The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 61 - The Announcement

Chapter 61 - The Announcement

"Father!" I waltzed into my father's office without his permission. I started to tremble when I saw his

fierce amber eyes glance towards me for the first time in my life. It was the same gaze he would give to

Diana, and I had thought I would never receive that type of look from him, but it seems I was truly


Standing there in the presence of a former fierce dragon rider with exceptional swordsmanship that

glared daggers at you, made my blood run cold and the hair at the back my neck rise.

Suddenly his face softened when his eyes laid upon me. "Ariana" his deep soft voice calmed my heart

a little. "Father" tears that I held back came rushing down.

Father rose from his seat in a swift and rushed his way to me and pulled me into a hug. "Tell me

Ariana, who made you cry?" he gently rubbed my back in circles.

I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder, letting out all my tears that was burning in the back my

eyes. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. A state of misery that I couldn't see the end of the tunnel.

"Why are the gods against me father? What have I done to deserve this?" I asked in a mumbling mess.

"If I find whoever made you cry like this, I will kill them with my own bare hands" he fumed with anger.

"Tell me, my sweet child who is it that hurt you?" father placed his hand on my head and started to

stroke my hair.

"Father is it true his highness is going after Diana in Isvand?" I asked releasing the hug and looking into

his wistful amber eyes. Father's eyes reflected guilt and he let out a defeated sigh. "Father, tell me is it

true? Please tell me it's all false rumours spread by the people"

He put his soft warm hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes with remorse, it signalled many sad

emotions through those amber orbs of his that he did not want to express to me.

"I have no clue on what is happening anymore" he shook his head averting his eyes from me. I burst

into more tears, feeling them wet my face and ruin my makeup.

"Why does she always get what I want? She doesn't deserve him. I do. I love him and she's just

obsessed with him"

"I will resolve everything. You let your father fix this"

He kissed my forehead and smiled. "I will do everything in my power to make you happy again"

\~Dragon Barracks\~

Ciel buckled the saddle on the bright yellow dragon that obediently stood on all his four waiting for the

dragon trainer to get on his back. "Ciel, can you hand over the satchel" Ralph asked his brother.

Ciel threw the brown bag that he got from the table and Ralph caught it in mid-air. "Thank you"

"Where do you think he had went?" Ralph spoke trying to ease the awkward silence between them.

"I don't have a clue, but I pray to the Gods he didn't go far" Ciel said in worry with a gloomy expression.

The bags under his eyes showed that he hadn't got any good sleep after the incident two days ago,

especially with the dragons gone restless after what happened to them.

He and the others had spent all night nursing them back to health as none would get up or eat.

The two heard the stable gates rumble open and turned their attention to the iron entrance. Three

people had walked in, two wore black metal armour that glimmered from the sun's reflection, helmets

that placed on their heads as a red feather hung down from the helmet and a scrawny looking man that

walked in front of them as if he was a high class noble.

Ralph crossed his arms and asked Ciel "What are the dark nights doing here? And who is he?"

Ciel stared at them in doubt, the air around them felt uneasy and he didn't like it. "I don't know but let's

go find out" he strolled towards them with his brother following beside him.

Before they knew it every trainer in the barracks had made their way towards the guests, crowding

around each other, and whispering their thoughts on the reason why the dark knights were here and

the messenger from the Dragon gates.

John who was standing in front of it all spoke up and questioned them "What are is your business for

coming here?" he crossed his hands, buffing his chest up.

The messenger gave a look of disgust at John as a warning to stay away from him. The man was a

scrawny little guy no bigger than 5'2 feet had put his palm out from above his shoulder and one of the

dark knights placed a rolled-up scroll.

Unrolling it and clearing his throat he began to read out the speech written on the paper. "The ministry

from the Dragon gates hereby announce that the dragon that went out of control and attacked the

trainers before snatching a rider and escaping through the night will be sentenced to death after his

retrieval" he announced loudly under his deep but creaky voice, his moustache moving as he spoke.

There was gasps coming from the crowd and whispering among them.

Ciel heart stopped beating at the mention of death. His body didn't know how to react, it just shut down.

He froze to a point where he was hardly breathing as the world came crashing down on him.

Ralph glanced over to Ciel, and he saw the terrified eyes of his brother.

"I oppose of this!" an angry voice spoke up interrupting everyone. The messenger arched an eyebrow.

"Who dares to contradict the ministry of the dragon gates?" he scowled.

"What are you doing?" Ralph whispered to Ciel, but he ignored Ralph and stepped forward.

