The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 76.

✩ Cas ✰

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‘She’s drooling.‘ My eyes fly open as Storm slowly whispers to me, can only just hear him, like we are

at opposite ends of a tunnel and we aren’t allowed to shout.

‘Storm.‘ I’m so glad that he’s back, I can’t keep the joy out of my voice, where have you been?‘ I clutch

Eva harder as she nuzzles into my side, looking down I can see she is in fact drooling onto my bare


‘Whatever that first hit was, it knocked me for six. I couldn’t get up again, I’m sorry, I failed you.‘ Before

I can tell him it’s alright and that I’m not mad the bedroom door pushes open and I catch Selena’s


“You awake?” Selena whispers into the dark room, I lean over with a grunt and flick on the bedside

lamp. “I need to check your bandages.” I grimace at Selena as she closes the door and walks over to

the bed, leaning over to the lamp pulled on my shoulder and now it’s throbbing.

“Let me move Eva.” I try to roll Eva off me but she latches onto my stomach, I feel her nails dig into me

as she refuses to be moved, I frown down at her and look up at Selena.

“Leave her, she’s exhausted.” Selena pops her medical bag on the end of the bed and starts

rummaging in it, she’s still whispering, I think she’s worried about waking Eva up. “She’s barely slept

more than twenty minutes at a time for the last two weeks, if she hasn’t been in here with you she’s

been out there with Sophie.” I look down at my dark haired Angel, I’m not sure when she climbed into

the bed or why.

the last thing I remember is her screaming at me and then listening to


His Roque Omega Chapter 76.

288 Vouchers

her tell Fraction she hates me.

“I don’t know why she’s here, she hates me.” My brain still feels foggy but I’m aware enough to know

what she said to me, I look back up at Selena to see a sad smile on her tired face as she walks over to

me and lifts my arm.

“Hold this here,” she whispers as she places my hand over my head. “She doesn’t hate you Cas, I don’t

know much about Omegas but I know plenty about women. She’s worried she’s going to lose you, add

that to her exhaustion and she can’t figure out her emotions.” I hiss as Selena pulls the bandage off my

shoulder and starts to put a clean one on, “only someone who cares as much as she does can be in

such turmoil.” I look down at Eva as Selena moves the blanket off me so she can get to my stomach

and thigh, I don’t even blink at me being naked, she’s been around me often enough after a shift.

“How long until I can get up?” I groan loudly and clench my jaw as Selena pulls the bandage off my


“When that doesn’t hurt, then you can get up.” I laugh at Selena as a growl sounds around the room, I

feel Eva tense in my arm as Selena looks around her.

“Selena, take your hand off my thigh. Slowly.” I speak slowly as I try to tighten my hold on Eva, I can

feel the growl vibrating through her whole body.

Selena looks up at me with shocked eyes, the confusion is evident on her face, she doesn’t understand

why I’ve given her such an order.

“I need to clean this.” The hurt in Selena’s voice is evident, I ignore her to try and keep Eva calm

although judging by the smell it’s not Eva I’m dealing with right now. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

His Roque Omega: Chapter 76

1288 Vouchers

“Ghost, calm down.” I keep my voice calm although I can feel my heart beating a drum, if Ghost attacks

Selena right now then I’m screwed. Selena’s eyes shoot down to Eva and she quickly holds up her

hands, she moves too fast and startles her. Grunting I manage to grab Eva around the waist just as she

tries to grab for Selena.

“Eva?” Selena sounds horrified as I try to hold onto my struggling


“Selena. get out now.” I give up the calm voice and go for a full commanding boom. “get out. Ghost

stop.” I hiss out in pain as one of Eva’s elbows hits my stomach, Selena flees from the room in the blink

of an eye.

“Mine.” Eva’s voice is not like her own, Ghost has fully taken over and she’s not happy about another

female’s hands being on my naked body.

“She’s gone, calm down. Come on Ghost,” I try to pulse out my Alpha aura but I’m weak so it’s proving

to be ineffective, Eva’s body becomes. limp in my arms so I breathe out a sigh of relief.

