The Stained Omega

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Chatper 241

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 74.


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“I’m telling you, it’s the same da mn bullets. Anna was hit by one and I watched our Doc pull it out right

in front of me.” I feel my eyebrows draw together in confusion as Alpha Fraction’s voice penetrates the

fog surrounding my brain. “You need to beef up your patrols, The Shalamayne are close and this was

just the first attack.”

“With what? We lost nine in the clearing and another two to complications. We have maybe four

warriors left, not including me and Heath.” I try to open my eyes so I can ask Rowan what the hell he’s

talking about but they don’t want to open, “what if he doesn’t wake up?” I feel a small hand in mine, I try

to grip it tighter but my body just won’t listen to me.

“Don’t say that, he’s going to wake up.” I’d know that voice anywhere, my Angel sounds exhausted, I

can tell she’s been crying a lot just from the way her voice breaks.

“Eva, I didn’t mean that, it’s just we have to be realistic. He’s on the edge right now, one wrong push

and he will fall.” I feel something wet across my forehead, it’s only then that I realise my entire body is

on fire.

“If he doesnt wake up

Vince will take over.” I almost laugh at how

I’m absurd my mother sounds but again my body just won’t move, starting to get really annoyed, I’ve

never not had control of my own body before.

“The hell he will, I told you to leave already.” Rowan’s voice gets


His Rogue Omega Chapter 74

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really loud as he shouts at my mother.

“I’m not leaving when my only son is dying.” Even to me her sadness. sounds fake, she’s not a very

good actress.

“Goddess, my Anna would have you on your as s right now. I might send her down to give you some

lessons.” I have to agree with Fraction, his Luna would not put up with my mother’s behaviour, I don’t

understand why Eva is not fighting back. I’m not gone, I’m still here, surely she can feel me. I try to

reach out to Eva with the Pack link but I can’t feel it or her, it’s like I’m here but everything else is gone.

“Get out,” if I could cheer at Eva’s small words I would, “get out, your spiteful evil woman. I don’t want

you here, get out!” Eva is practically screaming by the time she is done, I can feel the wetness of her

tears as they fall onto my hand. I want to reach out to comfort her but instead. the darkness comes

back to me and I lose all sense of time.

“Sophie is doing well, she’s staying in the basement lounge. She seems. to have taken it upon herself

to make sure her Luna is looked after,” Rowan’s voice sounds really close like he’s sitting next to me.

“Fraction’s Beta sent us five warriors and Darryl has called for another eight from Grey Pack. That

gives us some numbers again but they are borrowed, we need to put the word out that we are looking.”

The flipping sound of a notepad makes me realise Rowan is holding his own Alpha and Beta meeting,

regardless of the fact that I can’t seem to answer back. “Darryl and Fraction are helping with the

running of the Pack but Darryl has to head back to Grey Pack tomorrow. I think Fraction is staying a

little longer, he says he’s not comfortable leaving with Eric sniffing around.” That gets my attention, I

want to ask him what he’s doing to keep Eric away from Eva but again the words get stuck in my throat.

I hear the door being opened and closed just as I feel my fingers twitch in the comforter, I try to do it

again but I seem to

His Rogue Omega Chapter 74

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have gone back to not being able to move.

“Anything?” Eva’s voice sounds even smaller than the last time I heard.


“Nothing, I keep thinking that he’s going to turn around and offer me a smart as s answer but nothing.

Selena and Leon are worried about the infection, his leg is getting worse.” The sadness in Rowan’s

voice is killing me, I want to scream at them both, the two people I care for most in this world both think

I’m gone.

“Maybe she’s right, maybe he is gone. He can’t be gone when I’ve only just found him.” Eva’s tiny hand

slides into mine as the bed dips a little telling me she’s taken a seat next to me, “I need him to tell me

what to do. Fraction keeps asking me stuff that I just don’t know, I’m not ready to be Luna, I shouldn’t

have let him mate me. Maybe we should have just rejected each other and went our separate ways.”

