his arm to let him know that he should probably let me go, he looks down at his arm and moves it slowly off my body. I can see the pained look on his face. I grip his arm and give him a small smile as I slip away from him. It is kind of hard for me too. What the hell is wrong with me? I have never felt this way about anyone but Gray. I know it isn’t Gray because he threw me to the curb as soon as he could. I was nothing to him. Justin doesn’t seem to want to do the same thing.

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