“Bastard.” Her words are said around a growl as she pushes away from me and rolls over in the bed

until all I can see is her long black hair and pale back. I don’t miss how I can see more ribs than I could


“Oh Angel, what have you done to yourself?” I shift myself so I can run a hand down her boney spine,

“you need to rest and eat, how can you look after others when you can’t look after yourself.” I feel a

shiver work down her body as I lean forward and place a kiss on her bare shoulder, “this is my fault. I’m

supposed to be the strong one and I IEN you alone, I’m sorry Angel.” I think I understand what Selena

was saying now, Eva needed me when I found her. I bulldozed her walls and made her trust me, I gave

her a home and a family just to then leave her alone in the middle of it all.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 76.

288 Vouchers

“Promise me something?” I can tell from her soft voice that Ghost hast retreated and now I’m alone

with Eva.

“Anything, if I can give it I will.” I try to keep my lips close to her skin just so I can enjoy her smell and

taste but the pain in my shoulder becomes too much. I drop myself back on the pillow just as Eva rolls.

over to look at me, her eyes are red although I don’t see any tears in her


“Let me go first, whenever that might be. I can’t be here without you.” Her words are so raw that I feel

goosebumps along my skin and a lump forms in my throat.

“I’m not going anywhere Angel but sure, I’ll let you go first.” I can’t imagine the world without Eva in it

but if this is the promise she needs. from me then I’ll give it to her gladly. I hold my arm out and nod my

head, “come here Angel.” She dives onto my chest and nuzzles into my armpit, I chuckle as I feel her

scenting me. “Can’t imagine that smells so great.” If I’ve been in this bed for the last two weeks I can

only imagine that I stink to high heaven right about now.

“I gave you a bath everyday, you’re clean. Ghost is demanding your scent.” I try not to move as her

breath tickles my skin, “I’m sorry I attacked Selena, I don’t know what happened. I just woke up and

saw her hand on your thigh and it was like Ghost just took over.” She must have her fill of my scent

because she places her head on my chest and curls her arm back around me.

“Ghost was jealous, nothing wrong with that Angel. Once I’m better I’ll show you both you have nothing

to be jealous of.” She glances up at me with a small smile on her face when yet another knock comes

at the bedroom door, “might as well put a revolving door in. Yeah?” Eva giggles as the door pushes



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 76..

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I start growling before the door is even fully open, grabbing the comforter I push on Eva’s head to get

her under the cover before Darryl has even fully entered the room.

“Shit.” Darryl curses and spins around so his back is to the bed, “tell me when she’s covered.” I

appreciate him understanding that I don’t want another male seeing my mate in any form of undress.

“So not just Ghost then?” Eva calls out as I watch her tiny hand poke out from the comforter to grab the

shirt off the bedroom floor, “alright let me up.” Hair wild and looking flushed Eva makes sure the

comforter is covering her lamp before smiling at me.

“Alright idiot, turn around.” Eva chuckles more as Darryl turns around with his hand over his eyes,

thanks to his beard having more growth he looks really silly.

“Is it safe? Am I going to be mauled by a wounded Alpha?” Grabbing a pillow from behind Eva I throw it

at my friend with enough force to bring a umph out of his mouth.

“What do you want?” I can’t help but sound a little annoyed, him. joking about my mate being naked is

not something I’m finding very funny right now.

“Just came to tell you I’m off, Fraction will stay for another day or two. but I need to get back to Grey

Pack.” I don’t miss the way Darryl’s eyes. move to Eva and he smiles sadly at her, “got some shit of my

own to fix.”

“Anything I can help with?” I ask him quickly, not that I’m in a position to help right now.

“No, I can deal with it.” I don’t miss how Eva tuts and crosses her arms over her stomach, “Eric is still at

the border, he’s refusing to leave but I

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think it’s good you have him there for now anyway. You’ll call if there are any more problems?” I nod my

head at him as questions start to swirl around my brain, I can feel the fog starting to get heavy again

though as my body demands rest.

“I’ll be calling you soon, so we can chat.” Darryl just nods at me before waving slightly and leaving the

room, “what’s going on with him?”

“The Elders are trying to force him to mate, he refuses to take a chosen mate. Says he had his chance

and it’s gone.” Eva turns to me and snuggles back into my chest, “he’s sad Cas, like down to his bones,

sad.” Leaning back on the pillows I look up at the ceiling, if my friend is hurting then I need to find a way

to help him. I don’t know how I do that with all the shit I have on my shoulders at the moment but I vow


find a way.

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