It’s killing me that I was just starting to break into her walls and now she is hiding behind them again,

she’s strong, she doesn’t need me to be strong.

“He was never going to let you go Eva, he wanted you and he took what he wanted. He’s never had

anything that was just his, even the Pack came with his mother and Vince in tow. You are his and his

alone, he was never going to let you go.” I wish I could show Rowan how much his words mean to me,

they are exactly what I would say to Eva right now, although I would probably slip in some suggestive

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talk too.

“He just squeezed my hand.” Eva’s shock has me tightening my hand again, “go and get Selena, he’s

doing it again. Go now.” I feel a rush of air beside me and then the bedroom door is slamming shut,

“Cas, baby, can you hear me?” I try to open my eyes, I feel them flutter a little bit but I can’t quite open

them. I do manage a low moan though, which is more than I have managed so far. “Oh Cas, I knew it,

I’m here,” I feel Eva’s hands on my chest and then her wet lips are pressed against

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mine. “I’m here, I’m waiting.” She curls into my side and I can feel her shaking as she cries, I don’t

know if it’s relief or fear, I try to curl my arm around her back but I can’t quite make my arm move.

The bedroom door opening again has Eva shifting off me, I instantly miss her warmth and want her


“He moved his eyes, I think he’s trying to wake up.” This time I don’t miss the relief in Eva’s voice.

“We can hope, let the docs have a look at him, Eva.” It’s the first time I’ ve heard Darryl’s voice in here

and I actually welcome it, the man was like a father to me growing up so I know he will have tried to

help Eva while I was down.

“Alpha, can you hear me?” I feel a warm set of hands on me and then something really cold over my

heart, “heartbeat is strong and his temperature is down, I think the infection is passing.” Selena sounds

hopeful as she forces one of my eyes open and shines a light into it, I recoil from it and actually

manage to move my head out of her grasp. “Yeah, he’s coming round. Give him some time, maybe

later today if not it will be soon.” A strong hand clasps my covered leg just as a small body presses

against me again.

“We will leave you to it Eva, shout if you need us.” The bedroom door closing makes me think me and

Eva have been left alone, I try to lift my hand around her again and this time I manage to cup her as s

just a little.

“Even injured and down he’s trying to cop a feel,” Eva chuckles ag

against me as Darryl talks softly. “You did him proud while he was down you know, I know having

Fraction here hasn’t been easy for you but you handled it amazingly.” I smile as Darryl praises Eva, he

doesn’t just praise anyone which means he is genuinely proud of her. “You’ll call if

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you need me?”

“Of course, I hope he wakes up before you leave, I know he will hate not thanking you himself.” Eva

doesn’t move off me as she speaks to Darryl, I kind of like that she’s still thinking about me even when

speaking to another Alpha.

“I wish I could stay but I have to get back, I’m having problems of my own and I need to sort them.”

Darryl sounds worried, I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard him worried before. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“And you’re sure we can’t help?” I love Eva for offering, it’s exactly what I would do..

“Nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do. It is what it is, I’ll do. what’s needed of me and what’s

best for the American Packs, I always have.” I want to reach out to my friend but the door closing again

tells me that he has left.

“Angel?” My mouth feels like sandpaper and my voice is barely above. a whisper, I’m actually surprised

when Eva moves as if she heard me.

“Cas? Oh my G od, let me get you a drink.” I feel her move off me and a second later a metal tube is

put to my cracked lips, “I’m so glad you’re awake.” I can tell she’s crying so I let the straw go and crack

my eyes. open, the room is dim which I’m thankful for but I can still see her above me. Bags under her

eyes and hair matted around her head, her cheekbones look more pronounced and her lips are as dry

as mine feel but she’s there. My Angel.

“I love you, Angel.” She offers me a watery smile as she puts the cup back on the bedside table and

climbs onto the bed with me, snuggling into me, I breathe in her smell and enjoy the feel of her next to


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