The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



Alice’s POV

I groaned as the sunlight from my window hits my eyes. Sometimes I really hate this room, but at least the view is amazing. I walked to the window, staring outside at the lush greenness surrounding the castle.

Everything seems like a painting, from the light blues to the dark greens. I could really get used to being a maid in the castle.

As I enter the kitchen, I immediately notice that something seemed different. Stuart was not at the sink as usual. I make a quick frenzied calculation in my head. Was his week of servitude over? But he has only spent three days…

“I know, right?” Roxane said as she approached me,

“I miss the handsome noble too. God knows what Prince Edward was thinking, sending him to another station, I mean can you believe it?” She continued. What? Another station?

“What do you mean another station, he can’t just do that… I mean, he specifically requested that Stuart serve here.” I asked with my emotion leaking through my voice.

“Hey, I know you’re not happy about it, I mean, everyone saw how close you two were getting…” Roxane said, nudging me and winking.

“What do you… He just started work here, come on. I was showing him the ropes…” I quickly said defending myself.

“Of course, of course I understand. And maybe later you can show him your ropes…” she said before she erupted into laughter. I had absolutely no idea why I joined her, everything about Roxane is infectious. She continues,

“Well, I’ll tell you this one for free, because you’re I like you. The nobleman has been stationed at the castle prisons… don’t give me that face, I’m not the one who stationed him… he’s in charge of feeding the inmates.” She turned as soon as she was done.

The castle prisons? That’s quite literally the worst place anyone can be stationed to. Most people working there are working there as a result of bad behaviour or a crime, or as a means of paying debt to the King.

It’s horrible for anyone, much less a nobleman to be handing such a demeaning job. “Thank you, for the information Roxane. I really do appreciate.” I said honestly she looks at me, slightly surprised and then grins. I think this is the first time I’m thanking her for anything.

I bumped into Stuart in the halls, which was really coincidental since Roxane told me he’ll be passing through here soon, but oh well. He doesn’t have to know that.

“Stuart, hello. Where have you been, I didn’t see you in the kitchen today…” I questioned.

“Yes, this might come as a shock to you but, my station has been changed.” He said to me in a sad tone. I try my possible best to look shocked, which I’m getting very good at. Having a friend like Roxane who is an expert in dishing out concealed information does that to you.

“What, really?” I managed to input the surprise in my tone.

“Yes, I’ve been assigned to the prison, which is really strange. I’ve never heard of anyone be reassigned to a different station for no reason, especially someone like me, who is only serving for a limited period of time.” He said curious as to why.

“Do you think your argument with the Prince may have been the reason he ordered your reassignment?” I asked him because I mean why would he send his friend there.

“Well, I thought about that, and it’s really not his way, but I really won’t be surprised if all this is his doing.” He shrugged as he spoke. Of course this is all Edwards fault, and we both know it. Honestly I-

“So, is the tour option still available?” He spoke suddenly looking at me with a smile in his eyes.

“What tour option?” I looked at him as I asked.

“You said you’ll show me the ropes, and how to make my stay easier. I hope my change of station hasn’t affected that, because I was really looking forward to it.” He finished and smiled as he looked at me.

“Well, I still have so much to do-” I trailed off

“When will you be free? We can see each other then.” He finished. See each other? Does this mean … Does he mean…

“Um, I’m more or less done by dusk.” I responded with a fluttered look on me.

“Great. See you around.” He replied as he turned and left me all alone.

The days flew by ever so quickly, each day a reminder that Stuart has one less day to spend in the castle.

Yesterday, we met on the garden, just outside the castle by dusk. It’s kind of become our hangout spot, since I barely see him nowadays.

The moon was out, and her pale glow casting a haze of silvery light on the dark shadows. I stepped out of the shower, and quickly dressed. I applied oils and fragments because why not? I giggled to myself.

