The Stained Omega

Chatper 233

Chatper 233

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 66.

★ Eva ✰

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“You can’t just ignore me, I’m here and I’m not leaving until you tell me what just happened!” I pound on

Eric’s door for the third time, Rowan and Heath went chasing after Storm but not before Rowan warned

me to stay here. He said I didn’t need to see what was about to happen, I can’t say I understand any of

it anyway.

“You need to go back to your Pack, why did your Beta leave you here anyway?” Eric opens the door in

a pair of basketball shorts, he has some blood running down the side of his face which tells me Storm

got at least one good hit in.

“I guess he figured I was safe here, want me to look at that?” Eric just shrugs and opens the door

further before walking back into his cabin, it’s nothing much. Just one room with a bed tucked into the

corner and a fridge, an oven and small table with two chairs. Eric walks into another door and comes

back out a second later with a small first aid bag, he drops it onto the little table and sits in one of the


“Afterwards you can leave.” His tone is curt and leaves no room for argument so I quickly walk over to

the table and start to pull out antiseptic wipes and steri-strips, the wound is just on his hairline and not

that big.

“Why did he attack you?” I ask him as I place the wipe against his skin. and start cleaning the blood, he

doesn’t hiss or make a single motion to


“I saw you naked, well at least he thinks I did. I’m an Alpha, his wolf


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 66

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will see me as a threat for as long as you are unmated.” I roll my eyes, that has to be the stup idest

thing I’ve ever heard. I gave Cas more of myself than I have any other person, if that doesn’t show him

I want. only him then I don’t know what does.

“That can’t be all there is, he’s had a dislike for you ever since you came to town. I’ve seen it.” With the

blood gone I apply the strips just like I’ve seen Selena do, I’m sure she would do it better but I’m

certain. it will hold it close while it heals. “Done.” I tell him as I walk over to

the small sink and wash my hands.

“I killed my twin brother, Beta and Head Warrior. “I gasp as I turn from the sink, he’s speaking so quietly

I’m sure I misheard him, “I’m sure Cas and his Beta know all about it by now. I left England with blood.

on my hands and now he knows he has a murderous Alpha in his backyard.” Eric looks up at me, his

face is set in stone, his voice has


all monotone like he’s detached himself from what he’s saying.

“You must have had a reason, you don’t just kill the people closest to you for no reason.” I don’t know

why I’m trying to help him justify murder but Eric doesn’t strike me as a violent person, I know violent

men and Eric isn’t one of them/

“I had a reason but it still isn’t justified. The Elders let me go as long as I came back to America, I’m

banished from England. I’m actually supposed to be back in Texas but I’m not going there either.” I sit

down at the table as Eric gets up and walks to the fridge, he comes back with two beers, holding one

out to me I shake my head and he just puts it on the table. “He f ucked my mate, my brother, caught

them in the act. My wolf lost control and I killed him while he was still inside of her, how I didn’t kill her I

don’t know.” His voice has taken on a kind of pain I don’t think I’ve ever experienced, “afterwards I

found out she had been with my Beta and my Head Warrior knew about it. The pup she was carrying

was my Beta’s, I killed them both before running.”


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 66

“I’m sorry,” it sounds so empty but I don’t know what else to say.

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“Cas asked me why my wolf wasn’t rabid, you know what happens when an Alpha loses their mate?” I

nod my head, “I think it’s because we chose to leave her, I rejected her and the pup before running, the

Elder’s caught up to me before I managed to get on a plane.” Leaning across the table I place my hand

on top of his, it’s a comforting gesture and one I hope helps soothe some of his pain. It makes sense

now, Eric isn’t a bas t ard because of who he is, it’s because of what they made him do. I can’t imagine

an Alpha kills his most prominent Pack Members without feeling some kind of pain deep instead.

“I get it, your anger got the better of you.” Eric just smirks at me before lifting the bottle to his lips and

downing it.

“Your Alpha is angry because his mate is so close but you aren’t connected, his wolf is feeling the loss.

That out there,” Eric points out of the window, “that was him looking for someone to beat up without

harming his Pack.”

