The Unknown Billionaire Alpha

30、Unlike other days

As Jennifer walked out of the classroom and headed to Hall 242 where they have a semester biology test. Before she could come, they have already started writing the test.

“Don’t you know that you have text by twelve?” That was the first question, Kelvin, her biological teacher asked.

“I’m sorry, something was keeping me back.” She replied.

“Oh! something was keeping you back. I guess its something better, something that worth missing a class test.” He said.

“I’m very sorry sir. Please allow me to write” Jennifer pleaded even though she did not read for the text. He glanced at her before giving her the question paper.

She took it and went to the back seat. She glanced at the questions and was overwhelmed with fear as she couldn’t answer a single question. It was something she was supposed to know but due to the fact she hadn’t been herself for a while. All the questions seemed strange to her.

She raised her head and scanned the surrounding. She was relief when she noticed who was sitting at her right hand side. It was caleb. The guy who once helped her in her assignments.

She raised her head and looked at his paper and saw he had already filled up his answer booklet. She tried to peep and read what he wrote and he noticed and covered his work.

“Please I can’t write anything. Can you shift your hand a little bit so I can write?” Jennifer asked Caleb. He swung his head towards her, glanced at her in disgust and turned back to his book.

“Please, I’m begging you.” Jennifer pleaded to Caleb but at the same time, cursing herself for begging someone like him.

“You want me to help you when you don’t like me. You never wanted me to be your friend, stop disturbing me. you can ask your friends”

“This is not fair. Please I don’t want to fail this text.” Jennifer said.

“If you really wanted to pass it, you would have read your book.” Caleb replied.

Jennifer kept pleading and Caleb ignored her. It got Kevin’s attention and he said, “You came late, as if that is not enough, you are distracting another person. Stand up!”

This was never a good day for Jennifer. She dropped her pen and stood up.

“I allowed you to write and all you can do is to make noise. See me in my office after this test for detention.” He said.

Jennifer could not write anything till the test was over.

“Do you really take us as friends? Like, what are we to you?” Sandra asked Jennifer as they where walking slowly along the hall way after the test.

“I don’t understand what you are talking about.” Jennifer replied.

“Hold it there Jennifer.” Ruth said and they stopped walking. Ruth was sounding annoyed already.

“If we are aren’t friends again, kindly tell us. We are matured enough to notice the chemistry that is going on between you and Mr. Mike. What are you hiding from us? Are you dating him?” Sandra asked.

“You are asking if she’s dating him? The question should be why did they broke up because with their look today, it’s obvious that something was wrong.” Ruth said.

“I think we are going to talk about this other time. I have to see see kelvin in his office.” Jennifer said in frustration.

“You are not going anywhere. You must tell us what is happening. If you leave without telling us, don’t come back and call us friends again.” Sandra said.

“It have not gotten to this.” Jennifer said.

“You are betraying our friendship by hiding everything from us. Since you don’t want to tell us about your relationship, it’s better we cease being your friend.” Ruth said.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jennifer sighed and mumbled, “Okay okay. I’m going to tell you guys.” Only if they knew what she was passing through at the period.

“We are all ears.” Sandra said, crossing her arm across her tummy, just below her chest.

“The fact was that I wasn’t dating him and I there’s no way I can break up with someone I have never dated.”

“And you think we will believe this trash you are talking? We have seen you in some occasions, smiling sheepishly after coming out of his office. Then today, both of you look sad.” Sandra pointed out.

“She even stayed behind when we were leaving the class.” Ruth added to Sandra’s statement before she asked, “Can you tell us what we don’t know if you guys are not dating”

“I had crush on him.” Jennifer started.

“Continue.” Ruth said.

“So I normally visit’s him to his office to talk with him.”

“To talk with him or….. have sex with Him? Don’t be shy. We are all girls. You don’t need to hide anything from us. He’s a very handsome man. Don’t tell us you have not had sex with him in his office” Sandra said with a smile.

“I’ve not. Though I wanted but it never happen” Jennifer replied bluntly.

“Have you tried seducing him?” Ruth asked.

“Yeah, but we only kissed.” Jennifer replied.

“wow, that’s nice. Maybe another time you guys will have sex. Is that why you are looking sad?” Sandra chipped in.

“No, not that.”

“Then why? I noticed you were intentionally pressing phone while he was teaching and was surprised he ignored you. Did he tried raping you?” Sandra asked.

“Only if he could rape me. I will love it. He said I shouldn’t come to his office again.” Jennifer replied.


“I don’t know.”

“Maybe he doesn’t like you or he had a girlfriend outside school. You shouldn’t bother yourself about that. What about Daniel? You are not giving us any update about him anymore. What happened?” Sandra asked.

“I don’t want to talk about that one. Can you believe the idiot want to rape me in my house?”

“Rape you? And you didn’t tell us?”

“I didn’t bother to tell anyone because he doesn’t have anything.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean” Sandra asked.

“The scum doesn’t have a definite dick. His dick is too small to be called dick. I think he’s only using it for urinating.” Jennifer said and her friends bursted into laughter.

“Apart from that, my parents arrived on time. So there was no need telling anybody. Instead I blackmailed him with his watch.” Jennifer said.

“The famous watch his dad bought for him?” Ruth asked.

“Yeah. I want to use him and make Mike Jealous. I told him he’s going to act like my boyfriend and dance with me on the school night party. I’m going to rock and twerk on Daniel in front of him. I’m sure it’s going make him jealous.”

“That’s only if he’s interested in you.”

“I have strong feelings that he loves me. Seeing me with another man will definitely jult him up and make him jealous.” Jennifer said.

“I think I’m crushing on Mike as well. I normally think about him at night” Ruth joked.

“Oh my! Ruth can you stop it. You want to cause scene here?” Sandra said, smiling. She knew that Ruth was just trying to pull Jennifer’s leg.

“Hmmm. I’m sure you want to live long. Better stop crushing on him because I won’t mind killing you.” Jennifer said and Ruth and Sandra started laughing.

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