I was actually looking forward to see Stuart tonight. I stepped out of my room, trying my best to be silent. it’s not like I have anything to hide, but I sincerely do not want my meetings with Stuart to become another topic in Roxane’s mouth.

A loud clanging noise interrupts my thoughts abruptly. Looks like I tripped over a jar. Who just places a jar in the halls, especially at night? I looked around, I hoped I’ve not been seen. With a deep breath, and watching my step carefully this time, I walked out of the castle doors, out into the garden.

Third person POV

Edward watched as she crept of the castle. He smiled to himself, shaking his head. She was obviously trying to be stealthy, the clumsy maid. Why, the jar she tipped must have roused half the kingdom.

He quietly followed her into the garden, curious. From afar, he saw the silhouette of a man, coming to meet her. He quickly hid behind some bushes, watching intently. Had the maid been sneaking young men into the castle? Oh, he’d definitely discuss this with Teresa tomorrow…

“Alice.” Edward froze as he heard the oh so familiar voice of his long-time friend, Stuart. He watched them walk further into the garden, laughing and talking. He walked away angry, and not sure why.

Alice’s POV

I heard a twig and some movement in the bushes nearby.

“What’s wrong?” Stuart asked as I abruptly glance at the bushes

“Um, nothing. I mean, I thought I heard some movement but it must have been the wind or something.” I said and turned to look at him. He smiled, believing my assuring words. The gnaw at the pit of my stomach however, doesn’t.

The Prince has called me to his chamber today. Knowing him, and with all the recent happenings in the castle, it was not going to be for good cause… Or was he the one in the bushes yesterday? I knock profusely before getting permission to enter. I’ve only entered the Prince’s room once without permission, and it didn’t end well.

“You called me, your majesty.” I said in a polite tone even though he really dioes not deserve it.

“Here.” He said as he tossed something my way. Without thinking, I caught it. It was a bunch of keys.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Go to the treasure room and get me a goblet.” He commanded.

“Wha-” I wanted to ask

“You heard me, be quick about it.” He said cutting me off.

I went into the storage room that the Prince gave me the key to. I saw that there were only four golden cups on the slap and the rest all around. Knowing the prince, if I were to go back holding one of the ones around he would send me back for one of the golden ones.

I took hold of it and left the room, I went to his bedchamber to give him what he requested but alas he was nowhere to be found.

I felt a bit tired knowing it was almost that time of the month for me, so I walked back to my room to get a quick rest before his royal nuisance came back to annoy me. I must have slept off at a point when suddenly I awoke when my door was broken down, yes broken down and the guards came barging in.

“Your presence is requested by the King now.” One of the guards said as he stepped up to hold my arm. The guards grab me and begin to drag me away, I began to protest.

“Hey, at least let me change into something else…” I started but the look I received from the nearest guard shut me up quickly.

Soon, we reach the throne room. The throne room? What’s so important about a goblet anyways, there are thousands in the castle. Why ask guards to conduct a search when it’s barely been gone for 8 hours? Why bring me to a room where the most severe decisions are reached? I remember what happened last time I was here and my hands immediately begin to sweat as my feet goes numb.

The chill of the night air seemed to penetrate my bones, and I tugged at my flimsy nightgown. As we entered, I saw the King, with Edward by his side. The Queen was absent yet again, and there was a furious look on the King’s face. Edward looked directly at me and smirked. Why was he so happy? I must be in so much trouble… The booming voice of the King interrupts my thoughts

“Have you lost your mind?” He shouted. I quickly fall to my knees. I thought he was scary when he exiled Fiona without a second thought, but now he’s terrifying.

If he exiled Fiona for a simple kiss, what is my fate, now I’ve been framed for theft? My fists clench when I remember how Edward threw the keys at me. I easily could guess what he had in mind now as I kneeled in front of the King.

He knows I am innocent, and that the King would kill me for this. It was obvious that that was what he wanted, his master plan to finally get rid of the annoying maid. Tears brim in my eyes as I remember the day I tried to steal his necklace, I caused the day I saw him and wanted to steal that.

