The Mate He Hates

In love with Amanda?

Alpha Edward’s POV

It’s been more than an hour since she left, but her scent lingers in the room. What’s more surprising is that she smells so different. A few weeks ago, she had this rusty, musty scent, but suddenly, she smells so fascinating. I couldn’t really place the scent, but it was alluring and fascinating.

To get more of her scent, I lay on the bed and sniff the remnants of her scent, and god, it’s turning me on. I could vividly feel my whole body reacting to it. “Fuck!” I grunted and left the bed.

Pacing around the room, I began to wonder what was actually wrong with me. Why was I acting differently towards Amanda, a lady who killed my mate? Why was I not hating her like I should? For goodness’ sake, she killed my mate! Why was I forgetting that all of a sudden? “Something doesn’t seem right,” I grumbled to myself, and just then, a knock came on my door, and through the scent, I realized it was Matthew. “Come in.” He opened the door and stepped in.

Our glances interlocked, and he frowned at me before marching forward. “Her scent is all over here, Alpha Edward. Did you still fuck my mate despite knowing she is my mate?” Matthew asked in an angered tone, and I sighed. I wondered what was happening to me.

“How could you Alpha Edward? How could you still hurt me despite knowing the truth?” He snapped at me, and I looked away with shame. I couldn’t explain my actions, I was unable to explain why I would still want her despite knowing she was Matthew’s mate.

“I told you to give me some time and that I would prove her innocence, but you still went on to have sex with her. Who does that?” Matthew yelled, and my heart throbbed. I was ashamed of myself and my actions.

“Please stay away from her,” he pleaded, but I couldn’t accept it. “I’m sorry, man, I can’t,” I argued and held Matthew’s gaze, who seemed surprised by my words.

“In case you have forgotten, she is my wife…”

“And she is my mate!” Matthew argued, and I frowned. “I can’t just let go of her, Matthew. She killed my mate, and until she is proven innocent, I can’t set her free,” I stated firmly and saw the glow of anger in Matthew’s eyes. I could see that he was so furious, and if I wasn’t his alpha, then we would have been fighting by now. Matthew sucked a deep breath and shut his eyes for a moment; it seemed like a way to stop himself from exploding in anger. I watched him control his temper for a moment before he finally opened his eyes and held my gaze.

“Are you falling in love with Amanda?” His question sent a jolt through me, making me freeze in place. Falling in love with Amanda? The thought alone is absurd, yet as I recall her scent, the way my body reacts to her presence, and the inexplicable pull I feel towards her, I can’t deny there’s something stirring within me, but I won’t accept it; it can’t be possible. “How absurd,” I gave out a bitter scoff. “I? Love Amanda? A lady who killed my mate? Impossible,” I shook my head with a scoff. Matthew stared at me with an unreadable expression on his face. “So you are telling me that you are fucking her because you hate her?” His question left me unbalanced. “Your way of making her pay is by having pleasurable sex with her?” He interrogated me, and I grunted.

“I’m not having pleasurable sex with her,” I tried defending my actions, and Matthew gave out an angry laugh. “Really?” He raised a brow at me, and I groaned. “Tell me, what type of sex are you having with her? Are you fucking her for revenge? Because it doesn’t seem like that,” he accused me, and I frowned.

“What are you trying to say?”

He scoffed and got closer to me. “Enjoy while it lasts because soon I will prove Amanda’s innocence to you, and after she is proven innocent, you will have no right over her,” he declared those words as a promise before walking out on me.

After he left, I sat on the bed and pondered his words. I couldn’t explain why he would think I was in love with Amanda. I mean, how could I be in love with her? That was ridiculous. What was he thinking? Because I was having sex with her, it meant I would love her? That was absurd. I can never love Amanda; as a matter of fact, I hate her, and I was just using her to satisfy my sexual urge, something I can do with any lady. But then I thought of it, why was I getting so pulled towards her? Perhaps it was because she was the only one I have been having sex with for the past few weeks, and it was messing with my head, making me imagine things. If that be the case, then I will have to do something about it. I can’t let her mess with my mind.

Picking up my phone, I dialed a number, and after a beep, it was picked.

“What a pleasant surprise,” Felicia spoke from the other end of the phone.

“I want you in the mansion. Don’t keep me waiting,” I said and ended the call before she could speak. Perhaps having sex with another woman would clear my head of silly thoughts.

Getting up on my feet, I got dressed in casual wear and left my room. Making my way to the sitting room, I met Levi on the stairs.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hi, cousin, you don’t look happy. Is everything okay?” He asked, but I ignored him and walked past him.

Reaching my private sitting room, I sat on one of the couches and paid my attention to the TV; they were showing a movie, and I decided to pay attention to it, at least to get my mind off the silly thoughts in my head. I focused my attention on the screen of the TV, but suddenly, I fell asleep.

“Please forgive me, Amanda!” I pleaded while trying to take a step closer to her, but she lifted her hand up in the air and stopped me. “Stay away from me, Alpha Edward. I hate you; you don’t deserve me,” she muttered with hate and anger in her eyes.

I shook my head, tears brimming in my eyes. “Please forgive me; I was wrong…”

“I can never forgive you, Alpha Edward. You don’t deserve my forgiveness…” “Amanda…” I wanted to speak, but the voice of Matthew stopped me. Turning around, I saw him walk behind me, got to where Amanda stood, and wrapped his arms around her while sealing his lips with hers.

While my heart throbbed, I watched them exchange a passionate kiss before Matthew broke the kiss and smirked at me. “I told you, she belongs to me.”

“No!” I yelled and forcefully opened my eyes.

Looking around, I realized I had fallen asleep, and what I just saw was a dream, but why does it feel so real? Something dropped on my cheek, and when I touched my cheek, I realized it was tears- tears had dropped on my cheek.

“Alpha, are you okay? I heard you scream,” a guard said to me, but I ignored him as I wondered what was happening.

“Alpha, you have a visitor. She says her name is Felicia,” he announced, and I sucked in a deep breath.

“Where is she?”

“In the waiting room.”

“Tell her I will be with her shortly.”

The guard nodded and left. For a moment, I couldn’t move from my seat. What I saw in my dream tortured me, and at the same time, it made me angry and jealous. I didn’t care much about the dream, but all I cared about was the passionate kiss Amanda shared with Matthew. She seemed to kiss him in a way she had never kissed me, and the thought of that got me so jealous and frustrated.

Grunting, I got up and made my way to the living room but met a maid on my way. “Where is Olivia?” I asked curiously.

The maid gulped and hesitated.

“Speak!” I felt something was wrong.

“She has been with Beta Matthew for the past few hours,” the maid revealed, and a surge of jealousy washed through me. I imagined what they might be doing together. Having sex? Cuddling or planning their future together?

The thought made me so jealous and frustrated. I hated the way I was feeling and realized she should also feel the same way or even worse.

“Tell Amanda to meet me in my room this minute,” I ordered the maid, who bowed and left.

Reaching the waiting room, I met Felicia seated, with a glass of juice in her hand. The moment she saw me, she flashed me a seductive smirk which I ignored.

“I will go straight to the point,” I said, not wanting any further delay. “I want to have sex with you,” I declared, and saw her seductively lick her lips.

“But in the presence of a lady.”

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