Where We Belong

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Curiosity got the better of me. Reaching down I picked it up and held it in two hands. I had never held a gun before, never seen one up close until Blaze held it to my head. Closing one eye I aimed it at his lamp. Maybe I should invest in a gun. Too caught up in what I was doing a knock at the door made me jump causing my finger to slip over the trigger the gun going off and the bullet going straight through the lamp.

"Ava what the fuck" Blaze roared ripping the gun from my hand and slipping the safety back on. How was I to know it was loaded? "Why the fuck are you playing about with a gun?* he snapped slipping it into the back of his jeans.

" I didn't know it was loaded" I roared back "I found it in your drawers and got curious. If you hadn't of knocked on the door this wouldn't have happened".

"Everything okay?" Tank asked poking his head around the door.

"Fucking fine" We both snapped at the same time causing Tank to hold his hands up and back off. "So this is my fault? Don't play around with fucking guns Ava". Rolling my eyes I started picking up the broken lamp " No one got hurt" I whispered. He was blowing this out of proportion.

"Doesn't matter you could have shot yourself. Fuck" he snapped running a hand through his hair. Lighting up a cigarette he took a seat on the bed. Placing the broken pieces of lamp in the trash I took a seat next to him "But I didn't and that was fun" I grinned to myself. Shooting a gun was a good way to get rid of stress. Shaking his head he pinched the bridge of his nose "Guns are not fun. They're fucking dangerous. Don't play about with them".

" Fine I won't play with guns and I'm sorry for snooping thought your drawers. I was looking for something to change into, this dress has to come off and these panties are giving me a serious wedgy " I huffed forgetting who I was talking to "I really need to think before I speak". I groaned hiding my face in my hands.

Laughing at me he stood up and grabbed some clothes for me " Go have a shower and then meet me out front. Everyone apart from the MC will be gone. We need to talk about what happened. Don't be long" he muttered kissing the top of my head before leaving me on my own.

After having a shower and changing into comfortable clothes I could barely keep my eyes open. I was finally relaxed and I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself up in his bed and go to sleep. I could hear them all talking and laughing but I wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened. Not when all I could focus on was sleeping. I'm sure they could wait.

Crawling into his bed I pulled the covers over me right up so they sat under my chin. Now I was settled I could feel my eyes growing heavier by the minute. Remind me to steal this bed before I go back home. Hearing the heavy footsteps I shut my eyes. "I'm just going to get her" Came his voice as the door opened. Feeling the bed dip I tried my hardest to keep my eyes closed. Grabbing a hold of my hand he brought it to his lips and pressed a kiss against my knuckles "No one will ever hurt you baby. Not while I'm still on this earth".

" You hurt me" I croaked opening my eyes. Pulling my hand out of his I placed it under the covers. "I shouldn't have did what I did tonight it was out of line and I'm sorry for touching you there" I nodded towards his package "I definitely shouldn't have done that".

" I'm glad you did" he smirked "Although I have been walking around with a constant hard-on all night. The guys are starting to get freaked out". Laughing out loud a yawn escaped my mouth " I'm dead beat" I whispered turning onto my side.

"I'll let you get some sleep sweets and don't worry I'll be right out front" As he stood up I did something I never thought I would I grabbed a hold of his hand causing his eyes to meet mine "Stay with me" I yawned before my eyes fluttered shut and the darkness took over.

Coffee coffee coffee!

I needed to get some coffee if I was going to last another 12 hours here. Checking my notes over I heard some commotion coming from one of the rooms on the ground floor.

"Zack please let the nice doctor check your arm".

Frowning I stuck my head around the door, my eyes falling on the cutest little boy ever. " No mommy" he cried holding his arm against his chest. Glancing at Josh I knew he was becoming frustrated.

"Good morning" I smiled easing myself into the room. "Well who's this cute little guy?" I asked picking up what I presume to be the little ones teddy. "Can you tell me his name?" I smiled turning and bending down so I was level with Zack.

"C-cooper" he stuttered "He's my bestest friend" he smiled his big brown eyes staring into mine.

"Is Cooper here for a check up today?" I asked "What can we do for you today Cooper?" Talking directly to the teddy, Zach burst out laughing making him walk a little closer to me.

"I hurted my arm" He whispered placing his thumb in his mouth.

"You hurt you arm sweetie? Can you tell Cooper and I where it hurts?" I asked

"Its hurted here" He cried showing me with his other hand. Poor little thing. "Well honey my name is Ava and I was wondering if it would be okay for you to sit up on this big bed and let me check it for you? Would that be okay with you?".

"Can Cooper come to?"

