The Mate He Hates

Game still on

Alpha Edward’s POV

Everything in me was screaming to counter Shalom’s words, but I couldn’t. If I did, I’d be giving Amanda hope-an idea that we might end up together-and that was the last thing I wanted. I don’t deserve her. Even if it means hurting her, I’ll do it to push her away, to send her into the arms of someone better.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Really?” Amanda scoffed, her voice laced with anger.

I could feel the intensity of her rage-filled gaze on me, but I didn’t dare look her way.

“Well, suit yourself!” she yelled, her frustration boiling over as she hurled the first aid kit at me. The sound of it hitting the floor echoed as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Watching her leave made my heart clench painfully. Every instinct told me to go after her, to tell her the truth, to confess how I really felt. But I knew better. It was better that she hated me-easier for her to leave me behind.

“Ignore her, Eddy. Let me clean your wound,” Shalom muttered, moving toward the first aid kit. But I stopped her.

“That won’t be necessary anymore, Shalom. We need to talk,” I said firmly, seeing the frown that creased her face.

“Why? Don’t tell me it’s because of her…”

“Yes, it’s because of her-and also what you said. What did you mean when you said you could have me if you wanted to?” I questioned, watching her frown deepen.

“Come on, I was just taunting her. It was nothing,” Shalom defended herself, but I knew her too well. I knew how long she had been in love with me, even before I met my first mate.

“And besides, you don’t want her, so why all this fuss?” she challenged, but I remained silent, focusing on getting dressed.

“Fine, you might as well tell me to leave if I’m not welcome here,” she spat before storming out of the room.

After she left, I stood there, not knowing what to do. A part of me knew I was messing up, but this was the only way to make Amanda leave me. After everything I’ve done to her, I can’t let her end up with me-a crippled man.

The door to my room opened, and Levi stepped in, a victorious smile playing on his face.

“Hello, dear cousin,” he grinned as he approached. “Amanda is back,” he said, causing my frown to deepen as I glared at him.

“Get out!” I demanded, hearing him scoff in response.

“Of course, I will, but I’m here to let you know that my game is still on. And this time, it won’t be one month like I promised. It’ll be just two days. Give me two days, and I’ll have Amanda in my arms,” he stated firmly, his certainty unsettling me.

“Just two days,” he repeated before leaving my room. All I could do was stare at him, anger bubbling inside me. I hated Levi’s guts, but I couldn’t deny the fact that he seemed so sure about winning Amanda. As much as I wanted her to hate me and be with someone else, it couldn’t be Levi. I can’t let her be with him, and I must do everything within my power to stop it.

I stayed in the room all day, avoiding everyone until it was time for dinner. Despite not having an appetite, I knew it was wise to go. When I reached the dining table, everyone was already seated, including Levi, who sat beside Amanda. Our gazes met, and he flashed me a victorious grin before looking away. Ignoring the ache in my chest at seeing them together, I took my seat.

“Godfather,” Liam called out to me, and I managed a smile back at him. As we began eating, Liam kept talking to me, and I responded, but my eyes would always drift back to Amanda and Levi, who were engrossed in their conversation. They were so absorbed in each other that Amanda never looked my way, not even once.

“So we’re leaving tomorrow, right?” Amanda’s voice directed the question to Levi, and my brow furrowed.

“Yes, the festival starts tomorrow evening, so we should leave in the morning. It’s just a three-hour flight,” Levi announced, and my frown deepened.

“Where are you going?” I asked Amanda, but she ignored me as if I weren’t even there.

“Amanda? Where are you going?” I demanded again, my voice more forceful this time. She sighed, finally looking in my direction for the first time.

“There’s a shifting ceremony happening in the Peculiar Pack, and Levi is going. I decided to tag along with him.”

“No,” I cut her off abruptly. “You are not going with him.”

Amanda’s eyes flashed with anger, and she slammed her fork down on the table. “What did you just say?” Her voice was low but dangerous.

“You heard me. You’re not going with Levi,” I repeated, my tone leaving no room for argument.

“And why the hell not?” she challenged, her voice rising as she pushed her chair back, standing up to glare at me. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Edward. Not anymore!”

I met her gaze, my heart pounding in my chest. “Because I said so, Amanda. It’s for your own good.”

“For my own good?” she scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “The only person who’s ever hurt me is you, Edward. So don’t you dare try to pretend you care about what’s good for me now.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but she cut me off.

“I’m going, and you can’t stop me. I’ll go with whomever I want, whenever I want. And if that happens to be Levi, then so be it!” she declared, her voice shaking with the force of her emotions.

Before I could say anything else, Amanda turned on her heel and stormed out of the dining room, leaving me to stare after her, my heart heavy with regret and frustration.

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