The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 43: Maddie’s fiancé

They both walked into the dining room holding hands in the most romantic way. A wide and beautiful grin was painted on her face as she walked in with him. She seemed to really like this one a lot. He was also very cute.

He had a Mohican cut and scythe-shaped eyebrows. His nubian nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw. His wrestler’s shoulders were part of his burly physique. He walked with a tiger like tread and his light-brown eyes twinkled. He had shinny bronze skin that looked like sweet creamy chocolate.

“Hi, good day! I’m Austin Cooper, Maddie’s fiancé.” He beamed a smile revealing his white set of teeth.

“Good day!” They all greeted. Blake didn’t. He said nothing, he just observed the guy from head to toe. He did look nice and he could see his eyes flicker with love for Maddie each time he stared her.

But he still couldn’t trust him. He was gonna have to read his mind to see if he had ill intentions towards her.

And if he did he was gonna die just like the other guys she dated. He killed them all brutally!

“Baby, this is my Mom. Though she’s old but she’s still very pretty and young!” She teased with a grin.

“Who are you calling old?” She glared at Maddie. Of course, she hated being referred to as old when she wasn’t. She was forty-eight for Christ sake! Maddie was simply trying to get on her toes.

“I still get a lot of young guys who want so badly to date me. But nah, I can’t date my son’s mate, but there is nothing wrong in having a little fun with them whenever I get bored! They fuck pretty good!”

“Mom you’re slowly becoming like Liam, a female Casanova!” Said Blake with a frown painted on his face.

“Oh come on, don’t tell me you didn’t fuck a few women too?”

“Five and that was because Ariana wasn’t of age and my hormones were running wild at the time, else I would have kept myself for her!” He pulled his face into a frown, feeling guilty for what he had done.

“You still regret it, don’t you?”

“Yes! Every fucking day!” He gritted.

“It was not your fault, you tried your best! You couldn’t fight it. You were twenty then and you were undergoing some major metamorphosis, you needed sex then else…” He would have died!

The second phase of his transformation made him very horny. And it lasted for a week! The first phase was when he was eight and the final phase would be when he’s thirty.

He managed to fight two days off but he couldn’t keep up with it as his erections were becoming more and more painful.

Emily then arranged for some girls for him with the approval of Dionne. He got so frustrated and mad at himself that he killed all the girls he had sex with. He hated himself for betraying Ariana.

“Well you don’t expect me not to have sex. Your dad can’t be the only man I would fuck! I’ve got hormones too!” She said with an eye roll.

“Whatever! Do as you please!”

“Yeah and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna fuck as many men as I want!’

“Your mom sure is bad ass!” Austin nodded his head, seemingly impressed.

“Yeah, she really is.”

“And this is my brother Liam,” she announced gesturing at Liam.

“Nice to meet you.” He smiled, checking the man out.

“Wow, sis, never knew you dated black guys. Thought you only liked white guys or at least you only dated them,” Liam stated.

“I needed someone new for a change and I don’t regret dating him. He’s very sweet unlike the other assholes I’ve dated, besides it would be nice to have cute mixed little babies, right baby?”

“Of course baby, we will have cute little babies but why does your brother’s face seem so familiar? It’s like I’ve seen you somewhere before. I just can’t place my finger on it,” he said, staring at him intensely as he racked his brain trying to remember where he had seen his face before.

“I’m always on the TV dummy, how can you not know me?” He rolled his eyes in sarcasm.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in realization. It couldn’t be… Was he?

“You are Liam Lee?” He uttered in utter bewilderment. He didn’t answer but his smug expression said it all. Maddie’s brother was Liam Lee?

He gasped and turned to Maddie. “Baby, how come you never told me your brother was Liam Lee?” He questioned with astonishment still boldly written on his face. He still couldn’t believe it! Who would?

Maddie liked a simple and comfortable life and she didn’t even act like someone of the upper class. And she treated everyone with respect and love.

“It’s not like it’s a big deal. If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me anyways so I just let you see it for yourself. Besides, I couldn’t tell you about my family’s identity until I trusted you and I trust you now and I also wanted it to be a surprise. You look super cute when are surprised,” she blushed.

