The President Broken Angel

Escaping death

Madiea woke up to her cell phone ringing. She rolled over slamming her hand on the bedside table, she grimaced from the pain before grabbing up the phone.

“Hello!” She answered the phone, opening her sleepy eyes, she looked at the clock on the bedside table checking the mini clock.

“Did I wake you up?” Tianjie’s crying voice asked?

“No. No, of course not! Is everything okay?”

Madiea responded repeatedly and asked her, sitting up quickly snapping from her sleepiness as she became concerned upon hearing her friend crying.

“What did I ever do to Sashanie? If by chance I forgot, can you please tell me?”

Tianjie asked? As she began crying telling Madiea to tell her what she did to Sashanie because she forgot.

“Sashanie… What? What did she do?” Madiea was surprised, questioning but then she quickly asked Tianjie. Waiting for answers she remembered that she and her husband almost misunderstood each other because of the same Sashanie.

“I have been thinking about what Jhonia said, about working regardless. So I mentioned it to Shaquan and at first, he was saying okay, but a few days ago he started acting up I was wondering why? He would yell at me for everything and because I didn’t know what he was getting mad at me for? I decided to stay home. He went away for business yesterday and was supposed to return today. Sashanie visited me yesterday and caused me to fire one of our maids. She just saved my life from Shaquan who almost killed me. Grian stayed over because Sashanie told him to… She convinced me it’s not safe to be alone in the house and I believed her, but I forgot about my driver who was also here! Shaquan came home very angry an hour ago and came up the stairs while I was… Asleep… I woke up… From him strangling me… I don’t know where Grian came from, half naked saving me, and Shaquan was very convinced that he and I were having an affair. I didn’t get a chance to explain before he pulled a gun… I didn’t even know he owned one. Madiea why would she do this to me? My driver called over my maid because she was here when Sashanie came, so she, with him, and as my only witness. Grian is probably downstairs with him or gone, I don’t know what to do? Madiea please come get me, please! I’m begging you for the sake of our relationship as friends. ple”


“Baby, open the door.” Shaquan’s voice said, after he knocked on the door. Cutting off Tianjie who was explaining to Madiea all that happened to her and it was caused by Sashanie. before Madiea could speak! She heard Tianjie gasping as her voice quivered to speak!

“No! I’m afraid.” Tianjie said, backing up to the window.

“Careful! The door is all the way over there and you’re over here!” Her maid said, pulling her to sit down before she fell, as she walked over to the chair. Her body shivered from the fear and fright she had encountered from her husband, in fear of him bursting the door makes Tianjie even more afraid to sit down.

“Baby, I’m sorry. Please, open the door.” Shaquan called her and apologized to her, and pleaded but even that made Tianjie begin to cry. Madiea sob from Tianjie crying which made her cry a bit. Ramace woke up and saw his wife sitting up and wondered why? Hearing her sobbing he sat up immediately with concerns pulling her into his arms.

“It’s okay, everything will be fine.” Ramace said, to her not wanting to ask her directly..?

“Why has Sashanie become so cruel to her friends? To us, why? She made us almost fight, and then she set up Tianjie… Shaquan almost killed her!”

Madiea asked? Then said to her husband explaining to him, immediately he pulled her back looking at her shock.

“What?” He asked in surprise at what Madiea had just said to him. He pulled Madiea back into his embrace, rubbing her back!

“It’s okay.” Ramace said to her, caressing her back.

Meanwhile! Jhonia was laying in her bed for the past hour staring at the ceiling. She got up and began walking to the bathroom, her phone rings but she ignores it and continues to the bathroom. After she returned she picked the phone as she sat down and opened the lock screen to see 5 missed calls from Madiea, as she was about to call her, another call came in.

“Hello! Madiea is everything okay?” Jhonia answered and asked, ahead of Madiea.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sashanie has completely changed from who she was… She almost got Tianjie killed! She fakes a cheat inside her home and calls Shaquan telling him Tianjie is cheating on him. He then came home ahead of time and almost killed Tianjie. Oh my god! I’m so afraid for her, she said, she didn’t know he owns a firearm which he almost use on the man Sashanie planted inside his home as Tianjie misteress.” Madiea said, catching her breath. Explaining everything to Jhonia as quickly as she could.

“She’s an unjust friend… Ah, you should end your friend with her before she makes you her next target as for me? I will be waiting for her patiently. Send me the address, if he tried to kill her? The last place she wants to be is in his presence.” Jhonia said, then she told Madiea to unfriend Sashanie before she became her next target, saying as for she will wait patiently for her. She then asked Madiea to send her Tianjie address and explain Tianjie would not want to be in her husband’s presence.

“How did you know? Also, she already has her husband call my husband about me slapping her. Let’s meet up there!” Madiea asked? Referring to what Jhonia said, Tianjie did not want to be around Shaquan. Then, told her what Sashanie already did to her. After their call ends…

Jhonia went to her closet and changed into a sweat pants and shirt! She went downstairs and took her car key from the key shelf and left the house. She texted Orean and Mrs. Pinnock about leaving early but not why? After an hour she drove past Madiea home, after almost another hour she arrived and went into the residence she arrived before Madiea who lives closer than her, Jhonia does. As Madiea was driving into their residence she saw Jhonia walking up to the door. She knocked on the door and waited… The door was finally opened by a man.

“Jhonia, well, isn’t the ideal age woman. What can I do for you at almost 7 in the morning?” Shaquan called her by name and said then asked? Jhonia smiles with a slight nod!

“Where is Tianjie?” Jhonia asked? Her voice was rather cold and somewhat deep instead of sweet and soft.

“She called you?” Shaquan asked? Standing up properly, and opened the door a bit wider.

“No, she’s called Madiea. Maybe she would have called me, if I had made her feel close to me, I keep people distance from me for their sake. Now, can I come in?” Jhonia responded to him and explained her reason why Tianjie wouldn’t call her and asked?

“Of course. And your bought Madiea as well!” Shaquan said, opening the door for Jhonia to enter, he added.

“Oh no, she brought herself. Tianjie!” Jhonia said to him, walking towards the stairs and yelled! After a few good seconds Tianjie comes running right into Jhonia’s arms and she lets it slide, because of the state she’s in.

“I heard you almost died… You okay?” Jhonia said, reminding Shaquan that he almost did kill his wife. Then asked?

“No. Jhonia, I’m scared.” Tianjia responded and said, stuffing her face into a Jhonia sweatshirt even though she hated it. She stood still and let her be.. For the comfort of a friend who almost died.

“I said, I was sorry.” Shaquan yelled and Tianjie gasped as she gripped tight into Jhonia sweatshirt. Jhonia turns around to him and sees Madiea coming as Shaquan had left the door open for them to enter when they reached up to the door.

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