The Stained Omega

Chatper 223

Chatper 223

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 56.


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“Maybe I should change first?” I’m very aware that I am dressed in Eric’s shirt and nothing else,

heading towards the Pack house the nerves are starting to set in. Heath’s silent demeanour is really

not helping the huge butterflies making themselves at home in my stomach. “Heath, please. I should

really change before I see him.”

“Too late.” My eyes widen and my feet stop moving as I watch Cas jump out of his SUV, the look on his

face has me literally shaking, he’s madder than I have ever seen him. “One rule, one Goddess d amn

rule. and you break it the second I leave the Pack land.” He’s yelling across the drive, his face is getting

redder and redder as he starts stomping towards me. I start looking around in panic for a way to run but

I’m blocked by Heath and the Pack house, I have no choice but to wait for him to reach me.

“I’m sorry, I just went for a run, I never meant to go so far and before I knew it I was out of the Pack

land.” My words are coming out quickly and all in one breath, by the time Cas reaches me I am looking

at the ground as he leans down and starts sniffing me. I can feel his breath along my cheek as little

puffs of air fly from his mouth, it seems to go on forever and all I can see are his massive feet and

clenched hands.

“Take it off.” I shiver as he speaks quietly into my ear, he might be speaking quietly but his rage is still

there. “Take it off!” He yells at me making me jump when I don’t do what he asks, slowly I reach down

and pull Eric’s shirt over my head, I try to keep myself covered but being completely naked underneath

I can’t cover everything.


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 56

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“Please, Cas.” I’m literally shaking while he just towers over me, holding the t-shirt in one hand and

covering my breast with the other. I feel him pull on the t-shirt so I let it go and bring my other hand to

cover my centre, I know shifters don’t mind nudity but right now I feel shamed and on display.

“Burn it.” I assume he’s talking to Heath because the next second both of his hands are wrapping

around my waist and pulling me over his shoulder. I flick my head up in time to see Heath taking a

lighter to Eric’s shirt, I’m happy to see that not a single other person is in the yard. Thankfully only

Heath was the witness to my humiliation.

“Put me down Cas, please put me down!” I start pounding his back with my fists, it does nothing

though, he keeps walking through the house and heading for his basement.

“Stop it. You have no right to be mad right now.” I keep pounding on his back because I honestly do

feel like I have the right to be mad, I yelp and go limp as I feel a hard quick slap on my bare as s. “Keep

going and so will I.”

I stay limp over his shoulder as Cas carries me down into the basement and into his bedroom, he plops

me down on the bed and turns from me without a word. I sit in silence as he rummages in his drawer,

he has a scowl on his face as he hands me a simple grey t-shirt.

“Put it on.” His words are curt and leave little room for an argument, I take the shirt from him and just

hold it in my hands.

“If you let me go home I could put my own clothes on.” Apparently this was the wrong thing to say

because he drops himself into his armchair and just stares at me.

“Put it on or I will find some other way to get my scent on you.” His eyes are flashing between brown

and yellow, he’s clearly battling




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 56

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between himself and Storm right now, not wanting to anger him more I quickly pull the shirt on.

“Better?” I ask him quickly as I brush my dark hair from my face, he just sniffs loudly before jumping up

from the chair and pacing along the room.

“I can still smell him on you, did you f uck him?” I’m so stunned by hist question that I don’t answer him Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

immediately. This apparently is a mistake because he spins on me and plants his hands firmly on either

side of my legs. “Did you f uck him?” He speaks each word slowly as he looks me dead in the eye, the

way his eyes are shifting is really unnerving me.

“You’re scaring me Cas.” I try to lean away from him but he follows me until I almost laid down and he’s

drawing his nose up my neck. I try to stop the shiver that works its way through my


“I suggest you answer him, he’s all riled up and about thirty seconds. from pinning you to this bed and f

ucking the life out of you.” My eyes widen as Cas’s usually gruff yet smooth voice comes out all rough

and growly, putting my hand on his shoulder I push him away from me to see his brown eyes are now

completely yellow.

“I didn’t have sex with him, Storm. I swear it, I just stumbled across him next to the stream. It wasn’t

planned, he actually started to make me really nervous and I’m glad Heath came along and interrupted

him.” I hold Storm’s yellow eyes as he just looks at me, “please, give Cast back to me. I’ll help him calm

down, I swear.” I keep my voice low and calm even though I feel the exact opposite, I lift a shaky hand

and put it on Cas’s cheek in a comforting gesture.

“Can’t trust him,” Storm leans into my touch and I swear I hear him purr. “If he takes you like this you

will run and I won’t let him ruin this, he needs you but sweetheart, you need us more.” I let go of his


face as he leans in and places a subtle, gentle kiss on my lips.

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“Cas? Storm. I’m so sorry.” I can’t stop the tear rolling down my cheek as he pulls away from me, his

eyes have shifted back to his usual chocolate brown as he sniff’s loudly and then lifts himself off the

bed to drop himself back into the armchair.

“Stop crying Eva, I can’t handle it when you cry.” I nod my head as I sniffle and rub at my eyes, Cas’s

voice suddenly sounds exhausted and like all the rage has been zapped from his body. “You broke the

one rule I put in place, I told you not to leave the Pack border and not only do you leave but you then

come back smelling like another male, another Alpha.” Cas’s hands tighten on the arms of the chair as

he tries to stop himself from getting angry again, “you have to understand how hard it is for me not to

have you but then to find you smelling like another Alpha, dressed in his clothes. You’re d amn lucky I

didn’t throw you

down on the grass and f uck you there and then.”

“It was just a shirt he offered to me so I was covered, he never saw anything.” I’m pleading with him to

understand but I don’t think he does because he just shakes his head.

“You shouldn’t be in his clothes at all, there is no reason at all why you. should be covered in his scent.”

I’m starting to understand this is at hard limit for him so I just nod my head. I might not understand it but

clearly it’s important to him.

“Maybe, maybe we should just reject each other. It would make it a lot casier on both of us.” I don’t

know if I mean the words, I just know that I don’t want to constantly be on edge around my Alpha.

“Don’t you dare, one argument doesn’t mean you get to reject me.” Cas” s hands have tightened on the

armchair, his words have turned growly again but his eyes are still brown. “I won’t ever reject you and

there ist


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 56

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no way I am going to reject an acceptance from you. A rejection goes both ways, Angel, if it’s not

accepted it won’t stick.” I look down at my hands, suddenly feeling ashamed that I didn’t know how a

rejection worked. “You will be on breakfast duty for the next two weeks, you will be here in the Pack

house every morning and you will do everything Sally tells you to do.”

“Two weeks?” I know how early Sally gets up and honestly I like my sleep, “why?”

“You need to be punished for ignoring my rule and for disturbing me while I was on an important

errand. Now get the hell out of my room unless you are willing to spread those legs and give me a full

smell of what I keep scenting.” He sniffs the air as I quickly jump from the bed and run from the

bedroom, “keep running Angel, one day I will catch you.” I don’t look back as he taunts me, I know he’s

trying to bait me but I’m suddenly realising that Cas is not an Alpha you should piss off.

‘Two weeks, honestly what an Alpha-a-hole.’ I laugh at Ghost as I flee from the pack house and run

barefoot all the way to my cottage. As soon as I am standing in my kitchen I slide to the floor and try to

calm my beating heart and the thro

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