The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 93.



“Alright Angel, not far now.” Walking back to the car is proving a lot. less graceful than the arrival.

Ghost is not a light wolf so I have to keep adjusting her in my arms. I tried getting Eva to come out but

she kept telling me Ghost wouldn’t let her until she’s safe. I think that’s what set telling me Ghost

wouldn’t let her un Storm off, he knew Ghost was afraid and he reacted to what he saw, just a shame

that the thing he saw was Eric. I finally see the car over the ridge, letting out a breath, I place Ghost

carefully on the leaf covered floor and jog over to the car. Once I have the back door open I run back to

grab Ghost, she’s not moved a muscle, she’s just laying there with her yellow eyes staring back at me.

‘Home?’ Ghost voice floats to me over the Pack link, I know it’s not Eval because it’s slightly deeper

than her musical softness.

“Since when did you start thinking of the Pack as home?” Bending down and stroking along her white

fur back I slide my hands under her and lift her into my arms.

‘Since we were taken from it.’ Ghost curves her head round and slides. her tongue up my cheek, I just

chuckle as she settles back into my arms. and I start walking her over to the car.

“If you’re not going to shift back then you’re in the back, can you behave?” Ghost doesnt answer me so

I close the door and head to the front wheel where I left the key.

“Bring her in here, I’ve set up a little medical area.” Sally rushes met

His Rogue Omega Charte


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into the Pack house, I blindly follow her while carrying Ghost, I don’t even realise we are standing in my

fathers office until I’m placing Ghost onto the makeshift bed.

“Why here?” I ask Sally in a low voice, there are a few warriors in here and there seems to be

something going on in a curtained off area, right where the punishment cupboard is.

“Kasked her to do it, I know you don’t like this room but it made the most sense. The desk is in the

garden.” I look up to see Selena running into the room and pulling on some gloves.

“Heath?” I ask Selena as she pushes me back so she can start running her hands through Ghost’s fur

“Is being looked over, I’ll check him in a minute.” Selena leans forward and presses her ear into Ghost’s

stomach, she’s helpful in holding herself still which tells me Eva is not totally gone. “It’s early days yet,”

Selena stands up and looks down at Ghost. “My guess is you got pregnant on your mating night, not

uncommon for that to happen. I need to speak to some other Doctors about Omega pregnancies but

for now you’re fine.” Turning to be I see her face drop, she grabs my arm and pulls me away before I

can question her.

“What’s wrong? Is it the pup?” I feel my palms start to sweat, I’m not sure if it’s stress, worry or being

back in this office.

“The pup is fine, it’s Eva and Ghost.” Selena looks over her shoulder at the oddly calm Ghost, she’s

just laid on the small bed with her eyes half closed. “Her heart beat is really slow, I don’t know if she’s

just really relaxed or if there is something more going on. I need her to shift so I can check her out

completely.” I nod my head as she grabs my arm. “I’ll go check on Heath and you get her to shift.”

Brushing my hand across my face I turn back to Ghost, I can practically feel the sadness pouring off





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“So Selena says you need to shift so she can check you and the pup out fully.” I pull a chair over and

sit next to her head, I start running my fingers through her soft fur, “it will be nice to see those beautiful

eyes again.”

‘She says no.’ I smile a little even though I’m kind of disappointed that Ghost is the one who answers

and not Eva.

‘What are you scared of Angel, nothing here will hurt you.’ I change to speaking via our link so that

people can’t listen to us, right now there might be alot going on around us but we might as well be

inside our own little bubble.

‘She thinks you will be mad for killing your mother.’ I look down at the floor, I don’t think I’ve yet to fully

process that my mother is dead. The pain I felt this morning and then seeing her on the floor of the

basement, it was something I never thought I would feel when she died. I wished for her death for so

long that now it’s happened I don’t know how to process it.

