The Play Mate (Roommates, #2)

Chapter 17 Smith

“You look ridiculuth,” she stated flatly.

I fixed a hurt expression on my face as I popped a squat to get eye level with my niece, Winnie. “That’s a little harsh. I think I look pretty good. Besides, I got lots of loot from the tooth fairy for this, so if I have to look silly for a while, I can handle it.”

Winnie propped a hand on one hip and eyed my blacked-out front tooth that mirrored her own newly emancipated one, her cherubic face screwed up in suspicion. For a second, I was sure she was going to reach out and scratch at it, and I’d be busted.

Instead, she asked, “What did you get from the tooth fairy?”

“Loads of stuff,” I said with a grin. “A new video game and a remote control car, some cookies and-”

“All I got wath a dollar,” she said mournfully.

“Funny you should mention that.” I stood and pulled a wrapped package from behind my back. “The tooth fairy left this mixed in with my packages. I wonder if she forgot to leave it when you lost your tooth the other night?”

Winnie’s chubby cheeks widened into a smile, showcasing one deep dimple that made my heart melt a little every time I saw it.

“For me?”

She was only five, but she was wicked smart. Smart enough to know every word I’d said was a lie, but opting to go along with it anyway because . . . presents.

I nodded. “Yup.”

She squealed and tore into the package like a starving rottweiler into a rotisserie chicken.

“Hello, darling brother. You just won’t be happy unless she’s spoiled rotten, will you?” my sister Pam asked, rolling her eyes as she padded barefoot down the hall toward me.

Her youngest, Mac, was parked on her hip in his preferred spot, and she wiped her free hand on her Wicked Witch of the West apron before pulling me into a one-armed hug.

“It’s been too long, brother mine,” she murmured.

The scent of fresh-baked bread filled my nose as I nodded in agreement, hugging her back.

“I had that work trip and started the new job working for Cullen, so time has been scarce. But I’ll be around more now, so I won’t miss Saturday dinner again for a while.”

She punched me lightly on the shoulder and tucked a long lock of brown hair behind her ear. She looked every bit a flower-child, go-with-the-flow hippie, but also ran a successful bakery. With three kids, a dog, and a husband who was a great guy but rather like a big kid himself at times, she truly was a marvel.

It was only now, as I looked closer, that I noted the dark circles under her eyes, and concern pricked at me hard. She was usually like Wonder Woman, with boundless energy that helped her manage on five hours of sleep, no sweat.

“What’s up? Everything okay with you and Tim?” I asked gently.

“Yeah, he’s great.”

Her smile was strained, and my concern expanded into a sharp jab of fear.

“You’re not sick, are you, Pammie?”

She shook her head and patted Winnie’s head absently as she admired the gift the “tooth fairy” had brought her daughter.

“Healthy as a horse, unless you consider morning sickness an illness,” she muttered for my ears only.

I stared at her pale face and threw back my head and laughed, relief coalescing with excitement.

“Are you fu-freaking kidding me?” I demanded, pulling her in for another squeeze. “Was this the plan or what?”

Her semi-hysterical laugh told me more than words could, but as I looked harder, I could see the shine in her eyes.

“We’re excited. It’s just a shock, is all. We have a lot to work out as far as trying to juggle everything. I know in the long run, it will be great, but I’m a little terrified right now,” she admitted, taking my arm and drawing me into the kitchen. The room was warm and cozy like the rest of the house, and smelled like roasting meat and sweet rolls.

“Tim, Finn! Uncle Smith is here. Come down and let’s eat!” she called up the back stairs.

Whoops and hollers rang out as my other nephew pattered down the stairs in a rush to launch his little body at me with glee.

This was good. Exactly what the doctor ordered. In fact, I didn’t think about Evie for a whole forty-five minutes as the adults shared a bottle of wine and the kids slipped their peas under the table for Salvador Doggy, their constantly hungry dachshund.

By the time dessert came, I was feeling confident and in charge. Yeah, so Evie and I had rolled around a bit. Big deal. It was just the unusual circumstance of wanting and not being able to have that had me all hung up. So long as I kept myself busy, I’d be fine.

But when a luscious strawberry shortcake hit the table, piled high with mounds of decadent whipped cream, my mind went instant caveman.

Evie, stretched out on this very table, buck naked, whipped cream on both tits and at the juncture of her thighs, her lips parted and her eyes gleaming as she waits for me to come and get it.

Jesus, was I fucked. I squeezed my eyes closed in defeat.

Operation: Whack-A-Thon had failed.

Operation: Keep Myself Busy so I Can Keep My Mind off Her had failed.

That left only one option . . .

Operation: Get Evie Naked Again and Fuck Her Brains out so We Can Both Move On was now in full effect.

My cock bucked in agreement, and as I dug my fork into my shortcake, I began to plot my first move.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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