The Mate He Hates

He knows the truth

Amanda’s POV

I didn’t know what to say. I never expected him to say such to me and to say it so plainly. Despite how much I hated those words from him, I couldn’t deny the fact that those words actually had an effect on me. I felt nervous and had to gulp before looking away. His grip on my waist tightened.

“I know it’s hard for you to believe me, but that is true. I have fallen in love with you, and I can’t let you go, Amanda,” he declared once more. I frowned and freed myself from his grip.

“Enough!” I grunted. “Have you no shame, Alpha Edward? I’m your beta’s mate,” I snapped.

“But he doesn’t love you…”

I scoffed and shook my head. “And you do? You love me?” I asked with a raised brow and saw him run a hand through his hair. “Really? You love me and made me sit and watch while you fuck another woman? Is that love to you? You tortured me both emotionally and physically. Is that love to you? You sent men to kill my mother and inflicted pain on me. Is that love to you?” I questioned and saw him go silent. “Answer me, Alpha Edward. Is that what you call love?” I demanded and saw him run another hand through his hair as he shamefully looked away.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Alpha Edward. You don’t love me, but only want my body. You can’t stand your favorite sex slave leaving,” I gritted my teeth. “I’m leaving, and you have no right to keep me here,” I said before walking out on him.

I took the stairs to the living room; I wanted to go to the garden and breathe fresh air. But while descending the stairs, I met with Levi, Alpha Edward’s cousin. Hate and anger filled my entire being because of him. I recalled how he had betrayed Alpha Edward, and my hate for him increased.

“Great, I have been wanting to see you,” he stood before me and blocked my path.

A disapproving frown appeared on my face. “What do you want?” I asked with hate and disgust.

“I want you,” he smirked, which I found annoying. “Excuse me?” I said and tried walking away, but he didn’t move as he blocked my path. “I know you were the one who saved Alpha Edward four years ago,” he blurted, and my eyes widened.

“Oh yes!” He chuckled and moved closer to me. “Actually, I was also in the woods. I had followed him to apologize to him, but he had no idea that I was following him. After he got to the riverbank, I saw him stab himself, and I wished he could have died. I wished you had minded your own business and walked away like your stepsister Elisa suggested, but you didn’t; rather, you went on to save him,” he grunted with anger glowing in his eyes.

“I watched how you left to go call for help, and while I was thinking of what to do, warriors from our pack arrived and took him away,” he revealed, and my eyes widened. My mouth was left open at what I had just heard.

“When I realized they had mistaken your stepsister for you, I decided to keep quiet and allowed him to make a fool of himself. But I didn’t know it would turn out to be a tragedy, and you would be blamed for her death…” he smirked while anger rose within me.

“You knew, you knew that I was innocent, and you never said a thing,” I spat out in pain.

“Why should I? Why should I say the truth?” He scoffed and got closer to me so that I could perceive the odor of beer coming from his breath. “I wanted him to feel pain. I wanted him to think he has lost another mate while he tortures his actual mate,” he chuckled evilly while I glared at him, wondering how he could be so evil.

“I heard the truth is out, but not all the truth,” he said, and I swallowed nervously. “You still haven’t told him that you were the one who saved him in the woods. Rather, you are lying that you are Beta Matthew’s mate,” he scoffed and then leaned towards my left ear. “I can keep my mouth shut, but that will come with a price,” he whispered, and a cold chill ran down my spine. “I want to see you in my room tonight. Let’s talk about it, okay?” He moved away and smirked at me before walking away.

I stood at the spot, unable to make a move. His words hung in the air as I pondered on his words. His words sounded like a threat, and I worried he would tell Alpha Edward about it. I knew telling Alpha Edward about it would be a disaster; not only would it put Beta Matthew in trouble, but it would also spoil my plan of leaving because Alpha Edward would never let go of me.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“I need to speak with Beta Matthew,” I mumbled and went in search of him. A male servant told me he had left the mansion, and I decided it was best I waited for him.

While in the garden, I heard a car drive in, and thinking it was Beta Matthew who had returned, I left the garden to the gate and watched the car park. Two guards came out of the car, and then the back door opened, and I saw my aunt coming out of the vehicle.

“Aunt!” I called out as I ran towards her.

“Amanda,” she called in a relieved tone, and we hugged each other. “You are alive,” she exclaimed in relief, and I nodded while staying in her arms. Her embrace was the closest to what felt like mom’s. She has almost the same aura as my late mother.

Tears trickled down my cheek, and I had to pull away and hold her gaze. “Where is mother? Where was she buried?” I asked while choking on my tears.

Tears stood in Aunt’s eyes as she shook her head and glanced at me with pain in her eyes. “Your mother wasn’t buried; she was thrown away,” she announced, and my heart clenched. “After she was beheaded, the people didn’t want her to be buried. They say her body was taboo and can only be thrown away.” Aunt explained, and I fell to the ground. “No!” I yelled in pain.

A surge of agony and anger overwhelmed me as I heard those words. How could they treat my mother like that? The woman who had raised me with love and care, now discarded like garbage? It was unfathomable.

Aunt knelt beside me, trying to offer some comfort, but the pain was too deep. “It’s okay, Amanda,” she whispered, her voice filled with pain.

More tears trickled down my cheek at the thought of all that had happened to me. Firstly, I paid for a crime I never committed; my mother was killed for that exact reason. And as if that weren’t enough, they threw her body away. How could life be so unfair to me?

What is going on?” I recognized Alpha Edward’s voice behind me and turned to see him staring at me with confusion in his eyes. “You!” I gritted my teeth and made my way towards him. “Because of what you did, my mother’s corpse was thrown away. My innocent mother paid for a crime I never committed.” I spat on his face and saw remorse in his eyes. “I didn’t send those men to kill your mother,” he lied bluntly, and I groaned. “Own up to your actions, Alpha Edward. You did it.” I accused, but he shook his head and looked in Aunt’s direction.

“You must be the one who claimed to have seen all that happened?” He questioned Aunt, and she bowed before nodding. “I was with my sister when three men came to my home. They claimed you sent them, and before we could know what was happening…” Aunt paused for a second as if gathering herself for what she was about to say. “Right before me, they beheaded my sister and took her head.” She mumbled, her voice breaking. My heart clenched. How could my mother die in such a painful manner?

“If you see any of the men from that day, will you recognize them?” Alpha Edward asked, and Aunt nodded.

“Assemble all the guards here,” alpha Edward instructed the head guard, who nodded and left.

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