Together Forever

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

In everybody's life, there comes a time when every day starts with the hope of a new adventure,

hormone levels get higher and life seems like a ride of a roller coaster where throwing all the anxiety

behind, one's one and only target becomes to enjoy life to the fullest.

Yes, I was different from others but still, I can't fight my teenage hormones, right? The swirling of newly

discovered emotions, impulsive mood swings, and the undeniable thirst to encounter the daring

teenage experiences; it's hard to resist.

So yeah, the time when everything was rainbows and jellybeans and when It was the time to have

some fun, I got a crush on the hottest football player of the school Liam Reynolds.

Wow, he is just wow!

It was the thought that used to run across my mind every single time I saw him. When he chased the

ball in his wet clothes under the rain, when he smiled how his dimples showed up and the way he

danced at the parties with numerous girls, everything just amazed me.

The last one hurt though!

But who cares? You know the typical bad boys? He was one of them.

I wasn't invisible at all. In fact, the other way is true. Some people feared talking to me because of my

weird attitude and some didn't dare at all for my wealth and all that. But Liam did. We talked at times

and sat together in classes too but everything was captured into a bowl of friendship. And that's all. I

wasn't anything more than a friend to him but he was to me.

Then years passed, I grew up, that infatuation slowly faded away that I didn't even notice when Liam

became unknown to me. I moved to Canada leaving everything behind along with my once

uncontrollable delusion.

But no matter how much you try to avoid your past, sometimes it keeps coming back.

In these years, a lot of things have changed including me. Once love-struck Evelyn turned into a

grown-up woman who has many responsibilities to perform, a business to handle. Life took turns and

someone new came into my life and right now in this hectic time, Liam had to appear.

Life is beautiful, isn't it?

I keep my eyes down standing in the full silent hallway where nothing can be heard except our

breathing as Ethan eyes me quietly, speechless.

After all of this drama, he clearly didn't expect this new one. Not me either.

I look up slowly when my eyes meet his dull ones. He removes his hands from me and looks away.

After blowing out a heavy breath, he stomps away from me without looking back, pissed off.

I knew he would be angry but it was out of my hand? I can't change my past now and about telling him

the truth, I thought it would be good for everyone.

Fuck everything!

I try to find Ethan walking out of the hallway but he's got lost in the crowd again. Some people are

dancing and a frowzy scent is spreading in the air suffocating me. And this gorgeous dress isn't helping

either. I just want to get out of here.

I am walking aimlessly when someone holds my hand from behind and I look back to see Liam there.

"Hey!" I say nervously, giving him a tight-lipped smile.

Without answering, he guides me through the crowd towards the bar area. When we reach there, he

indicates to me to sit on a chair and he sits beside me. Music keeps blasting but here where we are

sitting, the sound isn't coming too much.

"'s been a long time since we last met." He says, looking at me with a smile.


Numerous colorful lights are dancing throughout the place and in this dimmish state, I try to call

together the teenage boy I used to know. But he's long gone. The lock of blond hair that used to fall

upon his tan cheek is now combed back and the urge once I felt to run my hand through them has

vanished. There was a time when I went to watch football matches regularly despite not having any

interest. The actual intention was something else. But now that the same boy is sitting before me, I am

feeling nothing.

The human mind is the most complicated thing that has ever been created.

The thing you are misunderstanding as love; might be nothing but a mere infatuation. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Wait just some days, it will go away and you will be surprised by yourself like I am now.

"What are you doing here?" Liam's question breaks my thoughts as I look back at him.

"We...we are here to meet our new affiliate, Rey's organization," I reply just as his eyes shoot up and

he gives me a surprised look.

"Seriously? That means you are the heiress of Grayson's company." He says and tries to remember

something, "Oh yeah, your name... Evelyn... Evelyn Gray, right?" He asks me excitedly.

"Yeah?" I nod in confusion, "But why are you here?"

He seems to understand something as he smiles at me, leaning back in his chair.

"My dad is Mr. Reynolds, owner of Rey's organization."

Fucking hell!

Rey... Reynolds... right! Now I have to work with Liam? Great, just great!

"Oh, that's good to hear." I fake a smile.

He smiles back, "Yeah. We could work together now and get to know each other better."

Of course!

My life couldn't get any more dramatic, I guess. When you don't want trouble, it will come to you right

then. Why me, God?

Liam looks around for a while and then stands up. He holds his hand towards me and asks,

"Wanna dance?" He smiles, genuinely.

Sure so that Ethan can kill you right here!

"No, thanks. I can't dance." I shake my head, smiling.

"Oh, come on. Let's teach you." He grins sweetly, his hand still holding out for me.

