The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 83.


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“Hysion was in Aurora’s bed again this morning, that’s two weeks in a row now.” Anna’s irritation comes

across the phone line clearly, I just chuckle and shake my head.

“He cares for her.” I’ve told her this several times now, do I like the pup crawling into Aurora’s bed, hell

no but he’s very protective of her.

“Oh will you be saying that when they are of age and he’s got her pregnant?” I growl into the phone,

her talking about my baby girl being pregnant is no joke.

“I’ll lock her up before that happens. No mate until she’s at least twenty-one, maybe twenty-five if she’s

sassy like you.” I open the back door and step out into the morning garden, without Anna next to me I’

ve found myself rising early each day. It’s like me and Leo just can’t settle without her close.

“I’m not that sassy, when are you coming home? I miss you.” Her whine calls to my wolf and I can feel

him urging us back to our mate, we haven’t been apart like this since our early years of mating.

“I’m setting off in a few hours. Cas is up and about again so he can get his Pack under control.” I lean

over the railing and inhale deeply, at least this part of the country smells good, all the fresh farms in the

area I guess. I scrunch up my nose when a scent that doesn’t belong greets. me, “hang on little wolf.”

Jumping down the steps I walk across the dew covered grass until I am standing in front of a drying

blood patch, from the way it’s spread it’s clear the person laid here for a while.


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Rogue Omega Chapter 83

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“Fraction, what’s going on?” Anna’s voice is full of worry as I call Leo forward and inhale deeply. He

confirms what I thought, there is more than just one person’s blood here. “Fraction?!” Her voice is full of



“Little wolf, I’m sorry but I won’t be home just yet.” Standing from the grass I look around but I don’t see

anything out of place, taking a few steps towards the ugly as sin cell block I notice the door is open. “I

have to go. I’ll call later.” I hang up the phone and slide it into my jeans before she can answer me


“Why is that door open?” I turn to see Rowan walking out onto the porch, he’s in jeans and t-shirt, looks

weird for this time of a morning. I’m too used to my Beta. James walking around the Pack house in his


“Somethings happened to your Head Warrior and Luna.” I point to the grass and watch as Rowan’s

nostrils flare, his eyes go blank for a second and then he nods his head. “He know?” Rowan just looks

back at the Pack house before walking past me towards the cells.

“He knows, he’s in the cells.” I jog after Rowan as he heads into the cells, if Cas knows his Head

Warrior and Luna are missing then why the hell isn’t more of the Pack here. When Anna went missing,

both times, I had my entire Pack around me within minutes and even Darryl from Grey Pack.

“Where is she?” Cas’s roar and the sound of skin meeting skin has me and Rowan running towards the

cell the rogue is in. I expect to see Cas beating on the rogue but instead I see him still chained to his

chair and the sounds seem to be coming from the cell next to it.

“Goddess, Vince?” Rowan sounds horrified, he’s looking into the open cell with wide eyes and all the

colour has drained from his face. “Cas


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 3.

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you have to stop or you will kill him.” Poking my head around the bars I see Cas has Vince pushed

against the floor and he’s repeatedly punching him in the face. Vince’s face resembles a smashed bl

oody apple more than the lined angry face he had before.

“He knows where she is, I know he does.” Cas roars as he grabs Vince by his plain t-shirt and starts to

shake him, “tell me!”

“Still a pissant pup.” Vince spits blood at Cas causing the Alpha to completely loose control, I manage

to grab him around the shoulders. just before he slammed his fists into the old man’s head.

“Easy, kill him and you won’t know where she is.” I mutter into his ear as tries to break free of my p

“I get it, I understand the pain but let us help you.” I nod at Rowan as I drag Cas into the hall, slamming

him against the wall. I use a hand on his throat to force him to look at me.

“Let me go.” He growls at me as he claws at my tattooed arm, I squeeze his throat slightly as his wolf

comes to his eyes. I can feel Leo just under my own skin, ready to protect me against another Alpha if I


him too.

“Stop.” I pulse out my Alpha aura, I’m stronger than Cas, although he won’t kneel the aura should be

enough to soothe him a little. I push it out further and hear whimpering from the cell with the rogue.

“Rowan, you good?” I shout without taking my eyes off Cas, his wolf is slowly receding back into him.

“You could cool it a bit so I can move.” Rowan speaks from between clenched teeth, being a Beta he’s

probably on the floor, I know James would be and he’s a strong Beta.

“You good, under control? Can I let up?” I stare at Cas until he nods. his head slightly, pulling my aura

back as I watch him take a full breath for the first time in minutes.

10:56 This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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“He knows where she is, I know it.” Cas gulps as he tries to gain control of his emotions. I’ve been in

his position before. I know that no matter what this man will break before he finds his mate. losing that

one person who means everything to you has a way of testing you in every way possible. Letting go of

his throat I step back and watch him slide to the floor, he lifts his b loody hands to his face and just sits


“I get it. beating the sh it out of him won’t get you answers though. It will just give you a dead body and

no clue as to where she is.” I crouch down so I’m level with him but I don’t touch him, he’s an Alpha on

the edge right now and this could be bad. “I’ll stay and help you through this but we need to get Vince

seen to. then we can question him properly.” I know it doesn’t matter what I say, I could say the most

sane thing in the world and the man in front of me just won’t hear it. He doesn’t want to hear it, he just

wants his mate back.

“Call your mate and have her come and clean him up.” I command Rowan as I step back into the cell.

Cas isn’t moving off that floor anytime soon. “And get your Alpha some Jameson.” Rowan just stares at

me, his wolf will be rebelling against taking orders from another Alpha and as a Beta he can resist me

more than others.

“Is that what Cas wants?” Rowan stands up from Vince and crosses his


“I get it, you want to protect your Alpha but you need to think clearly.” I point back into the hall, “that

man doesn’t want to hear anything we have to say right now, his wolf is raging and fighting to get out.

You need to step up and be his Beta.” Rowan looks worried for a second before his eyes go blank, he

stays there for a second before coming back to himself.

“Selena is on her way, you don’t leave her alone with this f ucker.”

His Roque Omega Chapter 83

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Rowan holds my eyes until I nod and then he walks out of the cell. I wait until his footsteps stop and

then start again before I lean down to check for a pulse on Vince,

“Do you know where she is?” I murmur to the smashed up man on the floor, his arm is at an odd angle

and his face is barely recognizable


“We did it for his own good.” His words come out garbled, he spits up a load of blood before closing the

one eye I can see.

“Don’t die old man, you will talk.” I walk from the room and into the hall to wait for Selena, pulling my

phone from my jeans. I see three missed calls from Anna and two from James and Darryl, looking

down at Cas I see he hasn’t moved since I walked into the cell. Sighing I pull up James’s number, I

need his advice on how to help R owan be Cas’s rock through this, there is no better man to ask than

my own Beta and rock.

“Alpha?” James answers the phone instantly, I can tell from the lack of noise that he is somewhere


“They took his mate, tell me how to help his Beta. Cas is a mess and I don’t know what to do.” James is

the only man I would ask for help from, sure Anna has helped me but James has been by my side for


“Alright, how long do you have?” I smile into the handset, of course he doesn’t ask questions, like any

good friend and Beta he gets right down. to business.

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