The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 58.


Eva is miserable. you can see it in the way she’s holding herself hunched over the peach she is slicing.

Cas is going about this all wrong but he won’t appreciate me saying so. I’ve seen Cas when he goes all

Alpha on someone he wants to f uck and he doesn’t allow for any input. I can’t understand why he’s not

pushing for the mating more, they both need it yet they are fighting it so much.

“You wanted to see me Beta.” I look up at Francis and smile. I spread my hand across the table

indicating he should take a seat.

“You busy tonight?” Francis shakes his buzz cut head, he’s a handsome guy, something Selena has

pointed out to me a few times and is a great


“No, do you need me to do something?” I smile as I sip at my coffee. what I have planned might bite

me in the as s but it could also light a fire under Cas’s.

“I think you and a few of the lads need a night out at Roxie’s. Tonight could be good.” I speak quietly so

Eva doesn’t overhear us but she looks very interested in cutting up her peaches.

“Ah, well I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Francis scrubs his hand over his head before reaching across

the table for a muffin, they have become a breakfast regular since Eva arrived. Apparently she has a

thing for blueberries, “all my friends have mates so I don’t really like to go out much with them and if

they go to Roxie’s they ain’t going for the dancing.” I chuckle, I know exactly what is on offer at Roxie’s




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why a lot of shifters like going there.

“Maybe take Eva, she still needs to get to know people in the Pack. Least then you won’t be out of

place with your friends.” Francis looks behind him at Eva cutting up what appears to be a grapefruit, he

looks for a long time, long enough that I’m starting to second guess my decision.

“She ain’t really my type and I think the Alpha has pretty much stuck a flag in her.” The way he keeps

looking back at her makes me think otherwise, however, I’m not looking to get the poor warrior killed.

“Just as friends Francis, I’m not at all condoning you hitting on her. Just take her out and introduce her

to your group, she needs some friends.” It’s not a complete lie, Eva does need some friends, other than

Selena she doesn’t really have anyone and for a while even that relationship was on the rocks.

“Alright I’ll ask her, need to make the future Luna feel comfortable right?” I nod at Francis and smile as

more warriors start to pile into the kitchen.

I stay in the kitchen long enough to hear Francis speak to a couple of warriors about going out for

drinks, I leave just as he approaches Eva. She looks really nervous but I catch her nodding her head

with a small smile on her face, I bet she’s just excited about going out with people. After the Pack

breakfast I start making the rounds, as Beta it’s my job to know what’s going on in the Pack before

anyone else does. Everything seems to be running smoothly, I know Cas is worried about how most of

the Pack don’t come round for meals but I think it’s due to the elderly population. We lack the younger

members that some of the bigger Packs have and the younger ones we do have either work. outside of

the Pack or are bogged down with pups. Walking up to the Murray cottage I notice that it’s looking even

shabbier than normal,


His Roque Omega: Chapter 58.

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ever since Stan Murray took off Lisa has really struggled to keep this place up. Her three pups try to

help but with two of them being under five it’s a lot of hard work and I know she hasn’t been seen

around the Pack a lot.

“Lisa.” I bang on the blue peeling door, when I don’t get an answer I knock louder.

“Hello Beta, Momma is at work.” I turn around to see a small sixteen year old red haired pup, she’s

stick thin and deathly pale but over the years I’ve learned this is just her look. Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“When will she be back?” I pocket my notepad and lean forward to grab the brown bag of groceries

she’s carrying, peering inside I notice a lot of frozen meals and sugary cereal. I try to smile at Sophie

but it’s hard to appear calm when your alarm bells are ringing.

“Probably late tonight.” I notice she doesn’t try to move past me to open the door, instead she just

starts to fiddle with her fingers with her green eyes darting around.

“Want to open up so I can carry these inside for you?” I try to keep my voice calm and soothing so I

don’t spook the pup, I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have a clue how to talk to pups.

“Sure, the house is a bit of a mess though.” I just shrug my shoulders as she speaks softly and walks

past me. The first thing I notice as she opens the door is the smell, it smells like no one has so much as

cracked a window in years.

“The pups in here?” Sophic shakes her head as she blushes and leads me across a paper strewn floor,

in places I can see signs of cleaning but it’s clearly been done by someone who doesn’t understand

cleaning or how to do it. “Where are the pups Sophie? They are too young for school and I know your

momma doesn’t have them in day-care.” I’m surprised the kitchen actually looks clean, nothing like

mine and


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Selena’s kitchen but someone has definitely been cleaning in here. Popping the brown bag down on

the table I watch Sophie start to unload all the processed and sugary food.

“They are with momma.” Sophie blushes as she quickly stuff’s the box of sanitary napkins that tumbles

out of the bag back inside, I act the gentlemen and pretend I didn’t see anything. Crossing my arms I

lean against the door frame and just watch her move about the kitchen, she’s avoiding my eyes and

purposefully making herself not stand still.

“Sophie, your momma didn’t take them to work and I know for a fact your momma hasn’t been back

since I came by last week.” Sophie just shrugs her shoulders before walking over to the sink and

getting herself a glass of water, “alright, well from now on I want you at the Pack house every morning

for breakfast. Sally will also sort you lunch and you will go to school.”

“Momma says I have to stay here.” Sophie actually looks upset at the idea of leaving the house, I just

shake my head at her.

“This is coming from your Beta, Sophie. And by extension, your Alpha too, I also want you to ride up to

the Nickels farm and get a fruit and vegetable hamper. Tell Mary I sent you and she will sort you out.” I

wait until Sophie promises she will do as she says and leave the messy cottage, as soon as the door

closes behind me I whip out my notepad and write a note for myself to visit here daily.

By the end of the day I’ve done about three laps of the Pack and spoken to several warriors, thanks to

all the running around I haven’t actually managed to see Cas yet today which means I have no idea if

he knows about Francis.

“Rowan Alexander Finn! What did you do!” I regret opening the door to the house as soon as Selena’s

voice comes screaming down the



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 58.

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“I didnt do it.” I shout back. I hate it when she fullnames me, it has me instantly thinking about what I

could have done. I have to quickly go through my m ental rolodex, did I look at a female for too long,

did my eyes stray to a naked female after a shift or maybe I messed up one of her dresses while doing

the laundry.

“Oh you did it. I know you did it.” I can’t help but back away as my little blonde red faced mate comes

storming down the stairs waving her finger at me.

“Give me a hint, what did I do, babe?” I hold up my hands in mock defence as she just stands there in

front of me and shoots me daggers.

“Are you really going to pretend that Francis taking Eva to Roxie’s was all his idea?” I have to press my

lips together to stop myself from laughing, “it’s not funny, Cas was angrier than I’ve ever seen him. She

left in a cab with all the guys and their mates without so much as a word to him.” I smile at her before

leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek, this seems to confuse her so I laugh as I walk further into

the house and drop onto our comfortable soft brown sofa. “You planned this? You want him to be


“Our Alpha needs his mate and Eva needs her mate, something needs. to push those two together.” I

feel Selena’s arms snake around my shoulders as she leans over the back of the sofa and starts

kissing the side of my neck.

“My genius Beta, fixing the pack one f uck at a time.” I can’t help the moan that leaves my mouth as her

mouth latches onto my car, tilting my head to the side, I offer her more access to my favourite spot.

“You work hard, let’s get you relaxed.” I can’t stop the smile that comes across my face as her hands

snake down my chest and into the top of my jeans. How this woman can go from raging to h orny in a

matter of seconds will always confuse me but I wouldn’t change a single thing about her. Gripping her

hands I pull until she slides over the sofa and


lands on my lap laughing.

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