"I do" the people moved out of the way like the ocean splitting apart letting him go through. The

scrawny man eyes twitched in annoyance. "Demarcus has done nothing wrong, and he is being killed

for false accusation"

"False accusation?" the man eyed him in disgust. "What do you say about the woman that was

snatched by the dragon before being devoured in mid-air" he said with a hint of malicious reflected

from his brown eyes.

The trainers were caught off guard, shocked of the words that the man had said. "That's outrages,

Demarcus would never devour a human" John spatted out also fumed with the lies the messenger


They knew what type of people the dragon gates were. They sounded like people who brought order to

the dragon riders world but instead were malevolent people who only liked to set up blames to the

dragons so they could execute them for the entertainment of the people and the amount of money they

could grasp within their hands.

It disgust the tamers and trainers however they had no power to stop their evil doing.

"Can you tell that to the citizens that witnessed the dragon devour the woman as he flew past them?"

he said silencing everyone while he twisted his moustache. Ceil didn't believe a word he said, he knew

Demarcus from when hatched and his never tasted human flesh before neither their blood, so why

would he eat her?

Ciel could feel the fire rage through his veins and to his fingertips. John glanced at Ciel whose ocean

blues had sparked of flames circling around it ready to blast out whenever it was commanded to.

He placed a hand on his shoulder grabbing the orange haired man's attention and shook his head.

John knows what kind of people the ministry is and their sly ways. He couldn't risk his trainers getting

under their skin and causing trouble for themselves.

"That's bullshit" Ralph growled silently wishing he could punch the messengers face.

The messenger ignored the people and continued on with the announcement. "Hmph as I thought.

Know your place peasants" he scoffed raising his nose in the air like a prideful noble he was. "A squad

of track riders will be sent out to hunt down the dragon and bring him in and a bounty will be set for him

if anyone comes face to face with the rogue dragon and" he paused and eyed each one of the trainers

with a scowl "if anyone decides to interfere with this order will be executed with the dragon itself" he

sent a sinister grin at Ciel.

"Mind repeating what you were implying before?"

"Tch" Ciel clicked his, fisting his hands and glaring at him with the urge to set him on fire. "As I thought"

John sighed shaking his head feeling relief that he had stopped Ciel from talking any further.

"I shall be going now" he cackled softly to himself and turned around.

"Wait" Ralph called out to him resulting the messenger to turn around and send a sickened look

towards Ciel's older brother.

Ralph felt a sharp pain in his chest knowing exactly the kind of face he pulled. The face that said he

didn't belong with these different skinned people that weren't like his and go back to the tribes that lived

in the mountains, the savages the white people called them.

Even if he was used to the stare's, it reminded him of that cruel day that he wishes to forget. It made

him choke on his words and he couldn't do anything but tremble a little.

"I do not speak to dirty people whom the Gods cursed to look burnt forever" he hissed. "You filthy

cursed human should have died with your kind"

Ralph stood their powerless unable to utter a word to back himself up, staring blankly at the ground.

The man was right though. He was a curse from the Gods who created his kind to be hated and

loathed, treated for entertainment, scapegoats. No rights in this world.

Just like his father, mother, and sister.

"PUGH!" Ralph flinched when he heard the harsh skin to skin contact. It felt like the world was slowed

down as he watched Ciel's flaming fist collide with the man's cheek, sending him flying to the floor.

'C-Ciel" he mumbled.

Ciel's eyes had turned a fiery blue as it glowered with a killing intact in them and his fist was still

sparking with blue flames.

"Don't think I will let you slander my big brother like that and get away with it." Faint smoke arose from

his mouth as Ciel spoke.

The man sat there with his hand in his cheek shivering in fear. No one stopped Ciel not even the dark

knights who only stood there and watched since they felt no killing intentions coming from the orange


Before the messenger could utter anything Ciel snatched his collar and pulled him closer, his face a

metre away from the trembling little man. "It seems to me that the Gods cursed you with a short figure

and disfigured face" he punched him again in the cheek yet this time half of the moustache that

sickened Ciel burnt off.

Before he laid another punch Ciel felt a cold feeling near his neck. "By the order of the dark knights, we

suggest you let go and step back" the masculine and deep voice echoed through the helmet of the cold

gaze that seeped through the hallow sockets.

Ciel clicked his tongue in frustration before he felt a cold arm on his shoulder. "Get up young lad"

Jackal whispered.

Ciel gently swatted the blade away, standing up and throwing the little man to the ground before

sending another death glare towards him.

"Lucky scum" he watched in disgust as the dark knight had aggressively pulled him up to his feet.

"Let go" he hissed pulling away and shooting a hateful look towards Ciel. "Don't think this is over you

peasant son of a bit-" he pointed his finger to him and stared into the blue eyes of Ciel's when suddenly

he stopped before smirked and starting to chuckle hysterically.

