The Vampire’s Omega

Chapter Forty

Bella walked to the room, confused on what to wear.

Stepping into the vampire king room which she had come to take as hers, she was surprised to see queen Selene, sitting on the bed as she arranged a beautiful red gown.

“My son had ordered me to get you a beautiful dress. This red dress will fit your personality, quiet, yet daunting and bold and beautiful.”

Queen Selene said, smiling tenderly at Bella.

Bella stared at her, indeed the cloth was beautiful and represent something foreign, but it did not match what the woman described her to be, she was not bold, she was not beautiful, instead she was a weak wolf, who have been maltreated tired lessly by her former pack.

“Also, as bloody vampires, the king would love red on you. Don’t you wanna be eaten hmm”

Selene said, this time bursting out with laughter when she saw the look of disgust and fear that laced in the she wolf eyes as she said those words.

“The gown is beautiful queen Selene, but you make it sound like a poisonous gown.”

Bella said, walking to touch the gown, it was soft on her hands, this was an expensive gown no doubt, she have never worn a gown as beautiful as this, she had never even wore a propo gown before.

“It cost just a hundred thousand dollars, I doubt if the king would love it, he wants to spoil you, he might consider the gown to be cheap.”

Selene said, straightening the gown.

Bella coughed when she heard the amount used in purchasing the gown, she could not believe these gown was bought for a hundred thousand dollars, that was a huge amount of money.

Her former pack even struggle to get such money in one business week and here in the vampire’s land, they buy cloth, a single for her with such money, this was insane.

“This is huge, very huge, what the hell, I don’t think I worth it.”

Bella said, shaking her head as she rejected the gown the queen was handling to her.

She was not going to accept something as huge as this, she do look for something else to wear.

“You worth every diamonds my brother is spending on your Bella.”

Kurt said, stepping into the room, he had heard their voices from the door, and when he had seen where things were heading to, between his mother and his brother’s mate, he decided to intervene.

“This few months I had stayed In the pack, I realized why the goddess truly mated you to the almighty king Blade, this terrible brother of mine, you always come with the best smile, you are bold to face my brother, something no one has ever done.”

Kurt said, he had heard the she wolf discussed with his brother few minutes ago, after their discussion, he realized the she wolf was indeed the one meant for his brother.

She was quiet, but bold and lousy when the need arises.

“You urged the vampire king to accept his birthday invitation, this is unbelievable! And here you are, refusing a cloth, a mere cloth!”

Kurt said, his voice yet sounding low.

Selene looked shocked at what she heard.

A terrible scream of joy escaped from her lips, she could not believe something like this could happen.

“Oh my god, you made it happen Bella, this is indeed a miracle. Not even the fourteen elders in the vampires land can convince the vampire king to celebrate his birthday. Now where are we, no further arguments, go put on this clothes, I need to make preparations for his birthday.”

Selene said, her face was filled with intense smile, happiness was a smaller feeling compared to what she was feeling at the moment.

“Take the dress Bella, you worth it, there is no denying it, you gonna wear dresses costlier and beautiful than this in the future, so wear it, you need to look good for your mate, haven’t you heard the term, ‘making your mate droll till he grants your wish’ haven’t you?”

Selene said, holding unto Bella’s hands.

Bella felt a tug on her heart, she felt an feeling unfamiliar, a feeling akin to happiness flowing through her heart, she felt contented, this was the family she ever needed, the family she ever wanted.

It was ironic to think that the people whom she thought were going to kill her were the ones who made her felt a glimpse of love.

While the people who were meant to love her were infact garbages.

“Thank you so much Kurt.”

Bella said, staring at the king’s brother, ironically again, Kurt had turned to be her big brother.

“You are welcome, now go dressssssss, the king awaits you pres…..”

“She haven’t said a word to me Kurt, have you?”

Selene said, cutting Kurt on his words, she stared down at Bella.

“Oooh you are right. Thanks for giving me such a lovely dress and for informing me how special I am. You are indeed a queen.”

Bella said, smiling tenderly at queen Selene, she was a mother, but Instead, she treated her children as if they were mates with her, she showed them respect.

“Awwwwn, thanks, but you are mistaken though, I never bought the cloth, Blade did that.”

Selene said, the name ‘Blade’ caused Bella to shiver for a moment.

The vampire king was affecting her in diverse ways and she wondered how she will cope with him on what she considered a date.

