The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I sprinted along the rooftops, pausing every now and then to check my time.

My steps never faltered, my breath never hitched, and I was indestructible.

I slid off the tin paneling roof, slipping down the rain covered metal, I gripped onto a pipe and swung myself down, landing perfectly

Wiping the blood off my hands and sliding the knife back into my hidden side strap,

I sighed and straightened out my thin black dress. I hiked up my straps and tucked my wig behind my ears, I then walked into the restaurant.

"Ms. Roland we missed you." Stebninsky greeted me as he rose and helped me into my seat.

Roland was my fake name that the agency gave to me for my mission, all I had to do now was retrieve the stolen launch codes from Stebninsky's front jacket pocket, and I was home free.

"Oh yes, pardon me I had to freshen up." I said flashing him a bright and fake smile.

He nodded and took his seat, one of his many body guards suddenly leaned down and whispered something into his ear.

I pretended to act oblivious, and looked around the room like the idiot my fake identity had prone me out to be.

"Miss, I am sorry for the rude interruption but I am afraid I have to be going, I have buisness to take care of, my guard will make sure you make it home safely."


I nodded, "what business?"

He's probably going to go jack-off.

He gave me a bull shit answer.

"Charity fundraisers. I need to set up for the fundraisers for tomorrow and I'm afraid it cannot wait. Goodbye."


He stood, bowed down to me, shot one of his guards a look and left.

That's right, bow down to me motherfücker.

"I have to relieve myself, excuse me." I said softly as I briskly walked past the guard.

I needed those codes, and now was my chance, I wouldn't and couldn't fail.

I walked down a hall, slipping past the kitchen I made my way out to the back ally of the restaurant and sure enough, I found Stebninsky surrounded by two body guards talking to a man hidden by the shadows.

Four against one? No problem.

I sighed as I pressed my hands together and slid out my hand gun with its silencer.

I stepped out from the shadows and aimed my gun at the guards first, they went down fast and silent with the excuse of a popping like noise the gun made. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

The two men turned to me; horror struck.

"Good evening mr.Stebninsky, let me formally introduce myself as not the Idiot you so rudely ditched in there. Now let me make myself perfectly clear, don't try bullshit with me right now. Take off your jacket and lay it down on the ground." I muttered plainly.

The look on his face was priceless, it almost made me feel bad for the guy as he shed his jacket.

His stance was rigid with fear...what a pussy.

The guy from the shadows remained silent.

"You" I said pointing to shadow guy over there. "Keep your mouth shut or this bullet will go through your face."

"Okay." was all the voice said.

Creepy creepy.

"Hand me the launch codes." I demanded.

Stebninsky's face faltered, "w-what?"

I pulled the trigger as the bullet shot through his hand.

His face pinched and reddened from trying to cope with the sting of the bullet.

"Don't 'what' me, now be a good boy and hand. Me. The. Launch. Codes." I said motioning to the papers sticking from his jacket.

"Little girl, you have no idea what your dealing with." He warned through clenched teeth.

I sighed, I heard that all the time, "I'm afraid I do Mr. Stebninsky, now hand me the codes or you can say goodbye to your other hand." I shrugged "your choice."

He carefully slid the papers into my hand and took a step back, sweat glistened on his face in the moonlight.


I gripped the papers and nodded, "it was a pleasure boys. Mr. Stebninsky. Mr. Creepy Shadow man over there. Goodbye."

I began to take a step back when I added "and don't bother calling that boss of yours, while I was 'freshening up' I had the curtsey of killing him." I bowed with a grin. "You're most welcome."

And I was off, Running with the papers of billion dollar missile strike launch codes, not many 19 year olds get to experience this terrific moment. I had to get the codes sent back to base quickly.

Suddenly I heard voices, and I silently cursed myself as I crouched behind a dumpster.

I'm such fücking trash.

"Mr. Solvact who was she? She compromised our entire mission!"

I heard foot steps so I held my breath and shut my eyes tight.

"I fücking know that. Find her!" The angry voice yelled as the footsteps drifted off.

He's spicy.

The second I was in the clear I ran, hating my cockiness for not carrying a cell phone, or having emergency backup plan. This is the one time I wish I didn't work alone.

I had to get this stupid outfit off.

I walked over to the roof entrance and grabbed my bag, walking to a gas station, I dressed.

I slid off the ridiculous blonde pixi cut wig, and ran a comb through my long bright red hair.

I slid off the horrid dress and slid into my agent getup.

It was long skinny black pants, with a dark leather top and a thick black jacket.

I tucked the dress and wig into the trash, and smiled at my reflection, my grey eyes were bright and shinning.

After all that's were I got my name from: my eye colour.

I was walking down the street, trying to fly under the radar until I could get the next flight back to California where headquarters was.

Suddenly I heard something behind me and turned to see Stebninsky, my heart began to pound but he didn't seem to regognize me.

Thank Jesus.

Instead he was busy yelling at this guy, it was too dark to see who.

"You lost the papers! They were mine!" The voice growled and I suddenly realized it was the creepy shadow man.

"I-i am sorry, I had no idea that the girl was-" Stebninsky sputtered.

He was cut off by the shadow man snapping his fingers.

Suddenly there was a bang, and Stebninsky's body was being pushed over the bridge.

I managed a gasp, and horrified myself to see the shadow man staring right at me.

"Shït. Shiït. Šhit." I muttered as I turned and began to run.

"Stop her!" A voice yelled from behind me, and suddenly there were men...all around me.

Talk about gang bang.

I sprinted and suddenly looked down at the papers, took a mental screen shot of the coordinates, and threw them off the bridge, watching as the paper became submerged in the water.

"No! Fück!" The guards yelled as suddenly my skinny body was being dragged away.

I began fighting them off, swinging and counteracting like the training academy had trained me. If it only was for my early self congratulations, I would have bothered to look behind me.

As soon as a damp chloroform covered cloth pressed on my face. I blacked out, and my unconscious body fell over the bridge.

Just. My. Fücking. Luck.

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