“I’m not enough for him.” I speak to the table as I drop my head, it’s something that has been rolling

around my head ever since I found out Cas and I were fated mates.

“You’re perfect for him, that’s why you’re fated. My Luna was a chosen mate, chances are my fated

mate is gone or was never out there to begin with.” I look up at Eric to see the anger from his face has

gone and instead there is a far off look in his eyes.

“You all have this romantic notion about mates, how do you know? Maybe it’s all just a lie, people get

lied to everyday.” Eric smiles at me. before putting his bottle down and walking over to his bed. It takes

him a minute but soon he’s walking back to me with a brown folder, he drops it in front of me before

sitting back down.


Rogue Omega Chapter 64

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“Open it.” I flip the first page and gasp when I see my picture. “This is everything the Elders have on

you and The Shalamayne. I was to go to Texas and find out why The Shalamayne have settled there.

The Elders think they are working with the Pack based there but instead I came here. I had to see what

happened to the girl who escaped.” I flick through the folder and see a very detailed description of me

and my time on the streets of Seattle, there is also mention of Jeremy, some of the pictures after

meeting Jeremy show the abuse I endured while under his control. “They knew about Jeremy, they

have him under surveillance for something else. Right now they are more concerned with The

Shalamayne and how they are linking themselves to Packs. once they took shifters every now and

again but since Swiftmane they have moved on up.”

“What does any of this have to do with me mating with Cas?” While good to know The Shalamayne are

far from me it’s a little concerning to know the Elders have so much information on me, especially when

they are already investigating me.

“You know what a lie is, what you feel for Cas, does it feel the same? Does it feel like how you grew

up?” Eric leans over the table and points at the photograph of me and Jeremy walking down the street.

“does it feel like him?”

“No, Cas is nothing like Jeremy. Cas is kind, thoughtful and he’s been like that ever since I met him at

The Swiftmane Pack. Even behind bars I knew there was something about him I could trust, it was like

this feeling deep down in my gut.” Eric nods his head with a small smile on his face

“Even without your wolf you knew he was someone you could trust and I’m guessing now you’ve spent

more time with him it’s more than that “I close the file and look up at Eric, his face is a mix between

sadness and relief, I guess he thought I was going to get mad at the file. I understand he is only doing

what has been asked of him though.

His Rogue Omega Chapter 66

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he wasn’t exactly in a position to say no to the Elders.

“I crave him, even when I don’t like him I still crave him, something about him calms me. When he

holds me his heart beat makes me feel safe. his touch makes me calm, it’s hard to explain.” Eric nods

his head. as if he understands what I’m saying but if he’s never had a mate how could he know that’s

what this is.

“And soon you will find things you love about him and from there your relationship will only grow

stronger. The mating mark will just strengthen what is already there, if it’s not meant to be your Omega

side will reject it.” Standing from the table, I head for the door, I’ve made my mind up and sitting here

with Eric is not going to change it. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Take me back to Everfur please. I need to get home.” It’s the first time I’ve referred to Everfur as my

home but that’s what it is, it’s my home, it’s where my mate is and it’s where I belong.

Eric drives me back in silence, his truck rumbles along the empty road, he drives the long way around

so we don’t have to drive through Midsey. He doesn’t even ask, he just does it automatically like he

knows I would not want to go back there. I know when we he

have reached the Pack border because Rowan is standing in the middle of the road wearing a pair of

jeans and blue t-shirt, his arms are crossed over his muscled chest, he doesn’t even flinch as the truck

rolls to a stop just inches from him.

“Thanks Eric, really, thank you.” Eric just nods his head as I jump from the truck, he doesn’t wait after I

have closed the door, he just puts the truck in reverse and disappears down the road.

“Is he back?” I ask Rowan as soon as Eric’s truck is gone.

“In his room, he won’t let anyone near him. Maybe it’s best if you go to your cottage tonight?” I shake

my head and start walking along the


His Rogue Omega Chapter 66

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road, it isn’t long before I hear Rowan walking behind me. I know what Cas needs and it’s for me to

stop putting distance between us, his wolf craves me as much as I crave him.

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