The Mating Run

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

In His Eyes: Plan Zeke’s POV “Are you sure about this plan, Alina?”

Frustration washed over me as | let out a heavy sigh, my hand instinctively reaching up to run through my hair. Ettie’s reaction was immediate her hands. balled into fists as she bristled with irritation. As she stopped to organize her belongings, she cast me a withering glare, as if her eyes were daggers. It’s confusing why she’s giving me attention, considering that my question was meant for Alina, not her.

“Of course she’s sure. Why do you always have to doubt her?”

“| just want to make sure we're all on the same page.” | let out an exasperated sigh and folded my arms tightly across my chest, my eyes rolling in annoyance. “And besides, | was just asking a question. There’s no need to get all defensive.”

From the other side of the cabin, a deep sigh of disappointment fills the air. | didn’t bother to turn my head towards the sound; | was certain of the person responsible. As if appearing out of nowhere, Alina stepped forward, her gaze shifting rapidly between us. Placing her hands on her hips, a combination of disappointment and frustration was evident in her expression.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“What's the problem now?” Ettie wasted no time in accusing me. “He started it by saying your plan is ridiculous, doubts it would even work.”

“Those words didn’t come out of my mouth,” Trying to keep my temper in check, | clenched my teeth, feeling the tension build in my jaw. “I’m not doubting her. I’m not, Alina. | just want to be prepared. If things go south, | need to know what to do.”

With a narrowed gaze, Ettie’s fists clenched tighter, ready for whatever was to

come. As she takes a step towards me, | can see the anger in her eyes, but Alina quickly intervenes, positioning herself between us and preventing any physical confrontation.

“Well, maybe you should trust Alina to come up with a plan that doesn’t involve you attacking anyone.”

As | took a step forward, | could feel the heat of my own anger simmering just beneath my skin. | smirked at her, the corners of my mouth curling up as | licked my teeth, revealing my menacingly sharp canines.

“| do trust her. She’s my mate. | love her. I'll follow her to the ends of the earth if she asks. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to blindly follow along without questioning anything.”

It was clear from Ettie’s reaction that my words had struck a nerve, and Alina’s blushing face betrayed her embarrassment. But in an attempt to prevent the situation from worsening, Alina raised her hands in a peaceful gesture. She wedged herself between Ettie and me, forcefully pressing her hands against our chests to create distance. It wasn’t until that moment that | realized how closely we had been walking towards each other, ready to pounce.

“Okay, okay, calm down, both of you. Zeke, | appreciate your concern, but I’ve thought this through. Trust me, | know what I’m doing.”

| let out a frustrated sigh, the weight of defeat settling upon me, knowing that arguing any further would only make things worse. “Fine.”

Ettie let out a long breath, feeling the tension slowly dissipate as her shoulders


“Thank you,” Alina said, her voice taking on a gentle, subdued tone. With a stern expression, Alina shot us both a pointed look, her gaze intense. “Now, let’s focus on the task at hand. We need to be united if we're going to get through this.”

“Look, Alina, | know you believe in this plan, but we can’t ignore the fact that

Victor is a wildcard. He’s not someone we can trust.”

Ettie couldn't help but express her disbelief with a snort and an eye roll.

“Oh please, Zeke. You're just saying that because you're jealous. Victor was all over Alina before the Mating Run even started.”

The urge to strike out grew stronger within me, my fists clenched tightly at my sides, the tension building like a rising wave. However, | was aware that Ettie’s intention was simply to provoke a reaction from me, drawing our focus away from the true problem. Taking a deep breath, | focused on controlling my emotions and staying composed.

“That’s not the point. Victor’s motives are unclear, and we can’t afford to trust. someone who might betray us.”

“Beggars can’t be choosers,” Stepping forward, Alina’s voice carried a firmness as she addressed both of us. “Victor already betrayed me before, but this time, he’s not going to.”

With one eyebrow raised, | fixed my gaze on them, silently demanding an explanation. Alina smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with mischief, before she waved her hands in front of me, as if hoping to conjure the answer | sought. | could see her impatience as she rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated groan, signaling her frustration with my lack of comprehension.

“I've got you, Zeke. You're the one that’s going to make this plan work.”

The first signs of a migraine are creeping in, and | can feel the pressure building in my head. Neither Ettie nor Alina had any knowledge of my deep connection with the Alpha, which extended to the protection of his son. On the other hand, Alina’s plan doesn’t explicitly involve the death of the wretched bastard, although | couldn’t help but hope for it.

“Yeah, Zeke. You're the muscle of this operation. If anyone can intimidate Victor, it’s you.” With her arms crossed, Ettie stood next to Alina, her tone filled with unmistakable disdain. “Besides, it's time you put those muscles into good use, you


The last thing | wanted was to engage in another conversation with the bitch, especially considering the disapproving expression in Alina’s eyes, indicating she shared the same sentiment towards Ettie’s tirades,

With a look of incredulity, Ettie narrowed her eyes and shot me a withering glare that sent chills down my spine. She stared at me with a contemptuous look, as if i were nothing more than dirt beneath her shoe. “Well, if you’re not willing to do what it takes, then maybe you should step aside and let someone else handle things. Alina and | can do things on our own

Awave of anger washed over me, its intensity burning through my veins like a scorching fire. | couldn’t believe she had the audacity to doubt my absolute. commitment to keeping Alina safe, | couldn’t believe she had the audacity to imply that | wasn’t willing to go to any lengths to keep her safe.