“And hot,” she added, biting her lips. Was she seriously flirting with him in front of her family?

“I know right and baby don’t give me that look, you know what that does to me… Just don’t give me anymore surprises, I don’t think my heart can take it!” He said, planting a kiss on her cheeks.

“Well, there is one more surprise. I just hope you don’t die from it,” she smirked.

“I don’t think I wanna hear it, unless of course you want me to die!”

“I wouldn’t want you to die baby, I love you too much but you have to hear it. This is my other brother, Blake. He’s also my boss and trust me you don’t wanna work with him. He’s super demanding and super annoying and super bossy and he’s the reason why I was late for our dinner date the other day.”

She frowned, reminiscing on the day he refused to let her go because Ariana’s face got disfigured.

“But he’s lucky I love him so much, so much that I’m willing to contain his excesses.”

“Oh… About that day, it was alright baby.”

He grimaced slightly and said sternly, “That is no way to talk about your boss! And would you two just sit your butts down and lets eat? I have an appointment by 11 and I’m running late.” He gritted.

Austin pulled a chair for Maddie and she sat on it after which he took his seat beside her.

She muttered a ‘Thank you’ and continued, “Actually today is his birthday also his girlfriend’s birthday too. What a coincidence. He’s supper annoying but he’s a great lover. They have been engaged since the very day she was born. I know weird right?”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

He cast her a surprised look. “Yeah but no offense, isn’t that child abuse? I mean she wasn’t of legal age then?” He questioned with furrowed brows.

Blake grimaced slightly. How dare he say that? He never took advantage of Ariana. He made sure she was an adult before he touched her.

Though he didn’t say anything, she could feel his anger rising so she quickly defended,

“Of course not. My brother knows when to cross his boundaries and he didn’t touch her until she was an adult and she loves him too. They are soulmates. They were destined to be together since the day they were born. That’s why he immediately made her his when she was just a baby.”

“Wow, weird but intriguing. Baby, do you think we are soulmates?”

“Nah, you’re just a dick head who I happen to love so much!” She hit his shoulder hard.

“Ouch, baby!” He groaned in pain. “That hurts!”

“And don’t think of breaking my heart or I will fuck you up!” She threatened, casting him a serious look. She wouldn’t need to do anything, Blake would simply take care of him himself.

Though she was never in support of brutal killings of her exes but some how she knew they deserved it. She loved Austin too much to let him die.

And then she leaned into his ears and whispered, “I would fuck you so hard first before I pierce a knife into your heart! I would like to fuck you one last time before I kill you.”

“I wouldn’t dare to do it baby but that would be the sweetest death. Imagine you riding my cock and then stabbing my heart!” He groaned.

“You are making me horny Austin and all I wanna do is ride that big black cock of yours all day.”

“We can try that!” He smirked.

“Now can we eat please? And will you two stop flirting with each other? It’s weird!” Blake made a face and began dishing his food on his plate without paying attention to the couple.

“Don’t act like you don’t flirt with Ariana in front of her parents?” She said with an eye roll causing his cheeks to redden. He did a lot more than flirting, he even fingered her down there.

“Oh my God, I said it! You do flirt with her in front of her parents. Don’t act all innocent. We both know you ain’t innocent! You’re a bad boy!”

“Shut up, witch!” He frowned and began munching on his food.

“You know I’m saying the truth! Pervert!” She stuck her tongue out to him in mockery.

“You two look so cute when you argue,” Austin noted.

“We don’t look cute at all. Most times, he acts like an asshole, sometimes, he’s very sweet but rarely.”

“I see. What was the surprise you were gonna tell me about? The one that was supposed to make me faint.”

“Oh right? I almost forgot, he’s Blake Houston and don’t ask me which Blake Houston. He’s the Blake Houston you know.”

His gaped in utter amazement as he stared at the his fiancée like a zombie.

“You mean the BLAKE HOUSTON, the richest man on earth!”

“Yes!” She grinned.

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