This innocent boy has no idea of what I am going through.

Finally, I give up and am about to hold his hand but when I look behind him, instantly I take my hand

back out of horror, my eyes wide.

Ethan is standing there behind him with his hands shoved inside his pockets, fuming and glaring at us.

Liam notices my reaction and immediately looks back and his face scrunches up in confusion.

"Mr. Jones?" Liam says as Ethan moves forward and stands in front of him.

I get up from my chair and move towards Ethan, stopping beside him.

"I have already talked to Mr. Reynolds. The agreement is done. Hope to work with you, Mr. Liam."

Ethan says professionally and they shake their hands.

After they are done, Liam looks back at me and is about to say something when Ethan cuts him off.

"Miss Gray? We should get going now." Ethan holds my hand tightly, again catching Liam's attention.

It's natural though. At a party like this, if someone always keeps holding your hand as if you both are a

couple, people will definitely look at you.

"Yeah. Bye, Liam." I say, nervousness building up inside me.

"Bye." He says, confused as ever.

I don't get the chance to look back at him again since Ethan drags me away from there and towards the


Why is he just dragging me?

After we are outside and away from people, he pulls me against him, his eyes are burning.

"You were going to dance with him?" He grits, his hand gripping mine so tightly that at this point, it's


"So what? Do I need to give you an explanation? I can do whatever the fuck I want. You don't own me,

Ethan." I bark at him, trying hard to free my hand from his death hold.

He suddenly pushes me against his car pressing his body against mine. He puts his hand on the car

and grips my face softly with another one so that I don't get hurt. His face is sweating despite the cool

air and his hair messily falling before.

"You know what princess? I do own you. I do own every freaking inch of you. And for this fucking

reason, no one has the right to touch you except me. You heard me?" He roars, making me tremble in


The next moment he shoves me into the car and closes the door. He gets inside and starts the car.

As we drive down the quiet dark road, he starts increasing the speed now that I think we are going at

the end of the speed limit. At this moment, I didn't get the time to buckle my seat belt so when he

abruptly takes a turn, I bump against the hard surface of the door. I wince in pain and place my hand on

my wounded one and unbeknownst to me, suddenly a tear rolls down my face.

I know he has been harsh to me before as well but why? Why does he always behave like that with

me? At the party, what did I do wrong that he is being like this? In my whole life, no one ever dared to

talk to me in a loud voice, and here he is continuously hurting me. And right now I am mad at myself for

always bearing this attitude of him. I can't just retort back as if he really owned me. Something is

actually wrong with me.

I wipe my tears a few times and I can feel him stealing glances at me. But I don't dare to look back. His

heavy and raging breath fills the car and all of a sudden, he throws a punch on the steering wheel,

startling me.

After some time, suddenly he pulls the car in the driveway and looking up, I see we are in front of our

house. I wipe my face and open the door to get out when he holds my hand.

I shoot him a glare as he runs his hand through his hair, huffing.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you..." Without giving him the chance to finish his sentence, I yank

my hand off and get into the house.

After the elevator opens, I hurriedly walk out and open the door, hearing Ethan coming behind me.

As soon as I get inside, Ethan holds my hand and pushes me against the closed door. He keeps his

hand on the door trapping me and places his other hand slowly on my face. I look up at him to see his

dull and tired face, eyes reflecting hurt, disappointment, and something more.

He runs his thumb softly on my sweaty skin while his eyes wander my whole face. Like he is watching

me for the first and last time at once. As if he won't see me again.

He wipes the remaining tears off my face as he speaks,

"I'm really sorry."

His voice is full of sorrow and I can feel he really means it. I look down, saying nothing.

I don't know what this is, I can't be angry at him. Never. When he hurts me, I get hurt and I cry but I

can't be mad.

What's wrong with me?

"You are going away from me. Why can't I just hold you with me?" He speaks suddenly in a slow voice,

no anger in his eyes, utter sadness.

"You are going away from me." Just six words but a whole lot of meanings lying behind. When was I


I look up and try to speak but he stops me, " you still love him?" He asks pausing after every

word like he is scared to even ask me that. I try to understand his expression and feel like his wet

brown eyes are just telling me to say no.

He runs his fingers one last time and when I open my mouth to answer, he takes it off.

"Ethan? I..." I can't finish my words, he steps back and rushes towards his room shutting the door with

a thud.

I keep staring at the shut door before sighing loudly.

I just can't make you understand, Ethan. Love is so far away, I never loved Liam. I just liked him and

now that's too gone. I don't feel any attraction towards him anymore. Liam was my past which is gone.

And now you... you're my present. All I think about is only you and it will always be you because

maybe... if my intuition is right, maybe it's you who is my future...

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