The Young Luna

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7



That night, my parents and Roland returned home and Dean disappeared. I asked my father what was

going to happen with Seth, but he didn't say anything about him. My parents were shockingly quiet

whereas my brother just told me to stop making everything about me. I ignored him as we sat down for


"So I spoke to Seth today" my mother started the dinner conversation. "He seems like a nice boy".

"He's thirty, Lucia, he's not a boy" my father snapped moodily.

"Yes, well, he seems nice" she countered.

"He's actually an asshole" I grumbled, more to myself than them. Not that my parents were listening to

me anyway.

"You can't seriously want this to happen, Lucia? She's sixteen" my father argued.

"It doesn't matter what you want or don't want, Howard. We have to follow the Alpha's instructions.

Plus, she's claimed now there is nothing to be done. She will leave tomorrow with him".

I choked on a potato, "what?" I screamed. "You're sending me away with that asshat".

"He is your mate, Mabel, and you're a Luna now. Your Pack needs you".

"Luna my ass" Roland snorted.

"You're just jealous that I'll be a higher ranking than you'll ever be" I snapped bitterly at him.

"You're only a Luna because you're whoring yourself out to an Alpha who is trying to kill off half the

population with a war".

"Roland" my father snapped, "do not speak about your sister in such a way".

"It's the truth. She's barely known the guy a day and she's already got her tramp stamp" he gestured to

my claim mark.

"Roland" my father scowled him.

"I don't know why you care, dick, you'll be rid of me by tomorrow apparently" I snorted.

"True. I can't wait to never see your ugly face again".

"Roland I will not tell you again" my father roared, slamming his fist down on the table – the drinks

wobbled but didn't spill. He turned to me, still looking angry. "Alpha Zev is going back to the Equinox

territory tomorrow evening and you'll be going with him".

"I don't want to leave" I exclaimed, "I have friends here".

"You have a bunch of male Neanderthals who you wrestle with in the damn skatepark" my mother

countered, "it might be good for you to make some real friends. Some girl friends".

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at her – always the same old bullshit from her. "I don't want to leave with

him. Seth doesn't even want me as a mate".

"Can you blame him?" Roland snorted. I punched him and he cussed at me.

"Stop it you two" my father snapped. Roland opened his big mouth to argue but my father shut him up

with a hard glare. "If you don't watch your mouth Roland you'll be in your room for the rest of the night".

At his words my brother ground his molars in annoyance, but stayed silent.

"Whether you like him or not, Mabel, you let him claim you so therefore the two of you are joined for

life. The only way you two will break that connection is if one of you dies".

"That can be arranged" I grumbled under my breath.

"You'll pack what you need tomorrow. Anything else you need, I'm sure your mate will be happy to buy

them" my mother said. And there was no arguing with her.



I could hardly sleep that night, I just kept obsessing about all the horrible things Seth had said and then

how amazing he was at kissing me. I wondered if Dean hadn't interrupted us whether we would have

mated. Seth had been very full on for those five minutes of my life, but apart from that he had been

nothing but cold and dismissive of me.

The following day, my mother went out shopping in the morning and brought me a ridiculous amount of

clothes – none of which I would ever be seen dead in. Lots of dresses, high heeled shoes and lacy

underwear. I almost passed out at seeing some of the sexy lingerie she packed for me. When we'd

finished, I had three suitcases of stuff to take with me; only one of them full of things I'd wear or use.

"I'm going out to see my friends" I told my parents that afternoon. My parents weren't happy but they

knew that I needed to say goodbye. So I texted Chris I'd meet him at the skatepark, and grabbed my

board before running all the way there.

Chris, Dom and Jared were all doing tricks on the large ramp – while random people sat around and

chatted. I dropped my board on the floor and skated over to them. "May, where you been?" Dom

asked, "we called you like ten times yesterday".

"Yeah shit happened" I sighed heavily, sitting on top of the ramp with my feet dangling off. My friends

joined me.

"I'll say" Chris commented, "I heard rumours that you were caught in bed with the new Alpha. You need

to squash those weird ass rumours".

"Yeah the guy is old" Jared frowned.

I sighed heavily, "it's not exactly a rumour".

"What?" Chris exclaimed loudly, eyes wide in comical humour.

"I wasn't caught in bed with him but he is my mate" I sighed heavily. I pulled the collar of my shirt down

to show them the claim mark. "I'm leaving tonight".

"Are you fucking around right now?" Dom asked, looking at me in shock.

"I wish I was" I sighed heavily. "The guy is a tool and I hate his guts".

"Then why do you have to go with him? Just reject him" Jared snorted.

"She's can't. The claim is for life" Chris commented – always the sensible and clever one. "May you're

going to be a Luna, you have to accept the fact he's your mate".

"You sound like my damn mother, Chris, can't you just be like all my other friends and talk shit about

that asshole" I grumbled.

"That asshole is ready to leave" a familiar voice said behind me. I gasped in shock and looked around

to find Seth standing at the edge of the skatepark. He wore a fancy suit, with his dark hair swept back

and he didn't look at all happy with me.

"I'm saying goodbye to my friends, Seth. I'll be back later" I snapped at him.

"We're leaving now, Mabel" he growled.

"No we're not" I countered. I turned back to my friends, but a second later hands grabbed me and I was

thrown over Seth's shoulder. I screamed as I was hoisted in the air. I saw Chris, Dom and Jared from

my position over Seth's broad shoulder but they just watched me go. They waved slightly – not wanting

to fight with the Alpha of the largest Pack in the country.

"You're an asshole and I hate you" I spat at Seth, as we walked back towards the territory.

"Believe me, freckles, the feeling is fucking mutual".

"I've never done anything to you. You're the one who keeps treating me like shit" I argued.

"You've been a pain in my ass".

"I'm just being myself, you're the one who is blowing hot and cold all damn day. I can't help that I am

sixteen, I can't time travel and push my birth back so that I became an old grumpy asshole like you". Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

"You like that insult" Seth observed, as I felt the blood rushing to my head.

"Would you like a more colourful insult? Something more exotic?" I laughed warmly. "How about dick?

Cock sucker? Poser? Fucktard? Cun--". My insults were cut off as Seth put me down. The blood

rushed back to my head and I wobbled. Seth grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. His

blue eyes narrowed as he scowled down at me.

"Stop insulting me" he growled out.

"They're all true" I snapped at him. I broke out of his grasp, hearing all the insults he'd said flying about

in my head. "I hate you and wish you weren't my mate".

"I wish you weren't my mate too" Seth stated with deadpan honesty.

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