I wish I had never gone out that day. If Edward’s plan is to make my life hell, he’s succeeding beautifully.

A guard rushes in, with the golden goblet in his hands and presents it to the King. The King looks even more furious, and looks at me.

“Where did you get this from?” He questioned but I knew that no matter what I said it would not matter. My throat dried up at his stare, but I have to speak, I could not just let Edward win.

“Th.. The P.. Prince..” I stammered out. Edwards smirk widened at my obvious fear, and I was filled with a sudden, furious confidence.

“The Prince asked that I get it for him from the treasure room this afternoon, Your Majesty. I did, but when I returned to his room, he was nowhere to be found. I decided to keep it, until his return.” I spoke.

The King is silent for a while, staring at me. I lower my eyes, he may find me staring back disrespectfully and a sign of defiance. When he speaks again, his voice is softer, but somehow even more deadly.

“You dare lie, and accuse royalty?” He said so softly and if I had been a spectator I would think that he was coarsening me to tell the truth and not him straightforwardly threatening me.

“I swear I’m not lying Your Majesty; you can ask the Prince yourself…” I shouted out in protest.

“Silence!” He bellowed. Whelp, it was obvious that the King does not believe me, but at least Edward is here to verify my claim.

“Is it true what she said son? Did you request she bring the goblet?” The King turned to question his son. Some minutes of uncomfortable silence passed before Edward spoke.

“Yes, I did request a goblet…” Edward spoke. I almost sigh out loud with relief. For a second, I thought Edward was actually going to implicate me, but he’s actually owning up to his actions, for once. He may not be as bad as I…

“… but it’s not the goblet from the throne room I asked for. I wanted a normal goblet, to drink wine with. ” He finished his sentence.

My heart falls to my stomach. Edward just ruined my life with a sentence. For the umpteenth time since resuming work as a maid in the castle, I wonder what horrendous crime, what exactly I did that warrants his animosity towards me.

This was an obvious trick, I should have known, I should have known! The King’s expression hardens as turns to stare at me.

“My King, I-” I stammered out.

“So you dared. You dared accuse royalty, you thieving peasant?” He spoke angrily and I guessed he was beyond missed at this point.

With a flick of his wrist, guards moved to me, and began to carry me out of the throne room. For a brief moment I ponder my chances if I choose to resist and try to be the King for mercy. I glance at Edwards’ satisfied face and decide against it.

I won’t give him what he wants to see. If I get killed, I’ll go with dignity. I was led to a small dingy cell in the kingdom dungeon which apparently house the ones who have done terrible things in the castle.

As I was led down the cold, damp steps of the palace dungeon, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear and dread. The air was musty and heavy with the smell of damp stone, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the dimly lit hallway. The walls were made of rough, grey stone, and were damp to the touch. The floor was slick with moisture, and I had to be careful not to slip as I was led deeper into the dungeon.

The cells were small and cramped, with thick iron bars blocking the entrance. The only light came from the flickering torches that were mounted on the walls, casting strange shadows on the rough stone floor. The cells were empty, save for a few pieces of mouldy straw that served as bedding. The iron bars were cold to the touch, and I couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of being locked inside one of these cells.

As I was led to my cell, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over me. The cell was small and cramped, with barely enough room for me to stand. The walls were damp and cold, and the only light came from a small slit in the ceiling that let in a sliver of light. A thick, iron door stood between me and the rest of the world, and I knew that I was truly trapped.

Despite the fear and uncertainty that I felt, I couldn’t help but think of Erin and his mother and the life I had left behind. I vowed to do whatever it takes to escape this place and return to my family, no matter how long it takes. As the guards throw me in and lock me up, I remember the amazing view of the castle I used to wake up to every morning. I close my eyes and let the memory linger. It may as well be the last time I’d see it.

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