“Move now, go dress, mother can keep you here for long with her sweet mouth talks.”

Kurt said, pushing Bella to the changing room.

In few minutes, Bella stepped out from the dressing room, the red gown brought out her figure, her hour glass shape was in full display, the gown had a little cut at the top of her breast, making her cleavage a little visible.

“Oh my, you look ra….. vish… ing!”

Kurt said, he looked dumb and idiotic by the way he stared at Bella.

The she wolf had changed within some minutes, to the extent that he could not recognize her.

“You look utterly beautiful, please make me be in charge of your clothes from now on Bella please….”

Selene said, dragging Bella and gently pushing her to sit on a chair.

Bella smiled, indeed the vampire queen was a pure hearted woman.

“Of course you will be my fashion shopper queen Selene.”

Bella said, she could not believe that she could change within some minutes, the cloth looked too good on her, this was the first time she was wearing something as beautiful as this.

“Awwww, so are you comfortable with the maid changing your look?”

Selene said, Bella stared at her, confused at what she meant, her look was great, there was no way she was removing this dress.

Selene understanding the look she gave her laughed out loudly.

“I meant your make up darling.”

Selene said, calling on a maid who came with her Make up box.

“Oooh, yeah, sure I have no issues with that.”

Bella said, blushing furiously at her words.

Quickly the maid resumed her work.

“I do leave you with you, please do not change her looks, instead make her beauty more beautiful.”

Kurt said, winking at Bella.

He left the room.

Within thirty minutes, the maid was through with her make up.

Bella opened her eyes, she was struck with suprise at what she saw.

Whom she saw on the mirror was somebody else, another her was reflecting in the mirror.

“Oh my, you look utterly beautiful, you look like an angel.”

Selene said, almost weeping.

“It feels like a fucking wedding. Oh my god am crying…”

Selene said, Bella walked towards her, hugging her and patting her back.

“Thanks mother.”

Bella said, her werewolf mother never showed her love nor bought expensive things for her, not even cheap items, but this woman here, had bought a hundred thousand dress for her, a vampire who was considered to be wicked and inhuman.

Selene frozed at her words, slowly letting go of her, Selene stared at her, she could not believe the girl, the she wolf whom everyone considered to be broken had infact just called her mother.

“You called me MOTHER?”

Selene said, maybe she had not heard correctly, maybe it was a mistake.

“Yes mother, no woman have ever treated me with so much compassion and love as you had treated me.”

Bella said, quickly with a big force, Selene hugged Bella tightly.

“Thank you so much, thank you. I have always wished to have a daughter and the Almighty brought you to me, thank you Bella.”

Selene said, slowly disconnecting from the hug.

“Its time you leave, I can hear the king’s voice from my head, he thinks I kidnapped you hahahaha, let’s leave.”

Selene said, taking hold of Bella’s hand.

Bella stopped her in a minute.

“Also mother, this is not a wedding, but an outing with the vampire king.”

Bella said, smiling at her words.

At Bella’s words, Selene reeled with laughter, nodding her head in understanding.

“Ok ok, i got that Bella.”

Selene said, as they stepped off from the room.

Blade was walking about, he was already Impatience, he could not wait any longer.

“What can my mother be doing with my mate.”

Blade said, it was only a thin line that was stopping him from running up to his first chambers and know if his mate was safe or not.

“Patience brother, patience, calm down.”

Kurt said, smiling mischievously as he drank from a cup of blood tea.

“Do not fucking tell me to calm down, and be patient, who knows what mother have done to my mate.”Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

Blade said, glaring intently at Kurt, Kurt stared at him, he knew his brother was an asshole who did not have good things to say about their sweet mother.

Kurt smiled, looking at him, a mischievous plan made way to his head.

“What is it with the smile, do you know what has happened to my mate, you bastard, what the hell have happened to her, you definitely know something.”

Blade said, glaring at him, his face almost red like a tomato, his eyes darker than before.

“What if mother had taken her away from you, what if she had been kidnapped, taken far away from you.”

Kurt said, he knew what was coming at these words that he said.

“You bastard, how dare you say something outrageous like that, what if I rip off your head and smash your body to the wa….”

“They are here, your mate is here king Blade.”

Carson said, his words abruptly stopped the blood shed that was about to happen.

Blade turned immediately to look at the stairs, and when his eyes made contact on the most important person In his universe.

He froze, he froze like an ice….

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