The trainers and tamers stood in confusion not understanding why the little man had suddenly started


"I thought I would never see those familiar blue eyes again" he said with a revolting smile across his

face revealing the wrinkles hidden between his eyes.

Ciel clenched his jaw shut. "Your mother had the most delicious cunt I have ever eaten. She was a

wriggly bitch within my grasp, but she held longer than any ********** I hooked around with"

Before Ciel got to throw another hot punch to the messenger it was Ralph's turn to.


"Your fucking disgusting dog" Ralph said before spitting on his face.

"You cursed so-" before he was going to say anything the man had fallen face first to the ground and

didn't move.

They looked at the cause of the man's unmoving body, one of the dark knight had karate chopped his

neck resulting him to go unconscious.

"We will be going now" the dark knight proceeded to grab the little man's collar and dragged him along

to the iron gate leaving a trail behind. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"You jackasses have nothing better to do then to punch people" Zackary scoffed as he shook his head.

"He deserved it though. I mean I would have done the same thing" Matt interrupted feeling the urge to

laugh at the scene of the two dragon whisperers punching the life out the man.

Zachary glanced over at Ciel who stood their frozen and look of horror crawled his face. It ached his

heart to see his brother remember the memories of the brothel. He placed his hand on his shoulder

snapping Ciel's blankly stare.

"Thank you" Ciel was able to utter out. Ralph smiled placing Ciel into a head lock and ruffling his

orange hair that smelled like dragon smoke. "I should be thanking you, you drunk lord" he chuckled and

made Ciel laugh as well.

"You two boys should not engage in physical violence again or I will demonstrate you what physical

violence is" a thunderous voice boomed through the chuckles of the brothers stopping them in their

tracks. John coldly glared at them as he cracked his knuckles.

The two gave each other mischief glances "Shit, the dragon slayer is angry" Ralph mocked with a


"Forgive us, your royal dragon slayer we will not engage in physical violence by your command" Ciel

added with a mockery bow.

The two laughed hysterically forgetting that John was approaching them.



The two brothers rolled around the ground in pain covering their sore noses. "Who gave you the balls

to mock your master" John smirked.

"Bold of you assume they have balls" Edgar said taking a sip of his ale and stared at the pathetic boys

that rolled around in pain. "Huh?" Matt titled his head in confusion, scratching his hair as he did.

Ciel rose up with the help Ralph and they both dusted the dirt of their clothes.

"Alright everyone back to work" John commanded everyone that stood around them. "Wait what about

Demarcus?" Ciel questioned with a worry in his eyes.

John sent a guilt look and shook his head. "You heard what the ministry announced. If we interfere our

heads will be flying in different directions"

"But Demarcus did nothing wrong" Ralph added. "But he did go out of control and attacked the trainers

before snatching the woman in mid-air then to fly off" Rebecca appeared beside Ralph startling him.

"The **** you come from" he said in a shiver.

Jessica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms "I was always here".

"That's lies I hear. Lies" he narrowed his eyes at her and pointed his finger at her.

"We don't know the reason he went out of control, and you saw how the dragons reacted. It was not

normal none of it was and Demarcus has nothing to do with it" Ciel concluded and clicked his heels

brushing past John.

"Oi boy, where are going?"

"To find Demarcus and get him back safely without those fuckers putting their filthy hands on him"


Authors Note:

Hello Lovelies it's me your loveable but lazy author YUKI!

I just want to get it out there that this story has discrimination, prejudice and racisms towards people

and if your not comfortable about it, I'm sorry.

But if you want me to lower it down I will but I won't get rid of it because it's a very important aspects in

this ancient society. I'm not saying it's good to have it i'm trying to say that it's what (Not trying to be

racist) white people treated the black people in the ancient era in our world and I want to include that in

the story because of the history between the two races.

This story is revolved around ancient beliefs of hundreds and thousands of years ago example how the

women were treated as the weak gender who should get married and look after children instead of

fighting, becoming whatever they wanted, black people being treated like animals because of their skin

colour being different, the native indians having their land taken away and the aboriginals having the

same fate like the native indians.

This is all history that revolves around the ancient world which I wanted to include it the story to make it

more realistic in a way. Even in the fantasy world since there is a hierarchy I believe they will also be

racist towards the races.

Yet this is only a story no hate towards them.

Me myself have no hate against black people if your wondering since I'm writing how they are being

treated like shit but that's only because it's revolve around the ancient world. I have met a few and

talked to them and they were very funny and caring people I have ever met.

Peace to them.

I just wanted to point that out so no one misunderstands my intention and throw hate and death threats

at me.

Also don't be racist. That's bad very bad. I would curse you to hell if you do.

Alright good. Good. Ok.

Bye bye

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