Alina was not just my mate; she was the very essence of my existence. “Okay, Ettie, that’s enough. Zeke would keep me safe no problem.”

Alina abruptly stopped speaking to her best friend and redirected her gaze towards me. Her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and | could feel the gentle pressure of her embrace. Every word she utters is laced with a strong sense of self—-assurance. “| know you can do it, Zeke. You're the strongest person | know. If anyone can handle Victor, it’s you.”

| know she’s probably just saying these things to flatter me, but | can’t help but feel a boost to my ego. With her words, | felt a rush of warmth coursing through me and a swelling of pride in my chest.

“Thanks, Alina,” | said, my voice soft. “I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” “| appreciate it, Zeke,” she said, her voice muffled against my chest. “You’re the best.”

| couldn't resist smiling at her infectious enthusiasm, and as | did, | felt a soothing sense of relief sweep over me. All the tension and anger vanished momentarily, replaced by an unwavering resolve to go to any lengths necessary to ensure Alina’s safety. While | hugged her back, | exchanged a knowing look with

Ettie, a mischievous smile tugging at my lips. With Alina oblivious, Ettie shot me a menacing glare, her eyes filled with rage. Her reaction was so amusing that | couldn’t help but chuckle, relishing in the satisfaction of knowing | had successfully. provoked her.

In just a matter of minutes, all of our belongings were carefully packed and ready to go. Along with the responsibility of bringing the weapons, Alina also entrusted me with the crucial task of carrying the first aid kit, emphasizing the importance of our safety. Ettie’s got the snacks, a decision | warned Alina against, but she has faith in her friend. Alina’s inventory is a diverse combination of various. items, as she understands the value of having a wide range of resources during difficult tines. Being prepared is always a wise decision.

The three of us filed out of the cabin, with Ettie setting the pace at the front, Alina in the center, and me bringing up the rear. With just a few steps towards the forest, Ettie’s attention shifted to us, her cheeks lightly scratched in thought. “Do you even know where to find Victor, Alina?”

In a display of concentration, Alina furrowed her brow, determined to find the answer by wracking her brain. It was a question that had been on my mind, but I

didn’t want to add to Alina’s stress.

“|... | think | used to have a map,” Her words came out slowly, her voice betraying a hint of embarrassment. “But | lost it... I... | don’t remember where Victor's hideout is anymore.”

“Oh... So where should we start looking, then?”

Alina anxiously chewed on her lip, her eyes flickering around as she desperately searched for an answer. | could see the panic rising in her chest, her breath quickening as the weight of our mission pressed down on her like a heavy burden. Without waiting for her reply, | boldly stepped forward, my voice breaking through the tension with the force of a thunderclap.

“Just follow me,” | said, my tone firm and unwavering. “I know where to find


Ettie’s eyes widened in surprise, her gaze darting back and forth between Alina and me, a look of confusion on her face. “You do?” Ettie asked, her voice laced with doubt and astonishment. “How?”

“Yeah,” My voice remained steady as | spoke. Alina’s silent gaze is fixed on me, her eyes filled with awe, causing my heart to race despite my efforts to remain composed. Her presence made me smile uncontrollably, and | leaned in for a quick kiss, causing Ettie to make a gagging noise in the background. “I’ve been keeping an eye on Victor ever since we got here.”

It was kind of the truth, if we’re being honest. The Alpha specifically requested that | keep an eye on the bastard, so | made sure to do just that. With a tight grip on her backpack straps, Alina nodded eagerly, her smile beaming at me.

“So you know where his hideout is, Victor?”

“Not exactly,” As | say the words sheepishly, Alina lets out a defeated sigh, while Ettie grins as if she has bested me. “But it's easy, trust me. Cowards like that bastard only stay in one place. Tracking him is as easy as stealing candy from a


“Don’t mention it,” With a determined tone, | gruffly ruffled her hair as | took the lead, my footsteps echoing ahead of her. | quickly glanced at Ettie, gesturing towards the direction behind Alina. “Stay in the back and keep her safe. Easy enough for ya?”

In a bold act of defiance, Ettie flipped me off, completely disregarding Alina’s watchful gaze. Alina didn’t express her anger by rolling her eyes this time, but instead, she threw her head back and let out a chuckle. Just as | began to take the lead, she couldn't resist the urge to insult us again, referring to us as idiots. Her voice carried a fond tone, causing an involuntary smile to spread across my face.

“Thank you, Zeke,” Alina said softly, her voice filled with emotion. “I don’t know what we would do without you.”

“You'll never find out, | promise.”

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