The President Broken Angel

Allow Sky to share your story

Next day! 10: 30 AM. Jhonia sat in her chair as her mind went back to yesterday!

“I was thinking about taking it, but I want to tell you so you can tell him since he’s D. O. J rivals in business.” The sentence that stayed in her head. “Rivals. Rivals. Rivals in business.” Keeps playing in her head like an ironic song she loves but wants to stop hearing. Jhonia pushed her hair back!

“What do I do?” She asked herself! Immediately she picked her phone to call Mrs. Pinnock and inform her beforehand! Following her heart to do so, Jhonia spun her chair around getting up. She was frightened by Kyhe and a few other men in suits and she stepped back suddenly… As she almost fell… Kyhe caught her… From falling and possibly hitting her head on the desk! He continued to hold her just looking at her astonished eyes.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Ahem.” Kuwain clear his throat and Kyhe pulled her to stand properly on her feet!

“Are you okay?” Kyhe asked her, at first, the fact that he held her didn’t seem to bother her.

“Yes, thank you. Sorry”

“Sorry, you didn’t expect us to be there, it’s okay.” Kyhe said, cutting her off and stepping back from her. Jhonia rushed away after they leave for Kyhe office. She dialed Mrs. Pinnock number and waited.

“Hello Jhonia, my baby how”

“Listen there is something important I have to say and about my job I’m”

“Oh My Heavens. Jhonia, you’re working for Sky?” She said with a tone of proudness which Jhonia missed because she believes she’s in trouble for it.

“How did you know it, before I even said it?” She responded to Mrs. Pinnock trying to be calm.

“My baby is so pretty on TV.” Mrs. Pinnock said, and Jhonia missed the pleasing tone once again..

“T- T- TV? Why am I there?” She stuttered with her words to ask.

“First I’m surprised you are working for Sky. Second, there is no way you knew about the companies being rivals. Third, you are so pretty. My baby looks like a movie star. Okay? There’s a picture of you and your boss with Azerjie Yverbaijan, I really love her and my baby you should let me meet her. Okay? Have a good day at work.” Mrs. Pinnock said, cheering Jhonia on with her 1-3’s. Jhonia stood with shock with the phone still in her ear. Suddenly, her phone was falling from ear, and a hand caught it as everyone started applauding and clapping at Jhonia. Her phone was caught by Kuwain. Jhonia turns around to everyone.

“She has gone crazy.” Jhonia uttered saying Mrs. Pinnock has lost it!


Azerjie arrived at D. O. J and was escorted to the President office. “Excuse me? … How long will I wait?” Azerjie asked as she was about to sit down on the solo sofa.

“Mr. Pinnock should finish his meeting within thirty minutes.” His Secretary responded to Azerjie.

“Okay.” Azerjie said and the Secretary left. Azerjie looked around!

“Quite the office he has, it’s quite similar to Kyhe’s just bigger. Rivals indeed.” Azerjie said to herself, speaking oh how they’re rivals indeed. She waited and waited for him for almost an hour.

“Sorry, Miss Yverbaijan… We were discussing your position. I wanted to make you director but the board of directors disagreed, they want you as Vice President honestly, speaking that’s where I wanted you in the first place.” Nearce entered his office and apologized to her, he then began to speak with a smile seated down in his chair like a big shot giving order.

“Okay enough about that, let’s get it over with.” Azerjie said getting up and walked over to his desk and sat in one of the chairs before him. He pulled out the document and put it before her. Azerjie was getting ready to sign when suddenly she hesitated.

“I will break the news to him day after tomorrow, he was really upset after yesterday although he pretend to not bother. He’s a man, it’s his ego but I understand! I know little to some about SKy but I know nothing about D. O. J however, working at Sky is so great there is a department for everything that is done there. Amazing right. You won’t have issues mingling with other if you don’t want to, Mr. Knight stops what he’s doing and comes to you if you call. He doesn’t allow you to wait because everyone who works with or for him is important to him. I can give you one reason to choose us, Sky. We are not going to shut down your idea and new selves, You can chose to be the main model and model a dress of your style and we will find back up model with mask to model the other dress which you refuse to wear. Here’s a secret no one knows. I’m married and I’m super talented in make-up. If you wish to secretly model all the dresses one at a time, I can use makeup to change your face but this stays between us. My real mother died the night I turn eighteen. My uncle never gave me the chance to see her when she was buried, so I didn’t get to send her off with my make-up. Now I’m still here, that will never change, my mother in-law is someone I realized I can call mother. Sorry, I got deep into me instead of you, but Ms. Azerjie Yverbaijan, I will ensure that Mr. Knight respect your decision as will I. Okay? … Let’s have lunch and become friends for the better of tomorrow. Also, always follow your heart, the feeling in your stomach, also take your insight, and your brain, with you. Send me the details after you sign.” Jhonia explains a lot and shares things she has yet to share with even the girls with Azerjie. these secrets of hers, she places them on the line for a moment….

“I’m sorry, but I can not sign with you. I met someone who shared with me a little of her story briefly and two secrets. She got to me, and right now I’m going to follow my heart, the feeling in my stomach, but am also taking my insight with me like she advises. She literally told me to be observant and listen carefully, and take my brains with me. I need to show people that I’m a modeler and tell them my story. After lunch, we were leaving the restaurant and she said to me with a smile.” Azerjie apologized to Nearce as she began to explain herself and reason for her choice to not sign with Doj, as her mind rushed back to Jhonia’s last words.

“Allow Sky to share your story in clothing and why you choose to change your dressing protocol, that is if you choose us. Bye for today.” Jhonia said, smiling at her before they went their separate way. Azerjie got up and left. Nearce was so angry because he wasn’t doing this for Azerjie but to win over Sky… The word was everywhere Jhonia was shocked, Kyhe was proud of her as his secretary, Azerjie was impressed and happy with Jhonia and so was Mrs. Pinnock, because Azerjie Yverbaijan the model is hard to impress and hard to get hired by modeling companies until Jhonia. While her phone was running hot with calls from modeling companies offering her Manager, Director, Vice President, and even President position because Azerjie is that important to the society and she’s is the one who impressed her so where Jhonia goes Azerjie would follow. Kyhe stood in his office watching them cheer for Jhonia, she smiled at them but kept her distance.

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