Smiling at him I placed Cooper in his other hand "Of course he can. Now how about Mommy lifts you up and I can have a little look". Looking at his mom she mouthed a quick thank you before lifting him gently and placing him on the bed.

"Am I going to get hurted more?" He asked his little eyes beginning to fill up.

"No sweetheart but you let me know if it hurts when I touch it. Can you do that for me?" I asked. Watching him nod his head I began to feel around and push slightly.

"Ouch that hurts" He cried pulling his arm away from my touch. Just as I suspected it would. Little Zack has a broken wrist. "Okay sweetheart let's get you down from here. Dr Amaro could you take little Zack here down to the canteen?".

" Of course come on little guy I'll treat you to a hot chocolate" Watching his eye light up at the word chocolate he slipped his hand into Josh's and of they went.

"Your son has a broken wrist. I'm going to have to send him for an x-ray just to make sure nothing else is broken. I'll have Dr Amaro take you both down and once I've finished my rounds I'll come and check on the little guy".

"Thank you Doctor" She smiled

"Once he's had his x-ray I'm going to have to sit you down so you can tell me what happened that way his notes will be up to date". I smiled as I walked her out " The canteens just down and to the right".

"Keep those yoga classes going Mrs Robinson" Closing my office door behind me I slumped down onto my chair. What a morning it had been. Closing my eyes I groaned when there was a knock at my door. "Come in" I called watching as Mark opened the door.

"Thought you could use this" He smiled placing a coffee on my desk. He was right that's exactly what I needed. "Thank you" I yawned bringing the coffee to my lips, inhaling deeply before taking a drink. "What a morning" I smiled wanting nothing more than to go home and go to bed. Last night was a long night. Working long days with hardly any sleep was not good. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"I want to apologise Ava. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have said what I did and I'm glad you're here. I know what an amazing doctor you are and I hope we can be friends".

When Josh said they would come and apologise I wasn't really waiting for it. They didn't seem like the kind of guys to apologise but for him to come in here and do it that took balls. " Thanks for the coffee Mark and about last night forget about it I have".

"Thank you. I'll let you get back to it"

Once Mark closed the door I leaned back in my chair and proped my feet up on the desk. Taking my phone from my pocket a smile made its way onto my face when I noticed a message from Blaze.

'We need to talk'

That was never a good sign. Feeling my stomach drop I opened my desk drawer and put my phone in there. What did we need to talk about? I thought we were done talking, I thought we were okay. For all I know it could be nothing and here I was worrying when I hadn't the slightest clue what it was about. Putting the text message to the back of my mind I got up and left my office.

Walking down the corridor I was about to visit Mr Jenkins when Ally popped into my view "Guy in room 4 demands to see a proper doctor" She huffed folding her arms over her chest. "People like him make this job so much bloody harder".

"You are a proper doctor" I frowned. Why can't people let us do our job without thinking they know better?

"Well apparently I'm not. Do you mind taking him? I don't think I'd be able to go back in without punching him, please" She begged. Glancing at my watch I bit my bottom lip "Yeah I'll take him. Mr Jenkins seems like he wouldn't mind waiting an extra 5 minutes".

"Thanks Ava. I owe you" She smiled bouncing off down the hall. What makes her think I'm any better than her? Making my way towards room 4 I walked into the room and wished I hadnt. Once I saw the cut hanging on the back of the chair my stomach dropped. This guy belonged to Vagos and I'm pretty sure he knew exactly who I was.

Picking up his chart from the holder at the bottom of the bed I looked over it. He was one of the men that got rushed in a few days ago, hurt by whatever shit Devils Due caused. Peter Hernandez

"Ain't you a pretty little thing".

Snapping my head up I made eye contact with him " I understand you wanted a second opinion?" I asked feeling the bile rise in the back of my throat with the way he was looking at me.

"That dumb ass bitch that was in here earlier knew nothing. When the hell am I being discharged from this shit hole?" He growled his eyes focused on my chest.

"I can a sure you Mr Hernandez all of the staff here are qualified and very good at what they do. You'll be discharged when your ready and right now you're not. I'll have a nurse attended to you so she can change your bandages and make sure there's no infection there. Is there anything else you need?" I asked wanting nothing more than to leave this room.

"I'd like for you to come sit on my face" He grinned showing what little teeth he had left. Ignoring his comment I placed his chart back into the holder. "The nurse won't be long" I smiled turning on my heel so I could get the hell out of there.

Rounding the corner I slipped into one of the disabled toilets. Turning on the taps I splashed some cold water on my face. What if he knew who I was and just wasn't saying anything? Shaking the thoughts from my head I dried my hands and left. Making my way towards Mr Jenkins room I came to a halt when I heard the commotion coming from the room I was just in.

"Are you sure?" A voice snapped.

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