The Player

Chapter 16

Chapter 16


7:40 PM

What is wrong with me?

That seemed to be question that I asked myself a lot recently.

The walk away from Brielle seemed like forever, but I knew that I couldn't stay there with her, no matter

how much I wanted to. When I finally reached my car, I got into the driver's seat, running my hands

through my hair in frustration.

The problem wasn't that I regretted kissing her, it was that I didn't.

This wasn't supposed to happen. None of it was. I wasn't supposed to get feelings for her. I was

supposed to stay focused on the plan.

Reel her in. Make her like me. Then break her heart.

That was always the goal. After I found out that she was Scott's little sister, and how much that bugged

him, I knew that it had to be done. He needed to understand what it was like to see someone close to

you wear away. To not even recognize who they were. To see someone that had been nothing but

happy have their entire life fall apart in front of your eyes.

He deserved it.

But she didn't.

When I first saw her, with her chocolate-colored hair and deep brown eyes, she was the most beautiful

girl that I ever saw. Not in the same way that Melanie and the waitress were. She was beautiful in a

way that didn't require effort. She didn't need to try, or be something that she wasn't. There was

something about the way that nothing seemed to faze her that wrapped me in, that I didn't know at the


I snapped out of my thoughts, putting the key into the ignition and starting the car. I just needed to get

home and clear my head of what just happened. By the time that I got to my house, I was mentally

exhausted. I collapsed onto the couch, closing my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Where were you?" Nicole said, plopping down next to me on the couch, a bowl of popcorn in her hand.

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, my potential nap now ruined.

"Did you not see that I was sleeping?" I grumbled.

"I did, I just chose to ignore it." She grabbed the remote off the table and turned on the TV. "What were

you doing anyway. We were supposed to watch a movie after school today."

"Nothing," I mumbled, closing my eyes again. I wasn't in the mood to be interrogated by my sister.

She punched me hard in the arm, causing me to clutch the area in pain. I shot her a glare. "What was

that for?"

"To get your attention." She popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "And now that I have it, I demand

that you to tell me what's wrong."

My eyebrows raised in amusement. "You demand me?"


I rolled my eyes. "Well sorry to tell you but there is nothing to say."

She looked at me with knowing eyes. "Chris, I have known you for nearly 17 years. I have bathed with

you, lied for you, and potty trained you."

"You did not," I interjected. "You were like five at the time, you were barely potty trained yourself."

She waved her hand dismissively. "That's not the point. The point is that I know you, and I know when

something's wrong. You've been acting weird around me for weeks, and I haven't said anything, but

you're really starting to worry me, so please just tell me."

She locked eyes with me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "Just be honest, are you on drugs?"

My eyes grew wide as I swiped her hand off my shoulders. "Are you actually asking me that?"

She let out a sigh of relief, the worry melting off her face. "Okay, then tell me what is wrong! You can

trust me." All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I let out a deep breath. I wanted to tell her. Ever since our parents died and our oldest sister Bianca

moved away, me and Nicole were all that each other had. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't stand how

she would look at me if she knew, and what that would do to her. But as much as I wanted to keep it

from her, I just couldn't.

"Promise that you won't get pissed at me?" I looked at her with imploring eyes. She offered her pinkie

out to me.

"I promise." I hooked my pinkie around hers before continuing. "It's about Scott."

Her face grew pale as she stared at me. "Chris, what did you do?" She prodded.

My jaw began tick at the thought of him. "Nothing that he didn't deserve."

Her face became stern. "I'm serious Chris, what did you do."

"Do you remember his little sister Brielle?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I talked to her at the party. She was really nice."

"I know," I trailed off, raking my hand through my hair. "And I'm a complete asshole." She looked at me

with curious eyes, urging me to continue.

"You know how I had to take that dance class this year." She nodded her head. "Well the only way that

I could pass the class and stay on the football team was if I did a dance with Brielle at the ballet

showcase." I paused before continuing.

"One day when I took her home Scott saw me. He was so mad at the sight of me and her together that

it gave me an idea. I just wanted him to feel exactly what he made you and I feel."

Her eyebrows bunched together, causing her forehead to wrinkle. "Chris, what did you do?" She

questioned, her voice laced with worry.

I took a deep breath, deciding that there was no easy way to say it. "I wanted to make her fall in love

with me and break her heart. The same way that Scott did to you."

Her face contorted in shock before setting on a look of anger. "Why would you do that!" she cried out,

her volume raising. "She doesn't deserve that, no one does."

"You think that I don't know that! You have no idea how guilty I feel. But he deserves it for what he did

to you."

"You have to let that go. I've made peace with it, and so should you."

I slammed my fist down on the armrest, unable to control my frustration. "I don't want to let it go! He

hurt you because of what was going on between me and him. He deserves to have the same thing

happen to him."

Her voice grew quiet as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "He's still a good guy."

"That's the problem Nicole. You still have feelings for the guy despite everything put you through. He

broke up with you a day after our parents died because of some stupid fight over me getting

quarterback! He knew that you needed him most and he abandoned you."

"Chris, everyone deserves a second chance."

I could feel the anger in me rising. "Stop being so naïve and open your eyes! You were depressed for

two years over him!"

She recoiled back, her eyes flashing a wounded look. I didn't want to hurt her, but she was always

defending him, despite all the things that he did to her. Even after two years she still wasn't over him.

She said that she was, but if he wanted her, I wouldn't be surprised if she took him back. I cared about

her too much to see her go through it again.

I took a deep breath, allowing myself to calm down before continuing. "You still have a soft spot for him.

I know that you say you don't but you do. I just thought that if he felt just a little of what you went

through, he would leave you alone. But I messed up, Nicole. I like her, and now I don't know what to

do. And when she kissed me today, I panicked and ran off."

I put my head in my hands. "I just screwed up."

"Well we can both agree on that." She shifted her gaze away from me and towards the TV. "Does she

have any clue about what your initial plan was?"

I hoped not. It would break her if she found out. "I don't think so."

"And you genuinely like her?"

That was one thing that I was sure of. She was stubborn and judgmental and uptight, but she was also

fun and surprising. She was interested in things that I would never expect and I felt like I could actually

be myself when I talked to her. I didn't have to be Christopher Russel the quarterback or Christopher

Russel the Homecoming King, I could just be me. I've never felt that way about anyone besides my

family. I didn't know when I came to this realization, but Melanie seemed to figure it out before I did.

So, while I wasn't sure of much lately, I was sure of this.

"Yes," I replied. "I genuinely like her."

She let out a sigh. "Then apologize to her and hope that she never finds out."

I nodded my head as I leaned back on the couch, attempting to take another nap. I didn't know how I

was supposed to deal with this guilt, but I did now one thing for sure:

Brielle could never find out.

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