The Tales of a Pregnant Luna

Chapter Nine

I lie in my bed as the words Daniel had reiterated floated around in my head. How could anyone think of such things? Let alone do. I couldn’t explain the feeling that had burst their way into me. Father? i had no father.

*”Our father was a man of many secrets and desires. being mated to mom just fueled his anger in doing what he wanted to do. though he tried keeping secret what he had thought would never be revealed, mom had slowly started finding out the man she had mated. A man with an abusive character, a man that made deals with the devil. A man that would sacrifice his family for his own benefit. That’s who he Was. And he would do anything to achieve what he wanted.”*

my breath hitched in my thoat. as his words continued to echo,

*”Do you ever question why mom became the way she was? the reason why the dopctors cant do anything for her, yet she contiues to give you hope?”*

*”Mom would never do that! shed tell me if it was hopeless, she would. wouldnt you mom?” I asked looking her way as she looked down.

*”Colleen, He hurt her. He took her wolf away.” He said splashing the cold water of news directly at my face.*

Honestly to think that such the image i had of my father, a loving family person, could turn to vile and non-human in a mere second, was absolutely sickening. Yes, I was angry at mom for not telling me about this, but I’m more angry at myself for not noticing the most trivial things, like how she’d never go out for a run with me, that all these years she had been split in half, she wasn’t her whole self. That she was… lost.

I rubbed my eyes as tears began rolling out if them, this was truly reality. Daniel had asked to mend our relationship, but his excuses for saving our lives still made me angry at him for not telling me, why he had left the moment he chose to pack up and leave.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

*”why did you leave Daniel?” I questioned my brother, tears were threatening to fall out if my eyes.*

*”I’d never leave for no reason, you have understand the circumstance, Colleen. It was either you guys, or me. so how could i abandon the family i love so much? I would rater die, than make you guys a scape goat. his talent is to threaten. and its not a good thing if you take his thretast lightkly. so colleen, Pleasae undertand me?” He said with heaviness dripping in his tone.*

My life was really messed up. First my mate rejected me then I find out I’m pregnant, my brother shows up, turns out my father is a twisted man and my mom lost her wolf. Why is the moon goddess testing me so much? had i done something to deserve any of this? i couldnt understand if this was really the life i had to live. a life full of pain and rejection.

I rolled onto my side as my mind continued to buzz with tears, soon my eyes felt droopy and I fell into a dark abyss of nothingness.


I woke up the next morning quite early and got ready for school, exhaustion held me back but I had to get going as today was the last day of my senior year. I guess things are gonna take a turn from here. I honestly didn’t want to go to school, even though it really mattered that I did. I felt waves of tiredness roll into me as the thought of having to face the alpha and Lilly. why the alpha was gonna be there? GOD KNOWS, BUT Lilly. ha… to think that my “best friend” had really abandoned me as she had. all for the role of Luna. I cant vouch that i was a great friend, but honestly, id never does to her what she had done to me. funny.

I got my school bag and headed to the kitchen preparing a small breakfast for myself. When I was fine, I walked to mom’s room to set a plate of toast and juice for her to eat while I was gone. Usually Lillian would knock on my door and we’d head to school together, but now I was alone.

I walked out the door locking it behind me and took my trip to school. I, personally am not ready. I walked through the school gates and straight to my locker. I was a few minutes early and luckily, only after I had entered people starting piling up. I opened my locker begining to unpack my things. there was nop need to think about anything school related for a couple months. now I needed to focus on the life growing up in me.

Soon a bang on my locker got my attention. I looked up to see Lillian, I guess she’s replaced me with the school sluts. Good to know she’s moved on. Sighing, I had no urge to pick a fight with this giirl. It just waas not worth it. Was tormenting people fun? didnt know she had that side to her.

“Whore What are you doing back at school?” I looked at her like she was a lunatic. Whore? me? I almost looked around to see who she was talking to.

“I don’t know? why do people come to school on the last day?” I said in annoyed. She glared at me before speaking up.

“You know I never knew what real friends were until I met Sasha and Alexandra they are true friends unlike people who have no standards and claim others to be their mate,” she said cunningly as if those words would shut me down. But all I did was smile at her.

“Okay then, have fun with your friends,” I said mockingly and closed my locker walking away from her. I soon bumped into a hard chest, and the scent caught my nose.

Can I FEEL ANY shittier than I felt in this moment? Probably not.

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