Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Veronica woke up around two a.m and felt a pair of arms, once again snaking around her body.

Then realization hits her, where she, just like five years ago, is still the same, as making herself too

readily available for the man beside her. It's not like he used a magical power to compel her but she

herself was more than willing to offer her body to him. 'I miss you.'

She was feeling conflicted after remembering what he uttered last night. 'Do you? Why?' She

silently asked. Veronica moved but found it very hard as the beast was tightly coiled around her and

she could only do a slow but sure effort to roll her body over to face him. She looked at his serene and

calm sleeping face. Years had done him really good. He's more handsome than she could remember


Veronica moved her hand to gently caress his face. It started on his forehead then to his

eyebrows. Still those bushy yet net brows. She carefully played with his brows before moving to his

closed eyes. Beautiful deep seated eyes which she thought of even if he's still sleeping. She continued

on to his proud high bridged nose screaming royally,....and....and his thin pinkish lips....the same pair of

sexy lips that ravaged not only her lips, but also her body. 'His sexy lips also did some naughty stuff

down there.' The pervert in her added.

She quickly removed her fingers off him as he stirred in his sleep.

Another conflicted emotion surged within her. And yes, same as five years ago, I am about to once

again leave before he wakes up just to save myself some pride and dignity. After all, men of Rawlf Sy's

stature and power surely treat women as someone to satisfy their physical needs.

There's no need to plant hope in her even if she's aware that he fathered her twins. 'Just because

he has children with me doesn't mean he'll also readily take me as his wife....or even as his woman.

But maybe a woman for the night.'

For the record, two nights and a day in toto.' The pervert in her mind added. Veronica smirked.

She had long accepted this perverted side of her. Even before she met Rawlf years ago, she had

long understood her own sexuality and that's why even if without experience in all actuality, she knew

right there and then that she felt an intense amount of sexual attraction for the man. Maybe for his

dominant personality making him at the top of the food chain and her womanly instinct of course would

naturally respond to being attracted to someone with his kind.

Veronica indulged herself more watching him for another minute before trying to once again move

to get off from his tight embrace. She planned to go ahead and process the check out of the hotel suite

until twelve noon which she believed was enough for Rawlf to wake up and move out as well.

She decided to stay at the Bael Force HQ to slim down and if possible, zeroed the chances of her

meeting Rawlf once again. She promised herself not to indulge with her own weakness and pleasure

for him as she has to move on and prioritize her growing force here in Country P and above all else,

her children. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Their children who won't be able to meet him, she partly hoped and is ironically partly sad about.

She knew that despite her children being pampered by her and her family, Baelfire and Baelfair

craved for a father that would spoil and pamper them with a fatherly love. However, after all, her twins

were geniuses. They might lack the love of a father but she'll make sure that she as the only parent will

do her best to be a good mother....and a father.

She's not trying to complicate things. It's the reality of everything around her that she needs to

understand. Yes, she can simply tell him that he fathered her not just one child but two, but then what?

What then after that? The status quo is best as it is. Let it stay that way, at least her children were safe

at the haven of their highly and heavily guarded old castle in Country R.

Being someone who was now a part of the underworld strengthened her as a woman and she

believed she had achieved everything faster than she thought she could, but deep inside her, she's

wailing as her humanity was crumbling into pieces day by day. But she needs not only to act but also

wholly, be stronger, for her family and mostly, for her twins. That's what not only the incident in Country

P but also what almost happened to her in Country R had taught her.

She shook her head as memories flashed before her of what could have almost happened to her

while still heavily pregnant with the twins that year in Country R. That's the memory she always hates


Just as Veronica was successful in removing herself off Rawlf and was about to sit right up, he

suddenly pulled her back and embraced her tighter and with a dangerous voice said, "Where do you

think you're going?"

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