White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 11

The next morning I got us all ready for school, like usual. My dad is still in his room. I don’t know if he is depressed or if shifting really just took that much out of him. Our Uncle meets us at the door. “Now, I would hope that I don’t need to remind you all that you can’t tell people about this.”

I roll my eyes, “Yeah, that is going to be the first thing I am going to do. I am going to run and tell everyone that I am going to change into a mystical beast when I turn eighteen. Cause I want to be thrown into the loony bin.”

“It was just a question.” He states.

“Well it was a dumb one.” I led us all out of the house. See sassiness. I don’t have that with Gray. I am comfortable talking to him. Not to mention he makes me feel like I shouldn’t be this hard shell. At least not with him. I even found myself wanting to look prettier. Not that I am not an attractive person. I guess I am somewhat. But I just don’t think of myself like that. I see the tough chick that I have always needed to be. Maybe I don’t need to be that here. Everyone seems to be doing well, no bullies except Kelly. I have put her in her place. If she does anything again then I can do the same thing. The point is that I don’t need to be a hard ass all the time.

I am quiet on the way to school. While I mill all this around my brain. Everyone else is talking about school and who they are meeting up with when we get there. Apparently Calab got further with Willow than I thought yesterday. She is meeting him at the gate. Brittney and Bret are meeting some of their teammates. I am just going to head to class. I didn’t make plans to meet with anyone and I am fine with that.

It’s weird when we get to school and they all climb out of the car with places to go. It’s not like they didn’t have friends at our old school but they kept close together. Now they are all going separate ways. Well, Bret and Brittney went the same way, but they aren’t holding hands. After last night I figured that they would still be a little freaked out, but they aren’t. They slept in my room last night. Then this morning they are fine.

I am lost in my thoughts when I feel someone next to me. “So, how are you doing this morning?”

“Good.” I turn and see Trey. “How was your ride home with Kelly?” I smirk. Yeah, didn’t think I knew about that did you?

He groans. “She told her dad that I was driving her home so then he left her here. I felt bad so I took her home. Nothing else.”

I laugh. “It’s not like we’re dating. Drive whoever you want home. I don’t care.”

“Harsh. I am sure you are aware that I am attracted to you. I mean I think I made that clear. I didn’t exactly say it, but I kind of acted it.”

I shrug. “Sounds like you have some things going on. I am not one for competition. I told you that yesterday. You need to deal with your Kelly issues. I am not fighting her for you.”

He groans. “We broke up six months ago. She just hasn’t let go.”

“Hey, relax, we just met. I am sure there is plenty of time. Let’s get to know each other. Hell, you might not even like me after you get to know me.” I chuckle. I like Trey enough, but he doesn’t give me those overwhelming feelings. I am not falling over myself to be with this guy.

He puts his arm around me. “Well, then I have to just convince you.”

I move out of his arm. “First rule about me. I don’t like to be touched. Not casually anyway. I like my space.”

He cocks his head at me. “Really, it is just an arm.”

“Really.” I stand my ground.

We are standing there facing each other. When he starts again. “How about this? I can put my arm around you and I won’t kiss your cheek again, without your permission.”

“How about you just don’t kiss me?” I counter.

He gets a little closer. “Come on, I got to do something to scare these other guys away. Give me something here.”

I think about it for a minute. “Fine, an arm around the shoulders, but that doesn’t mean that you claim me. I am still a free agent. Got it?”

He nods and throws his arm around my shoulders. “Loud and clear.” He starts steering us towards our first period class. “So, are you ready for the tryouts this afternoon?”

“Yeah, I know what I am doing. I have to meet with the coach at lunch to learn some routines, but that’s just the basics. I took dance and I can learn moves. I should be able to learn some cheers.” I roll my eyes at the basics of it. It seems so trivial. My dance instructor was a demon. I am sure if I can get the moves to her perfection then I can do whatever cheer this chick throws at me. I can even come up with a few of my own.