‘Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about it.’ There is no point in lying about it, Eva will be able to tell

thanks to the mate bond, ‘I saw the body though, that wasn’t Eva, it was you.’ Ghost makes a weird

noise, somewhere between a laugh and snort, I look down at her to make sure she’s alright but she

seems fine.

‘If you think that was me then you are mistaken, that was all Eva. She was terrified and she begged me

to take over. I might have been the one steering but I wasn’t in the driver’s seat.’ My hand stops moving

in her fur as I try to come to terms with the fact that it was Eva and not Ghost, I would never have

thought my mate was capable of such violence. ‘Never underestimate the parental bond, she might

have only just found out but as soon as Eva knew about the pup that bond was created.’



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‘So she was protecting our pup?’ I start moving my hand through her fur again, if Eva was protecting

our pup then there is no way I can be mad at her about anything.

‘She was going to kill the pup, I knew it and so did Eva. Please don’t let Storm be mad at me.’ I can

hear the desperation in Ghost’s voice, it would make sense that she’s concerned about Storm’s

reaction, if he was to reject Eva’s wolf then any relationship would become dead in the water.

‘If you get Eva to come out then I’ll let you spend a whole afternoon. lying in the sun with him.’ At this

point I’m not above bribing her, not only do I want Eva checked out but I also want to lay my eyes on

her and hold her in my arms. Ghost doesn’t say anything else so I hope that means she’s talking to

Eva, standing up I look for Sally so I can get one of those curtains or a blanket.

“How’s it coming?” I almost run into Selena in my search for Sally, I notice she now has little blood

splatter up the top of her blue scrub, sniffing I realise it’s Heath’s.

“How is he?” I nod at her top and she looks down and sighs.

“He’s fine, nothing permanent but they did some serious damage. His wolf will fix him up once the silver

has left his system.” A young female walks over and hands Selena a clipboard, she writes something

and hands it back to her before she walks off, “Rosie, she’s wanting to be a nurse so I’ve been training

her up for the Pack. Once she graduates I think she should go to nursing school.” I nod my head, right

now I have too much on my plate to really register what she said. but I guess it’s good we have another

medically inclined shifter in the Pack.

“Heath?” The room comes to a complete standstill as Mary runs into

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the room screaming for her mate.

“Over here Mary.” Selena quickly ushers her friend over to the curtained area, just as I go to walk over

towards them I hear my name called behind me.

“Cas?” Forgetting about Heath I quickly spin around at Eva’s whisper, she’s sitting up on the bed with

Sally next to her and a red blanket. wrapped around her.

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“I’ll go and find Selena.” Sally says from beside us, I pay no attention to Sally as I keep laying kisses on

Eva, she smells like blood, sweat and rogues but she’s still my Eva.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Putting a hand on either side of her face I lean back from her and stop her

talking with a simple hard look.

“Cas, why are you naked?” I chuckle as I pull her tighter into me, I feel her arms stretch out as she

spreads the blanket around my back so that we are both swamped in the soft fabric.


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the room screaming for her mate.

“Over here Mary.” Selena quickly ushers her friend over to the

curtained area, just as I go to walk over towards them I hear my name. called behind me.

“Cas?” Forgetting about Heath I quickly spin around at Eva’s whisper, she’s sitting up on the bed with

Sally next to her and a red blanket wrapped around her.

“Thank you Goddess.” I breathe a sigh of relief as I jog over to her and quickly pull her into my arms.

“Angel, you have no idea how good it is to see you.” I pepper kisses into her hair as I whisper to her.

“I’ll go and find Selena.” Sally says from beside us, I pay no attention to Sally as I keep laying kisses on

Eva, she smells like blood, sweat and rogues but she’s still my Eva.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Putting a hand on either side of her face I lean back from her and stop her

talking with a simple hard look.

“Cas, why are you naked?” I chuckle as I pull her tighter into me, I feel her arms stretch out as she

spreads the blanket around my back so that we are both swamped in the soft fabric.

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