The Stained Omega

Chatper 207

Chatper 207

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 40.


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“Count.” I hiss as the ship slices through my skin, each one feels worse. than the last, the pain is

becoming unbearable but I know he’s not ready for this to be over.

“Six.” I shout out as the whip breaks into my skin and causes more blood to run down my naked back.

They used to whip me with my dress on but after the last time Reginald he was told to rid me of my

dress first, apparently the women didn’t like peeling the fibres of fabric from my skin.

“You should listen, Zoe,” I roll my eyes as my hands start to slide down the tile wall, the sweat now

clinging to them is making it impossible to keep still. The woosh sound is the only warning I get before

the ship slices into my skin for the seventh time. “Again and again we come back here but you never

seem to learn your lesson.” I want to scream and tell him there is no lesson to be learned, I’m here

because I asked for seconds at meal time. I didn’t hurt anyone or steal anything. “Six years you’ve

been here Zoe, you know the rules. Follow them or you will be here for another ten and then another

and another until you understand your place.” The last three slices of the whip are the most painful yet,

I feel one of them catch my shoulder blade and the river of blood flowing down my back becomes


“Ten.” The word leaves my mouth barely above a whisper as I slide to the cold tiled floor and lay in the

blood that has pooled under my feet.

“Learn your place!” I scream in agony once I’m alone, no one will come in, part of my punishment will

be to walk out of here to let everyone



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 40

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see my wounds. My legs feel stiff and my back is already starting to feel crusty with the blood running

over the dried flakes left from the early slices.

“Eva,” I feel hands on my shoulders but I flinch away in case they

touch my back, I can’t bear anymore pain right now. “Eva wake up.”

y back, I can’t bear anymore

My eyes fly open to see a shirtless and wide eyed Cas looking down at me, his face is flushed and

there is sweat on his brow.

“Cas?” The confusion clouding my brain is making it hard for me to realise that I was actually dreaming.

“Oh thank you Goddess.” Cas lets go of my shoulders and sits on the bed next to me, his back is to my

front so I can see the sweat sliding down his back. It’s obviously taken him a while to wake me up.

“I’m sorry.” My first instinct is to apologise even though I know I can’t help having bad dreams.

“Don’t apologise Angel,” Cas turns back to me and his panicked face has become one of relief. “I was

worried you were going to hurt. yourself.” I look down at my hands and see they are not only clutching

the sheets but my nails have ripped holes into the very fabric.

“Oh no,” I quickly scrabble up to my knees and start to smooth out the fabric, no matter how I try to

make it look like new, the eight little stretched holes still show the white mattress below me. “It’s

ruined.” I dare not look back up at Cas in case the anger from earlier is back, I’ve seen anger on many

men but for some reason anger on Cas causes me more pain than fear.

“It’s just a sheet Angel, it can be replaced.” Looking to the side I see Cas’s huge hands are clenched in

the sheets, like he’s trying to stop himself from touching me. I know this is because I recoiled from him.

earlier this evening, I didn’t mean to, it’s just a natural reflex I have


11 208 Vouchers inside of me. “Are you alright now? You were screaming like someone was trying to

kill you.” I almost laugh at how accurate that sounds, sitting myself back on my butt I pull the cover so

It’s pooled in my lap.

“I was back in the tiled room, it was the fourth time I was beaten. It was the worst by far, I remember

the blood dried to my back and made it really stiff. By the time I pulled myself off the floor I reopened

the wounds just from moving.” Cas doesn’t say anything as he pulls the cover back and climbs into the

bed next to me. Without even thinking about it I drop myself to the side and let him pull me into his


“How old were you?” I think hard, it’s not an easy question to answer, until I was around shifters my age

was just a guess. Shifters can smell your age though, it was actually Fraction who told me my correct

age only a few years ago,

“A few years after I was taken from Russia, nine maybe ten. Honestly I don’t know for sure,” I wiggle

around as I try to find a comfy spot on- Cas’s chest, it feels wrong because I can’t hear his heart under

me. remember I didn’t have breasts yet but I was aware that men shouldn’t see me naked so I tried to

hide my body when he took my dress off.”

“Was it always in the same room?” I shake my head no as I pull myself further over his chest, finally I

can hear his heart but I’m practically laid on top of him.

“We never stayed in one place too long but the punishments always happened in a tiled room. I guess

it was for an easy clean up.” My voice has taken this sort of blissed out relaxed tone to it, I don’t know

why he makes me feel this relaxed when we are close.

“Didn’t you have any friends there? Anyone you could talk to?” Cas ist speaking softly while he strokes

my hair. I know he’s trying to bring me down from the pain I was feeling in my dream. He knows what I

need because he has bad dreams too, I’ve heard him grunt and moan in


His Roque Omega: Chapter 40.

1288 Vouchers

his sleep. I never wake him up for fear he will lash out at me, not because he wants to hurt me but

because of the fear.

“Dean,” I say his name like a prayer. “He helped me, it was because of him I knew what being a shifter

was really like. They took him when he was older so he already understood everything they stood for,

that what they taught us was wrong. He would put salve on my back and help me sew up my dress, he

never complained and he always listened when I needed to talk.” I hate that I got out before Dean did

and that Dean will never join me out here, free and away from the pain. He will always be trapped in

that circle of hate and there is nothing I can do about it.

“I remember Patrick telling me about a Dean,” I nod my head knowing that the Swiftmane Head Warrior NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

saw Dean die. “Same one I guess? He said he was really brave in the end.” I yawn a little as the dream

starts to fade and my tiredness comes crawling back in. I feel Cas go to move but I grab hold of his

side my arm. I’m not ready for his warmth. to leave me.

“Stay?” I rarely ask for anything and asking for this fills me with a mountain of nerves, if he denies me I

don’t know if I’ll come back from it. It’s crazy to me how much Cas has come to mean to me in such at

short space of time.

“Alright Angel,” he leans over and turns the lamp off before shuffling down in the bed and bringing his

arm around my back. Holding me tightly I feel my eyes grow heavy as I listen to his heart beat slow into

a sleeping rhythm below me.

“You promised me this wouldn’t happen.’ I scowl in irritation as Ghost grumps at me.

‘It’s just sleeping.’ I try to bat Ghost away but she won’t budge, she keeps pacing around like an

annoying little fly that just won’t stop.


His Roque Omega: Chapter 40.

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landing on your food.

“This is going to make leaving harder, you think it will be easier on him just because you aren’t mated?’

I wiggle into Ca s’s side, the idea of leaving doesn’t appeal to me as much as it did just a few days ago.

but Ghost seems to still want to leave. ‘We don’t belong here Eva, we need to be out there. Free and

running, letting the sun bake down on us, I thought you wanted that?’

‘Maybe we can take him with us?’ I look up at Ca s’s slack sleeping face, he looks so peaceful in sleep,

I’ve never actually seen him this close while this relaxed. ‘Maybe the two of us can run off in the wind

and live off the land? He’s done it before, he’s run and seen the world.” I know I’m clutching at straws,

everything I’ve learned about Cas tells me he is a Pack shifter. Even out in the world he sort out other

Alpha’s rather than joining the other rogues.

‘He won’t run with us Eva, if you ask him it will tip our hand and he will lock us down.’ I sigh deeply as I

close my eyes and try to picture. Cas running through the trees with me but not stopping this time. Not

matter how

hard I try I seem to always end up running alone, the earth dry and crumbling below me as I put more

and more distance between

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