“Good, I know you can do better than Kelly. She isn’t even that great, there just aren’t that many people who are challenging her. That’s the problem with all our sports. Not enough talent to really compete.” He seems like that just irritates him. Like there should be more team spirit or something.

“Yeah, I don’t know how well I’ll be because of the fact that I have never cheered before, but I can damn well do my best.” I stand confidently. “I have enough skills to do the basics. I’m going to learn what I can and I am pretty sure that I can do it.”

“After yesterday I am pretty sure you can do it. You rocked the moves your sister was asking. You can just do that and become captain.”

“Then I am pretty sure that Brittney should be captain already.” I smile at the thought. She really is that good. Plus she has a better personality than me. “So, how did Calab and Bret do?”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

“Great. They got speed and skill. I am thrilled to have them on the team. We might actually win a few. Don’t get me wrong there are a few other guys that got skill too, I just think they are holding back. Your brothers don’t hold back.”

“Yeah, I was worried that they would. It’s good to hear they came out of their shell. I guess the first game is going to be cool to watch.”

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to pay attention to the game. I’ll be too busy watching you.” He whispers in my ear.

I shove him a little. “Yeah, I don’t think so.” He pulls me closer. “So, what do we talk about now? I have no clue.”

He chuckles. “How about the back to school dance? It’s next week, it should be fun.”

“Yeah, that isn’t my thing.” I shake my head.

“I need a date. It’s like a requirement.”

I shrug. “Well, good luck with that.”

He groans. “Be my date please.”

“I told you friends. I am not dating you.” We reach the classroom and he opens the door for me.

“Fine, be my friend date.”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “Is that even really a thing?”

“Yeah, of course it is.”

“Sure, it’s not something that you totally just made up.” I roll my eyes.

He walks me to my seat and leans on the desk next to mine. “What’s it going to take to get you to go to the dance with me?”

“A lobotomy.” I answered without hesitation.

He laughs. “It’s not that bad. It’s actually kind of fun.”

I sigh, “If I tell you I’ll think about it, then will you drop it?”

He smirks. “For now.”

“Alright, I’ll think about it.” I shake my head for added measure.

Some guy comes in and nudges Trey. “Dude, your ass is on my desk.”

Trey looks down at the desk. “Oh, sorry.” Like he didn’t know he was sitting his ass there. He jumps up. “Keep your hands off my girl.” He gives the guy a knowing look. What the fuck, I am not his girl?

The guy looks at me then back at Trey. “I thought you were with Kelly.”

I laugh. I can’t hold back, this is funny. The look on Trey’s face is hilarious. “She only wishes. Now I mean it. Keep your hands off my girl.” He points at the guy and then back at me to make his point.

I flipped him off. “I am not your girl, I made that clear.”

He groans. “Work with me here babe.”

“Now, it’s babe. Wow, you just keep digging yourself in a hole don’t you?”

“Keep it up and I’ll have to kiss you right here in front of everyone.” He smirks and takes his seat at his desk.

I look around and everyone is looking, just great Trey, I’m going to have to punch him after class. Just when I thought I would leave all that behind me. I guess that isn’t possible today.

The guy next to me leans closer. “Don’t mind Trey, it’s his way of flirting. I don’t think he gets the concept of taking things slow.” He seems like a nice guy. He puts his hand out for me to shake. “I’m Ethan by the way.”

I take his hand. “Cass.”

“Cool, I’ve seen you in a couple of classes. If you need any real help, I can help you out.”

“Thanks. That’s nice of you.” I give him a friendly smile. I didn’t make many friends yesterday. I am pretty sure it was just Trey. And Gray, but he doesn’t count.

“Yeah, I’m just the average bumpkin around here. Most of the time people don’t even notice me. I kind of like it that way.” He whispers the last part like it’s part of a conspiracy.

I chuckle and lean forward. “Just my kind of people.” Then I give him a wink. He sits up a little straighter. I wasn’t trying to flirt, but that is probably what that was. I like that he is easy going. Not a look at me kind of guy. I like that.

Now I am wondering if Gray is that kind of guy. Probably, he sounded hot as hell. Yeah, I think I have a problem.

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